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宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会(SANE) [schedule] [select]
専門委員長 灘井 章嗣 (NICT)
副委員長 山田 寛喜 (新潟大), 田中 真 (東海大)
幹事 秋田 学 (電通大), 網嶋 武 (三菱電機)
幹事補佐 夏秋 嶺 (東大), 山梨 正人 (三菱スペース・ソフトウエア), 二ッ森 俊一 (電子航法研)

日時 2019年10月31日(木) 08:30 - 16:20
2019年11月 1日(金) 10:00 - 15:40
議題 ICSANE2019 
会場名 Ara Convention Hall, Ara campus, 済州大学校(http://www.jejunu.ac.kr/eng/about/map/directions) 
他の共催 ◆IEEE AES Society Japan Chapter共催

  08:30-09:00 Registration starts at 8:30 ( 30分 )
10月31日(木)   Opening Ceremony
座長: Shunichi Futatsumori(ENRI)
09:00 - 09:20
  09:00-09:10 Welcome Remarks:Hiroshi Yamada(Niigata Univ.) ( 10分 )
  09:10-09:20 Welcome Remarks:Chang-Hwan Kim (Chair of KAGIS, Kangwon Natl. Univ.) ( 10分 )
10月31日(木)   Various technologies
座長: Manabu Akita(UEC)
09:20 - 10:40
(1) 09:20-09:40 A Linearization Method of Non-linear Communication Paths based on A Complex Model SANE2019-46 Osamu IchiyoshiHNB21C
(2) 09:40-10:00 Interference source tracking using triple geostationary satellites and two ground stations for the space radio monitoring SANE2019-47 Takeshi AmishimaRyuhei TakahashiMitsubishi Electric Corp.
(3) 10:00-10:20 Investigation of a Spaceport in Japan using CARATS Open Data SANE2019-48 Makoto TanakaTokai Univ.
(4) 10:20-10:40 [ショートペーパー]Introduction of KOSMS for Real-time Ocean Surveillance and Monitoring SANE2019-49 Chan-Su YangSeungryong KimKIOST
  10:40-11:00 Break ( 20分 )
10月31日(木)   Sensors
座長: Takeshi Amishima(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
11:00 - 12:40
(5) 11:00-11:20 Measurement of Angular Velocity Vector of Rotating Sports Ball using Doppler Radar SANE2019-50 Isao MatsushimaSatoshi KouyaMitsuya MotohashiDenki Univ.
(6) 11:20-11:40 Experimental Study on Human Position Estimation by Passive Radar Using Wireless LAN SANE2019-51 Tatsuya OgawaMasanori GochoHiroyoshi YamadaNiigata Univ.
(7) 11:40-12:00 Coastal Activity Risk Assessment using Aviation Images and Hyperspectral Images SANE2019-52 Ho-Kun JeonChan-Su YangKIOST
(8) 12:00-12:20 Estimation on Optimal Escape Route of Human at Tidal Flat Based on Sedimentary from Aerial Image SANE2019-53 Dae-Woon ShinOST)・Chan-Su YangTae-Ho KimKIOST
(9) 12:20-12:40 Estimation of Ship Velocity from Multispectral Satellite Image SANE2019-54 Tae-Ho KimJeongJu BaeChan-Su YangKIOST
  12:40-14:00 Lunch Break ( 80分 )
10月31日(木)   SAR and its related technologies(1)
座長: Tae-Ho Kim(KIOST)
14:00 - 15:00
(10) 14:00-14:20 Small displacement detection by 24GHz FM-CW SAR using Khatri-Rao product virtual array SANE2019-55 Toshifumi MoriyamaKohei YamadaKensuke SasakiNagasaki Univ.
(11) 14:20-14:40 Operational System for Ship Detection and Identification Using SAR and AIS for Ships of Illegal Oil Discharge SANE2019-56 Noriyoshi MizukoshiIJS)・Tsuyoshi WatanabeKazuo OuchiIHI
(12) 14:40-15:00 Estimating moving angle of a ship in PiSAR-2 images by MA-ATI SAR SANE2019-57 Takero YoshidaTokyo Univ.)・Kazuo OuchiChan-Su YangKIOST
  15:00-15:20 Break ( 20分 )
10月31日(木)   SAR and its related technologies(2)
座長: Takero Yoshida(Tokyo Univ.)
15:20 - 16:20
(13) 15:20-15:40 Imaging Performance Improvement of Millimeter Wave SAR for Concealed Weapon Detection by Multi-static Observations SANE2019-58 Koki HommaHiroyoshi YamadaRyoichi SatoNiigata Univ.)・Hiroki MoriToshiba
(14) 15:40-16:00 [ショートペーパー]Performance Evaluation of Ship Detection Using Sentinel-1 IW Data SANE2019-59 Seungryong KimChan-Su YangKIOST
