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Technical Committee on Communication Quality (CQ) [schedule] [select]
Chair Hideyuki Shimonishi (NEC)
Vice Chair Jun Okamoto (NTT), Takefumi Hiraguri (Nippon Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary Kenko Ota (Nippon Inst. of Tech.), Tomotaka Kimura (Doshisha Univ.), Hiroaki Yamanaka (NICT)
Assistant Chikara Sasaki (KDDI Research), Yoshiaki Nishikawa (NEC), Takuto Kimura (NTT)

Conference Date Wed, Sep 4, 2019 13:00 - 16:55
Thu, Sep 5, 2019 10:00 - 14:00
Topics The 3rd Communication Quality Student Workshop 
Conference Place  
Address 1987-1, Shimoyugi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, 192-0372 Japan.
Transportation Guide

Wed, Sep 4 PM  Opening Remarks
13:00 - 13:10
  - Opening Remarks
Wed, Sep 4 PM  Student Invited Talk 1
13:10 - 13:40
(1) 13:10-13:40 [Invited Talk]
Application of deep learning to communication system
Ryotaro Taniguchi, Kentaro Nishimori, Tsuyoshi Ohta (Niigata Univ.), Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT)
  13:40-13:50 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Sep 4 PM  CQ Poster Presentation 1
13:50 - 14:50
(2) 13:50-14:50 [Poster Presentation]
A study of feature extraction in machine learning for image recognition of fruits and flowers
Eisuke Fukuyama, Yuki Hoshino, Gakuto Komazawa, Takuya Shindo, Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT)
(3) 13:50-14:50 [Poster Presentation]
A Study of Drones Communication with LOS-MIMO Transmission and 66 GHz Band
Naoki Matsumura, Kentaro Nishimori, Ryotaro Taniguchi (Niigata Univ.), Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT), Takashi Tomura, Jiro Hirokawa (Tokyo Tech)
(4) 13:50-14:50 [Poster Presentation]
Study on Performance Improvement Method for Radio Tomographic Imaging Based on Mobile Terminals
Kento Fukuda, Takahiro Matsuda (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Fumie oon (NICT), Shinsuke Hara (Osaka City Univ.), Fumihide Kojima, Ryu Miura (NICT)
(5) 13:50-14:50 [Poster Presentation]
An Evaluation of Influence Maximization Algorithms based on Diffusion Cascades using Retweet Logs on Twitter
Takuya Nagase, Sho Tsugawa (Univ.Tsukuba)
(6) 13:50-14:50 [Poster Presentation]
Parformance Evaluation of an RSS Map Estimation Scheme Using Graph Laplacian
Shotaro Omote, Takahiro Matsuda (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Fumie Ono (NICT), Shinsuke Hara (Osaka City Univ.), Fumihide Kojima, Ryu Miura (NICT)
(7) 13:50-14:50 [Poster Presentation]
Study on DoA estimation with virtual array using drone.
Shun Takase, Kentaro Nishimori, Akinori Kudo, Ryuki Maruyama (Niigata Univ.), Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT.)
  14:50-15:00 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Sep 4 PM  CQ Poster Presentation 2
15:00 - 16:00
(8) 15:00-16:00 [Poster Presentation]
Evaluation of Relay Performance using Drone and MU-MIMO
Shun Dohi, Naoki Matsumura, Kentaro Nishimori, Ryotaro Taniguchi (Niigata Univ.), Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT)
(9) 15:00-16:00 [Poster Presentation]
Effects of different wavelengths of LED light on mini tomatoes growth
Gakuto Komazawa, Takuya Sindo, Eisuke Fukuyama, Yuki Hoshino, Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT)
(10) 15:00-16:00 [Poster Presentation]
Estimation of QoE Function in WLAN to Optimize the Position of Autonomous Moving Access Point
Yuki Hayashi (Waseda Univ.), Kyoko Yamori (Asahi Univ.), Yoshiaki Tanaka (Waseda Univ.)
(11) 15:00-16:00 [Poster Presentation]
Study on Massive MIMO Using Antenna Selective BD Algorithm
Hiroki Sato, Kentaro Nishimori, Yuki Yaku (Niigata Univ.)
(12) 15:00-16:00 [Poster Presentation]
Network Congestion for Throughput Suppression Control with Multiple Routes
JUn Kiyama, Takuya Shindo, Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT)
(13) 15:00-16:00 [Poster Presentation]
