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Technical Committee on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Shigeru Ozeki (ENRI)
Vice Chair Shin'ichi Hama (LASCOM)
Secretary Toshio Wakayama (Mitsubishi Electric), Masanobu Yajima (JAXA)
Assistant Atsushi Tomiki (JAXA), Akitsugu Nadai (NICT)

Conference Date Fri, May 18, 2012 10:40 - 16:10
Topics Remote sensing, Electronic warfare technology and general 
Conference Place National Defense Academy of Japan 
Address 1-10-20, Hashirimizu, Yokosuka-shi, 239-6868 Japan.
Transportation Guide
Prof. Kazuo Ouchi
046-841-3810 (Ext.3768)
Sponsors This conference is co-organized by IEEE GRS, AOC Japan Chapter EW technical committee.
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)

Fri, May 18 AM 
10:40 - 13:00
(1) 10:40-11:05 The Track Extraction Method of Low Observable Targets for a HPRF Airborne Radar SANE2012-11 Yasushi Obata, Satoshi Kageme, Hiroshi Kameda (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
(2) 11:05-11:30 SAR MTI Algorithm That Simultaneously Suppresses Azimuth Ambiguities and Its Performance Estimation SANE2012-12 Kei Suwa, Toshio Wakayama, Atsushi Okamura (Mitsubishi Electric)
(3) 11:30-11:55 Development of 3D Imaging LADAR using linear array receiver, and demonstration of long range, high resolution, and real-time 3D imaging SANE2012-13 Nobuki Kotake, Shumpei Kameyama, Masaharu Imaki, Hidenobu Tsuji, Akihito Hirai, Mikio Takabayashi, Yoshihito Hirano (MELCO)
  11:55-13:00 Lunch Break ( 65 min. )
Fri, May 18 PM 
13:00 - 16:10
(4) 13:00-13:50 [Special Talk]
History of AOC Japan Chapter SANE2012-14
Shigeo Kazama (SOGO)
(5) 13:50-14:15 Electronic Warfare and Electronic Technology for it:A view from Defense Science and Technology SANE2012-15 Masaaki Kobayashi (Mitsubishi Electric)
(6) 14:15-14:40 Experimental evaluations with polarimetric information for remote sensing using GPS signals reflected on soil surface SANE2012-16 Ryuta Kato, Hikaru Egawa (Tokyo Univ.), Hirobumi Saito, Seisuke Fukuda (JAXA)
  14:40-14:55 Break ( 15 min. )
(7) 14:55-15:20 Intensity Distribution of Backscattering from Ocean Surface observed by Pi-SAR SANE2012-17 Akitsugu Nadai, Toshihiko Umehara, Makoto Satake, Tatsuharu Kobayashi, Jyunpei Uemoto, Seiho Uratsuka (NICT)
(8) 15:20-15:45 Three-Component Power Decomposition for Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Adaptive Volume Scattering Model SANE2012-18 Yi Cui, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Sang-Eun Park, Gulab Singh (Niigata Univ.)
(9) 15:45-16:10 Polarimetric SAR Change Detection of Earthquake/Tsunami Disaster SANE2012-19 Sang-Eun Park, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Hirokazu Kobayashi (Niigata Univ.)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Special TalkEach speech will have 45 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
SANE Technical Committee on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Toshio Wakayama (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
TEL +81-467-41-2523, FAX +81-467-41-2419
E--mail: WaTooabMibiElectc

Masanobu Yajima (JAXA)
TEL +81-50-3362-7573
E--mail: bujaxa 

Last modified: 2012-04-20 21:19:08

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