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Technical Committee on Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics (SITE)  (Searched in: 2005)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2005-07-21 to:2005-07-21'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 67  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University A Proposal of Worm Detection System by Taking a Statistics of Series of Packets to Honeypot
Maki Kataoka, Yumiko Ishige (NTT Data Corporation), Nobutaka Mantani, Humiharu Ohashi (National Police Agency)
A worm detection system tells us when an unknown worm occurs as well as its attributes. In the proposed system, traffic ... [more] ISEC2005-9 SITE2005-7
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University A Study on Implementation of the Worm Prevention System Following the Infection Process
Shusuke Maeda, Tatsuya Baba, Hisamichi Ohtani, Masataka Kado, Tsutomu Inada (NTT DATA)
The network incidents caused by Internet worms are increasing every year. Infection of worms that exploit the vulnerabil... [more] ISEC2005-10 SITE2005-8
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University A Study on a Method for Malware Quarantine in a Multi-OS Environment
Tatsuya Baba, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Masataka Kado, Tsutomu Inada (NTT Data)
Recently, infections of malware such as Internet worms and spyware are becoming a serious problem. To prevent damage fro... [more] ISEC2005-11 SITE2005-9
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University A Consideration of Spyware Detection using Traffic Analysis
Akira Yonahara, Hisamichi Ohtani, Tatsuya Baba, Tsutomu Inada (NTT DATA)
Currently, the damage of the spyware has expanded rapidly. However, countermeasures of spyware have not spread, because ... [more] ISEC2005-12 SITE2005-10
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Evaluation of the quarantine system using "in the wild" viruses
Osamu Tanaka, Katsuya Uchida (IISEC)
Computer virus such as CodeRed comes to widen infection on a large scale in a short time after 2001. The damage of such ... [more] ISEC2005-13 SITE2005-11
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University A Note of Intrusion Detection using Alteration of Data
Fumiaki Nagano, Kohei Tatara (Kyushu Univ.), Toshihiro Tabata (Okayama Univ), Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu Univ.)
These days, Attacks which alter data in memory illegally are one of the most serious security threats.Although a lot of ... [more] ISEC2005-14 SITE2005-12
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Comparison of Error Probabilities of The Miller-Rabin Test by Experimental Measurement Value and Theoretical Upper Bound
Toshiya Nakajima (Fujitsu Labs.)
We compare theoretical upper bounds of error probability of the Miller--Rabin test(probability that a strong probable pr... [more] ISEC2005-15 SITE2005-13
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University On Security of Superelliptic Curves and Cab Curves Based Cryptosystems against GHS Weil Descent Attack
Tsutomu Iijima, Mahoro Shimura, Jinhui Chao (Chuo Univ.), Shigeo Tsujii (IISEC)
 [more] ISEC2005-16 SITE2005-14
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Performance of Prime Order Elliptic Curve Generation based on y-twist
Mayumi Obara, Yasuyuki Nogami, Yoshitaka Morikawa (Okayama Univ.)
This paper proposes a new twist technique and then shows some necessary conditions for prime order curves in the form $y... [more] ISEC2005-17 SITE2005-15
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Defeating Simple Power Analysis on Koblitz Curves
Katsuyuki Okeya (Hitachi), Tsuyoshi Takagi (Future Univ. of Hakodate), Camille Vuillaume (Hitachi)
Koblitz curves belong to a special class of binary curves on which the scalar multiplication can be computed very effici... [more] ISEC2005-18 SITE2005-16
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Development of DPA evaluation platform for 32 bit processor
Koichi Fujisaki, Hideo Shimizu, Atsushi Shimbo (Toshiba Corp.)
 [more] ISEC2005-19 SITE2005-17
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Researches on Incident Tendency Detection Method on Frequency Analysis
Hirofumi Nakakoji, Masato Terada, Kenichi Sakamoto (Hitachi)
It may have the periodic character in the virus, worm and unauthorized access, which form a threat on a network accordin... [more] ISEC2005-20 SITE2005-18
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Study on Host Profiling for Incident Analysis
Kazuya Ohkouchi (NICT/HITACHI), Kenji Rikitake (NICT), Koji Nakao (NICT/KDDI)
 [more] ISEC2005-21 SITE2005-19
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University A Simulation-based UDP Traffic Analysis of DNSSEC
Kenji Rikitake (NICT), Koji Nakao (NICT/KDDI), Shinji Shimojo (Osaka Univ.), Hiroki Nogawa (Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.)
DNSSEC, an authentication method of DNS (Domain Name System), increases
the payload length of DNS answer datagrams by a... [more]
ISEC2005-22 SITE2005-20
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Research on Epidemiologic Approach for Anti Computer Viruses - 2 -- Applying to the model of anti mass-mailing virus measure --
Satoshi Seki (Waseda Univ.), Ryoichi Sasaki (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Mitsuru Iwamura (Waseda Univ.), Hiroshi Motosugi (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
 [more] ISEC2005-23 SITE2005-21
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Extension and Evaluation of Check Function for Improper Sending of Personal Information in Encrypted Mail System
Kenji Yasu (TDU), Yasuhiko Akabane (NSD), Masami Ozaki (HIN), Koji Semoto (DCS), Ryoichi Sasaki (TDU)
 [more] ISEC2005-24 SITE2005-22
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Guardian watch support system for the children's Web access
Tatsumi Ueda, Yoshiaki Takai (Hokkaido Univ.)
 [more] ISEC2005-25 SITE2005-23
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University *
Keiko Kinoshita, Yasuhiro Inazumi, Hirotsugu Kinoshita (Kanagawa Univ.),
 [more] ISEC2005-26 SITE2005-24
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Systematizing of Information Forensics
Kouichi Mukouyama, Katsuya Uchida (IISEC)
 [more] ISEC2005-27 SITE2005-25
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE 2005-07-21
Iwate Iwate Prefectural University Consideration about intellectual property rights in university graduation thesis and production created by students
Ryoju Hamada (Tohoku Univ.), Norihisa Segawa, Yuko Murayama (Iwate-pu)
 [more] ISEC2005-28 SITE2005-26
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