Estimation of Received Signal Strength Using Compressed Sensing in Ground-to-Air Wireless Communication
Taira Inoue, Takahiro Matsuda (TMU), Fumie Ono (NICT), Shinsuke Hara (OCU), Ryu Miura, Fumihide Kojima (NICT)
  16:00-16:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Sep 4 PM  Research Institute Introduction
16:10 - 16:55
(14) 16:10-16:55 Research Institute Introduction
NEC, Fujitsu, NICT
Thu, Sep 5 AM  Student Invited Talk 2
10:00 - 10:30
(15) 10:00-10:30 [Invited Talk]
Application of Massive MIMO Technology to Drone Network and Study on Communication Scheme
Isamu Shitara, Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT)
  10:30-10:40 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Sep 5 AM  CQ Poster Presentation 3
10:40 - 11:40
(16) 10:40-11:40 [Poster Presentation]
Propagation environmental control using high speed pattern switching and blind algorithm
Sota Takahashi, Kentaro Nishimori, Issei Watanabe, Ryotaro Taniguchi (Niigata Univ.), Tomoki Murakami (NTT)
(17) 10:40-11:40 [Poster Presentation]
Optimal communication routes selection scheme in drone networks
yuya noha, takefumi hirai, Isamu shitara (NIT), Nobuyuki shiraki (iwate.univ)
(18) 10:40-11:40 [Poster Presentation]
Throughput Performance Evaluation of Massive MIMO with Linear Pre-coding Algorithm in LTE
Yuki Yaku, Kentaro Nishimori (Niigata Univ.)
(19) 10:40-11:40 [Poster Presentation]
A Study on QoE Based Multicast Transmission Rate Control using SVC in Wireless LAN In background traffic of real environments
Hirofumi Iida, Isamu Shitara, Takuya Shindo, Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT)
(20) 10:40-11:40 [Poster Presentation]
Application of Radio Tomographic Imaging Using Mobile Nodes to Target Localization
Asei Suzuki, Kento Fukuda, Takahiro Matsuda (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Fumie Ono (NICT), Shinsuke Hara (Osaka City Univ.), Fumihide Kojima, Ryu Miura (NICT)
(21) 10:40-11:40 [Poster Presentation]
The estimation method of SNR and Doppler frequency by convolutional neural network using spectrogram
Shun Kojima, Kazuki Maruta, Chang-Jun Ahn (Chiba Univ.)
  11:40-12:50 Break ( 70 min. )
Thu, Sep 5 PM  CQ Poster Presentation 4
12:50 - 13:50
(22) 12:50-13:50 [Poster Presentation]
A Study of QoE Estimation method by Machine Learning
Hiroto Kurosawa, Takuya Shindo, Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT)
(23) 12:50-13:50 [Poster Presentation]
Characterization of Hierarchical VANET Communication on Merging Traffic
Mitsuhiro Nakamura (Waseda Univ.), Taku Yamazaki (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.), Ryo Yamamoto (UEC), Takumi Miyoshi (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.), Yoshiaki Tanaka (Waseda Univ.)
(24) 12:50-13:50 [Poster Presentation]
Prediction Model for Path Loss in Millimetre Band using Machine-Learning
Tsuyoshi Ohta, Kentaro Nishimori, Ryotaro Taniguchi (Niigata Univ.)
(25) 12:50-13:50 [Poster Presentation]
Traffic Volume Estimation Using Graph Laplacian in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks
Masato Hoshi, Takahiro matsuda (Tokyo Metro Univ)
(26) 12:50-13:50 [Poster Presentation]
Consideration of communication efficiency by difference of Massive MIMO's configuration
Riku Okada, Kentaro NIshimori, Akinori Kudo, Ryuki Mruyama (Niigata Univ), Takehumi Hiraguri (NIT.)
Thu, Sep 5 PM  Closing Remarks
13:50 - 14:00
  - Closing Remarks

Announcement for Speakers
Poster PresentationEach speech will have 60 minutes for presentation.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
CQ Technical Committee on Communication Quality (CQ)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Kenko Ota (Nippon Inst. of Tech.)
Hiroaki Yamanaka (NICT)
Tomotaka Kimura (Doshisha Univ.)
E--mail: cq_-n 
Announcement Latest information will be presented on the homepage:

Last modified: 2019-08-09 12:14:16

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