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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NS 2016-05-20
Kanagawa Yokohama-shi kyouikukaikan (Kanagawa) Rice Cultivation Support System Equipped with Water Level Sensor
Yuta Kawakami, Takashi Furuta, Hideto Nakagawa, Taichi Kitamura, Kiyokazu Kurosawa, Kazuma Kogami, Naoto Tajino, Mikiko Sode Tanaka (KIT) NS2016-22
In Japan, aging of farmers has progressed. We must leave the wisdom of farmers to posterity to protect the safety of eat... [more] NS2016-22
ASN 2016-05-13
Tokyo   (Tokyo) Development of agricultural support system for rice paddy field equipped with short-range wireless communication system
Kiyokazu Kurosawa, Takashi Furuta, Hideto Nakagawa, Taichi Kitamura, Yuta Kawakami, Kazuma Kogami, Mikko Sode Tanaka (KIT) ASN2016-14
esearch of rice cultivation management utilizing a field server has been widely made [1, 2, 3]. Fujitsu “akisai” [1] is ... [more] ASN2016-14
ASN 2015-11-05
Tokyo NICT Koganei HQ (Tokyo) Development of field server equipped with near field communication camera system
Hideto Nakagawa, Taichi Kitamura, Takashi Furuta, Keiko Matsumoto, Mikiko Sode Tanaka (KIT) ASN2015-59
Currently, research on cultivation management on the basic data of the temperature, humidity or the like by using a fiel... [more] ASN2015-59
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