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衛星通信研究会(SAT) [schedule] [select]
専門委員長 辻 宏之 (NICT)
副委員長 筋誡 久 (NHK), 山下 史洋 (NTT)
幹事 柴山 大樹 (NTT), 高橋 卓 (NICT)

日時 2018年10月11日(木) 13:00 - 17:50
2018年10月12日(金) 09:00 - 16:00
議題 衛星通信技術及び一般 
会場名 韓国航空宇宙研究院 
住所 169-84, Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-Gu Daejeon, 34133, KOREA
交通案内 https://www.kari.re.kr/eng/sub01_05.do

10月11日(木) 午後 
13:00 - 13:30
  13:00-13:10 Welcome Address by Dr. Ki-keun Kim(ADD and President of KOSST) ( 10分 )
  13:10-13:20 Congratulatory Address by Dr. Hiroyuki Tsuji (NICT) ( 10分 )
  13:20-13:30 Intermission and preparation for sessions ( 10分 )
10月11日(木) 午後  Advanced technology(I)
座長: Takashi Takahashi(NICT), Myung-jin Baek(KARI)
13:30 - 15:35
(1) 13:30-13:55 Signal processing technique for compensating mems gyroscope bias drift
Hyun-Wook Jo (ADD)
(2) 13:55-14:20 Signal Space Theory and Applications to Communications
-- Communication is recovery of the original vector in the signal space --
Osamu IchiyoshiHNB21C
(3) 14:20-14:45 [特別講演]Overcoming Extreme Space Environments Using On-board Processing (OBP) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
Jihwan Choi (DGIST)
(4) 14:45-15:10 UAV-enabled Opportunistic Relaying Schemes Based on Non-orthogonal Multiple Access in Correlated Rician Fading Channels SAT2018-51 Young-bin KimKosuke YamazakiKDDI Research
(5) 15:10-15:35 Performance Evaluations of MUSIC Algorithm for Direction of Arrival Estimation
Jung-Bin Kim, Cheon Sig Sin (ETRI)
  15:35-15:45 休憩 ( 10分 )
10月11日(木) 午後  Satellite/RF components
座長: Masaaki Kojima(NHK), Woo Hyung Je (ADD)
15:45 - 17:50
(6) 15:45-16:10 Ka-band Down-Converter using on Radiation Hardened BiCMOS Frequency Synthesizer for Next generation Payload
Dong-pil Jang, In-bok Yeom (ETRI)
(7) 16:10-16:35 Flat Beamforming Antenna Units Expandable to Sub-Arrays
Heejun Park, Changhyeong Lee, Gwang-gyun Namgoong, Jinyoung Kwon, Sungtek Kahng(NIU)
(8) 16:35-17:00 Analysis of Orbital Interference Considering Characteristics of Elliptical Antenna
Huikyu Lee (ADD)
(9) 17:00-17:25 Design of Spectrum Efficient Single Carrier Modulation System for Satellite Communication
Jun-Gu Lee, Heung-Gyoon Ryu(CNU), Sang Burm Ryu, Sang Gyu Lee(KARI)
(10) 17:25-17:50 Simple design of splash plate feed antenna for suppressed cross polarization pattern
Byung-Chul Park (ADD)
10月12日(金) 午前  Satellite systems(I)
座長: Fumihiro Yamashita(NTT), Byoung-sun Lee(ETRI)
09:00 - 10:25
(11) 09:00-09:25 A synchronization method for DVB-S2x super-frame receivers based on beam-hopping satellite transmission
Jong-gyu Oh (ETRI)
(12) 09:25-09:50 Received signal analysis of SPace based AIS Experiment 2nd (SPAISE2) in the Sea around Japan (Part 4) SAT2018-52 Daichi HiraharaShuji ShimizuJunichiro IshizawaShinichi SobueSatoko MiuraShinichi SuzukiJAXA
(13) 09:50-10:15 Power Efficient DWT-OFDM system for satellite communications
Jun-Gu Lee, Heung-Gyoon Ryu(CNU), Sang Burm Ryu, Sang Gyu Lee(KARI)
  10:15-10:25 休憩 ( 10分 )
10月12日(金) 午前  Advanced technologies(II)
座長: Jae-sag Cha(seoultech), In-bok Yeom(ETRI)
10:25 - 12:05
(14) 10:25-10:50 Activity of R&D and In-Orbit Verification by Engineering Test Satellite 9 on Communications Technology of Next Generation HTS SAT2018-56 Amane MiuraTakashi TakahashiEihisa MorikawaNaoko YoshimuraToshihiro KubookaHiroyuki TsujiMorio ToyoshimaNICT
(15) 10:50-11:15 A Study of Doppler Drift Effect on Frequency Offset Compensation using 2-Phase Characteristic of Modulated Beacon from Satellite
Chulhee Choi  (ADD)
(16) 11:15-11:40 Development of Optical Satellite Communication System SAT2018-55 Toshihiro Kubo-olaHiroo KunimoriYoshisada KoyamaKoichi SHiratamaKenji SuzukiYasushi MunemasaHIdeki TakenakaKolev DimitarCarrasco Casado AlbertoTrinh PhucMorio ToyoshimaNICT
(17) 11:40-12:05 The Measurement and Analysis of Multipath for KASS Uplink Station Site Selection
Jong Moon Lee(ETRI)
  12:05-12:55 Lunch ( 50分 )
10月12日(金) 午後  Satellite Broadcasting
座長: Hiroyuki Tsuji(NICT), Do-soon Hwang(KARI)
12:55 - 14:20
(18) 12:55-13:20 [特別講演]Overview of 8K UHDTV Satellite Broadcasting SAT2018-53 Hisashi SujikaiYoichi SuzukiMasaaki KojimaNHK
(19) 13:20-13:45 Quality Evaluation of Video Streaming Services in Next-generation Satellite Networks with Maximal Ratio Combining
Kyu-Hwan Lee (ADD)
(20) 13:45-14:10 Performance Comparison of Digital Pre-Distortion Techniques over Satellite Channel SAT2018-54 Masaaki KojimaYuki KoizumiYoichi SuzukiHisashi SujikaiNHK
  14:10-14:20 休憩 ( 10分 )
10月12日(金) 午後  Satellite systems(II)
座長: Hisashi Sujikai(NHK), Ho-jin Lee(ETRI)
14:20 - 16:00
(21) 14:20-14:45 [特別講演]衛星を用いた新しいビジネスの展望 SAT2018-48 名古屋 翼内山 浩スカパーJSAT
(22) 14:45-15:10 Design of TCR System considering Secure Operation of MILSATCOM
Minkang Moon(ADD)
(23) 15:10-15:35 [特別講演]Development of remote island/disaster-relief satellite communication systems SAT2018-50 Fumihiro YamashitaHiroki ShibayamaNTT
(24) 15:35-16:00 Developing MODIS Satellite-Signal Receivers
Youngbo Sakong(SOLETOP)
  16:00-16:10 announcement ( 10分 )
  16:10-17:10 technical tour ( 60分 )

一般講演発表 20 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

SAT 衛星通信研究会(SAT)   [今後の予定はこちら]
問合先 SAT研究会幹事:t_-c
高橋 卓(NICT)

Last modified: 2018-10-07 10:56:39

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