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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
CCS 2018-11-22
Hyogo Kobe Univ. (Hyogo) Has the arrowhead market achieved the efficient market ?
Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki (Meiji Univ.), Masanori Yamanaka (Nihon Univ.) CCS2018-38
We are trying to reveal the nature of price fluctuation of the 2nd stage arrowhead market, by using the whole transactio... [more] CCS2018-38
NLP, CCS 2018-06-10
Kyoto Kyoto Terrsa (Kyoto) Statistical Distribution of Sub-second Price Fluctuations in the 2nd-stage Arrowhead Market
Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki (Meiji Univ.), Masanori Yamanaka (Nihon Univ.), Yumihiko S. Ikura (Meiji Univ.) NLP2018-48 CCS2018-21
In order to investigate the nature of price fluctuation in the arrowhead market, we have analyzed price time series take... [more] NLP2018-48 CCS2018-21
CCS, NLP 2016-06-13
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Statistical Distribution of the Price Fluctuations in the Arrowhead Market -- Levy Distribution Reconsidered --
Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki (ISM) NLP2016-24 CCS2016-7
The arrowhead system is a trading system within a millisecond, which was launched in January 2010 at Tokyo Stock Exchang... [more] NLP2016-24 CCS2016-7
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