Chair |
Hideyuki Shimonishi (NEC) |
Vice Chair |
Jun Okamoto (NTT), Takefumi Hiraguri (Nippon Inst. of Tech.) |
Secretary |
Tomotaka Kimura (Doshisha Univ.), Hiroaki Yamanaka (NICT), Hirantha Abeysekera (NTT) |
Assistant |
Yoshiaki Nishikawa (NEC), Takuto Kimura (NTT), Ryoichi Kataoka (KDDI Research) |
Conference Date |
Thu, Sep 3, 2020 10:30 - 16:20
Fri, Sep 4, 2020 10:30 - 16:20 |
Topics |
Machine Learning in Wireless Communication, AI, 6G/Beyond 5G, LPWA, Drone Network, Communications in Extreme Environments, Wireless Networks, QoS and QoE in Wireless Communication, Wireless Resource Allocation, Wireless Transmission Quality, Cross layer Technology, Ad-hoc Network, IoT/M2M, Wireless, etc. |
Conference Place |
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Registration Fee |
This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on CQ. |
Thu, Sep 3 AM 10:30 - 12:10 |
(1) |
10:30-10:55 |
Analysis of Content Availability at Network Failure in Information-Centric Networking CQ2020-34 |
Ryo Nakamura, Noriaki Kamiyama (Fukuoka Univ.) |
(2) |
10:55-11:20 |
Wireless Sensor Networks Construction Support Application
-- Optimal Relay Node Installation -- CQ2020-35 |
Etsushi Oda, Koki Kawauchi, Toshihiko Hamasaki (HIT) |
(3) |
11:20-11:45 |
The Effect of Scale-Free Structure of Network on Autonomous Decentralized Allocation Control of Content Replicas CQ2020-36 |
Toshitaka Kashimoto, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Univ.) |
(4) |
11:45-12:10 |
Study on the Effectivity of Rendezvous Search Using Random Walk in Large-Scale Unknown Networks CQ2020-37 |
Fumiya Toyoda, Yusuke Sakumoto, Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Univ.) |
12:10-13:30 |
Lunch ( 80 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 3 PM 13:30 - 14:45 |
(5) |
13:30-13:55 |
Development of a crop monitoring system using edge computing CQ2020-38 |
Yilong Chen, Celimuge Wu, Tsutomu Yoshinaga (UEC) |
(6) |
13:55-14:20 |
Resource Sharing Framework Based on Users' Utility for Heterogeneous Network Services CQ2020-39 |
Haruo Oishi (Waseda Univ.), Kyoko Yamori (Asahi Univ.), Cheng Zhang (Ibaraki Univ.), Yoshiaki Tanaka (Waseda Univ.) |
(7) |
14:20-14:45 |
Automatic Ground Clutter Identification Technique based on Neural Networks CQ2020-40 |
Yoshimasa Kimoto, Tomomi Aoki, Keiichi Yamaguchi, Gomi Koichiro (TOSHIBA), Yamada Akiko, Wada Masakazu (TISS) |
14:45-15:00 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 3 PM 15:00 - 16:20 |
(8) |
15:00-15:40 |
[Invited Talk]
Precise Satellite Positioning and Its Application for Motorcycle Sensing CQ2020-41 |
Tomoya Kitani (Shizuoka Univ.) |
(9) |
15:40-16:20 |
[Special Invited Talk]
Vibrational agricultural technology
-- Toward the development of technologies for pest management and cultivation using vibrations -- CQ2020-42 |
Takuma Takanashi (FFPRI), Takayuki Sekine, Takaho Oe (MPAHRC), Takuji Koike (UEC) |
Fri, Sep 4 AM 10:30 - 12:10 |
(10) |
10:30-10:55 |
(11) |
10:55-11:20 |
(12) |
11:20-11:45 |
(13) |
11:45-12:10 |
12:10-13:30 |
Lunch ( 80 min. ) |
Fri, Sep 4 PM 13:30 - 14:45 |
(14) |
13:30-13:55 |
(15) |
13:55-14:20 |
(16) |
14:20-14:45 |
14:45-15:00 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Fri, Sep 4 PM 15:00 - 16:20 |
(17) |
15:00-15:40 |
[Invited Talk]
Approach to human movements and emotions using biometric information CQ2020-43 |
Kenko Ota (NIT) |
(18) |
15:40-16:20 |
[Invited Talk]
User Association and Beamforming in Sub6GHz/mmWave Integrated Networks: a Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework CQ2020-44 |
Megumi Kaneko, Thi Ha Ly Dinh (NII), Keisuke Wakao, Kenichi Kawamura, Takatsune Moriyama, Hirantha Abeysekera, Yasushi Takatori (NTT) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Invited Talk | Each speech will have 35 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Special Invited Talk | Each speech will have 35 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
CQ |
Technical Committee on Communication Quality (CQ) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Hiroaki Yamanaka (NICT)
Tomotaka Kimura (Doshisha Univ.)
Hirantha Abeysekera (NTT)
E- : cq_ - n   |
Announcement |
Latest information will be presented on the homepage:
http://www.ieice.org/cs/cq/jpn/ |
Last modified: 2020-08-31 18:56:50