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Technical Committee on Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics (SITE)  (Searched in: 2016)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2017-03-03 to:2017-03-03'

[Go to Official SITE Homepage (Japanese)] 
Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 21 - 25 of 25 [Previous]  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IA, SITE, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2017-03-04
Okinawa Culture Resort Festone (Okinawa) Design framework of wide area/distributed services
Tomohisa Aoshima, Kenichi Yoshida (U.Tsukuba) SITE2016-80 IA2016-110
 [more] SITE2016-80 IA2016-110
IA, SITE, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2017-03-04
Okinawa Culture Resort Festone (Okinawa) A Study on ID/Locator Resolution System Using 1-Hop Notifications on Skip Delaunay Network
Masaaki Ohnishi, Kazuyuki Shudo (Tokyo Tech Univ.) SITE2016-81 IA2016-111
(To be available after the conference date) [more] SITE2016-81 IA2016-111
IA, SITE, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2017-03-04
Okinawa Culture Resort Festone (Okinawa) A Study on ID/Locator Resolution System Using 1-Hop Notifications on Skip Delaunay Network
Yusuke Aoki, Masaaki Ohnishi, Kazuyuki Shudo (Tokyo Tech) SITE2016-82 IA2016-112
Structured overlays enable a number of nodes to construct an application-level network autonomously and to search data.... [more] SITE2016-82 IA2016-112
IA, SITE, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2017-03-04
Okinawa Culture Resort Festone (Okinawa) Speeding Up of Response to a Multi-query Using Data Replication Based on Relationship in Structured Overlay Network
Yusuke Koizumi, Kohei Watabe, Kenji Nakagawa (Nagaoka Univ. of Technology) SITE2016-83 IA2016-113
 [more] SITE2016-83 IA2016-113
IA, SITE, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2017-03-04
Okinawa Culture Resort Festone (Okinawa) Disaster-Resilient Dynamic Controller Placement in SDN
Victor Torres da Costa (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Katsuyoshi Iida (Hokkaido Univ.), Toyokazu Akiyama (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) SITE2016-84 IA2016-114
In Software-Defined Networking (SDN), the control plane is constituted by a logically
centralized controller. This cent... [more]
SITE2016-84 IA2016-114
 Results 21 - 25 of 25 [Previous]  /   
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