(15) 16:00-16:20 Practical Approach for Noise Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images SANE2019-60 Ju-han ParkChan-Su YangKIOST
  18:30-20:30 Banquet at Maison Glad Jeju at 6:30 pm ( 120分 )
11月1日(金)   Polarimetry and Classfication(1)
座長: Toshifumi Moriyama(Nagasaki Univ.)
10:00 - 11:20
(16) 10:00-10:20 Experimental study on grasping seasonal change in paddy rice growth using quad-polarimetric SAR data SANE2019-62 Takuya HashimotoRyoichi SatoYoshio YamaguchiHiroyoshi YamadaNiigata Univ.
(17) 10:20-10:40 Study on Land Use Classification of PolSAR Data by Using Convolutional Neural Network SANE2019-63 Nanako SaitoMasanori GochoHiroyoshi YamadaRyoichi SatoYoshio YamaguchiNiigata Univ.
(18) 10:40-11:00 Aircraft Image Classification using Perceptual Hashing SANE2019-64 Riku NoguchiMakoto TanakaTokai Univ.
(19) 11:00-11:20 Sea Fog Classification from GOCI Images using CNN Transfer Learning Models SANE2019-65 Ho-Kun JeonJonathan EdwinSeungryong KimChan-Su YangKIOST
  11:20-12:40 Lunch Break ( 80分 )
11月1日(金)   Theory and Experiment for Electromagnetic wave(1)
座長: Hiroshi Yamada(Niigata Univ.)
12:40 - 13:40
(20) 12:40-13:00 Effects of the Lunar Nodal Precession on the Imaging Performance of the Moon-based Synthetic Aperture Radar SANE2019-66 Zhen XuKun-shan ChenGuang LiuRADI,CAS
(21) 13:00-13:20 Demonstration results of Aircraft access to SWIM by experimental aircraft SANE2019-67 Kazuyuki MoriokaXiaodong LuJunichi NaganawaShusaku EgamiNorihiko MiyazakiNaruto YonemotoYasuto SumiyaAkiko KohmuraENRI
(22) 13:20-13:40 Electromagnetic Field Strength Evaluations at 4 GHz Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication Band Using Experimental Aircraft
-- Measurements Assuming WAIC Transmitters Installed Inside and Outside of Beechcraft B300 Aircraft --
Shunichi FutatsumoriKazuyuki MoriokaNorihiko MiyazakiENRI)・Tetsuya SekiguchiTakashi HikageToshio NojimaHokkaido Univ.
  13:40-14:00 Break ( 20分 )
11月1日(金)   Theory and Experiment for Electromagnetic wave(2)
座長: Zhen Xu(RADI,CAS)
14:00 - 15:00
(23) 14:00-14:20 Depolarization of Scattering From a Spatially Anisotropic Rough Surface With Inhomogeneous Dielectric Profile SANE2019-69 Ying YangGLUT)・Kun-Shan ChenGuofei ShangZhao-Liang LiHebei GEO Univ.
(24) 14:20-14:40 Retrieval of Soil Dielectric Profile By CNN from Fully Bistatic Radar Scattering Ying YangKun-Shan ChenGuo-Qing ZhouTao YueGuilin Univ. of Technology
(25) 14:40-15:00 Measurement of Millimeter-wave Propagation and Scattering from Vegetation Canopy Chiung-Shen Ku1Dan-Dan YaoKun-Shan ChenZhao-Liang LiGen-Yuan DuXuchang Univ.
11月1日(金)   Closing Ceremony
座長: Takeshi Amishima(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
15:00 - 15:40
  15:00-15:20 YSA Award Ceremony: Makoto Tanaka(Tokai Univ.) ( 20分 )
  15:20-15:30 Closing Rearks: Makoto Tanaka(Tokai Univ.) ( 10分 )
  15:30-15:40 Closing Rearks: Chang-Hwan Kim (Chair of KAGIS, Kangwon Natl. Univ.) ( 10分 )

Scattering Vector Parameterization for Rank-1 Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Imagery SANE2019-61 Junjun YinUSTB)・Jian YangTsinghua Univ.

一般講演発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

SANE 宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会(SANE)   [今後の予定はこちら]
問合先 秋田 学(電通大)
TEL: 042-443-5171
E--mail: abuc

網嶋 武(三菱電機)
TEL: 0467-41-2062
E--mail: ATaakMibiElectc 

Last modified: 2019-11-07 10:09:28

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