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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
RCS 2013-04-19
Okinawa Ishigaki City Hall (Okinawa) A Distributed Cooperative MIMO Secondary Transceivers Design for Overlay Cognitive Radio Systems
Bassant Abdelhamid, Osamu Muta (Kyushu Univ.), Maha Elsabrouty (EJUST Univ.), Masoud Alghoniemy (Alexandria Univ.), Salwa Elramly (Ain Shams Univ.), Hiroshi Furukawa (Kyushu Univ.) RCS2013-14
Overlay cognitive radio system permits an unlicensed, secondary, user (SU) to transmit own data simultaneously with the ... [more] RCS2013-14
SIP, CAS, CS 2013-03-15
Yamagata Keio Univ. Tsuruoka Campus (Yamagata) (Yamagata) Joint Optimization Design for Multiple Underlay MIMO CognitiveTransceiver with Channel Uncertainty
Bassant Abdelhamid (Kyushu Univ.), Maha Elsabrouty (EJUST Univ.), Masoud Alghoniemy (Univ. of Alexandria), Salwa Elramly (Ain Shams Univ.), Osamu Muta, Hiroshi Furukawa (Kyushu Univ.) CAS2012-137 SIP2012-168 CS2012-143
Underlay cognitive Radio (CR) permits an unlicensed secondary users to transmit over the licensed spectrum unless the in... [more] CAS2012-137 SIP2012-168 CS2012-143
SIP, RCS 2013-02-01
Hiroshima Viewport-Kure-Hotel (Kure) (Hiroshima) Joint Optimization Design for Underlay Cognitive Transceiver with Channel Uncertainty
Bassant Abdelhamid (Kyushu Univ.), Maha Elsabrouty (EJUST Univ.), Masoud Alghoniemy (Univ. of Alexandria/EJUST Univ.), Salwa Elramly (Ain Shams Univ.), Osamu Muta, Hiroshi Furukawa (Kyushu Univ.) SIP2012-111 RCS2012-268
Underlay cognitive radio allows simultaneous primary and secondary
transmissions over the same band given that the sec... [more]
SIP2012-111 RCS2012-268
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