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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SANE 2013-07-26
Tokyo Electric Navigation Research Institute (Tokyo) Experiment of Regional Navigation by Using QZS/GEO Signal Simulator
Hideki Yamada (TUMST), Seigo Fujita (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Shinji Saitoh, Takeyasu Sakai, Ken Ito (ENRI) SANE2013-39
QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) is a Japanese satellite navigation program with a regional service coverage. The or... [more] SANE2013-39
SANE 2013-01-25
Nagasaki Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum (Nagasaki) GLS Flight Evaluation by B787 at KIX
Shinji Saitoh (ENRI), Seigo Fujita (Mitsubishi Electric), Sonosuke Fukushima, Yasuhiro Yama (ENRI), Takenobu Nagai, Naoki Fujiwara (ANA), Nobumichi Akagi, Hirohisa Takahama (JAL) SANE2012-148
Electronic Navigation Research Institute (ENRI) has been conducting research and development about Ground-Based Augmenta... [more] SANE2012-148
SANE 2012-01-26
Nagasaki Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum (Nagasaki) Evaluation of Basic Performance of GBAS Prototype Using Multi-Mode Receiver
Shinji Saitoh, Seigo Fujita, Sonosuke Fukushima (ENRI) SANE2011-144
Electronic Navigation Research Institute (ENRI) has been conducting research and development about Ground-Based Augmenta... [more] SANE2011-144
SANE 2012-01-26
Nagasaki Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum (Nagasaki) Evaluation of Height Loss Model during Missed Approach by using B737-700 Flight Simulator
Seigo Fujita, Masahiro Ito, Sonosuke Fukushima, Yasuhiro Yama (ENRI), Noboru Takeichi (Nagoya Univ.), Takenori Nagai (ANA), Yoshinobu Nakanishi (NTT Data i) SANE2011-145
 [more] SANE2011-145
SANE 2010-01-29
Nagasaki Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum (Nagasaki) Study on Obstacle Clearance Criteria for GBAS Precision Approaches
Seigo Fujita, Masahiro Kudo, Sonosuke Fukushima, Naoki Fujii (ENRI) SANE2009-153
 [more] SANE2009-153
SANE 2009-08-28
Kanagawa JAXA Sagamihara campus (Kanagawa) Ranging Accuracy Assessment of Galileo Signals
Seigo Fujita, Naoki Fujii, Minoru Ito (ENRI) SANE2009-57
In Europe, an original satellite navigation system named Galileo is being developed aiming at the complete operation by ... [more] SANE2009-57
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