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Technical Committee on Network Systems (NS)  (Searched in: 2005)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2005-05-26 to:2005-05-26'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 14 of 14  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NS 2005-05-26
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Tree Construction for Secession of User in Application-level Multicast
Yasuhiro Ueki, Takeshi Sano (Osaka Univ.), Miki Yamamoto (Kansai Univ.)
In Application-level Multicast, end-hosts which have interests on receiving multicast data construct overlay network and... [more] NS2005-24
NS 2005-05-26
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY A Proposal of Multi-content Integrated Network for P2P Services
Shingo Makimura, Takumi Miyoshi (Shibaura Inst. Tech.)
Conventional P2P networks construct independent logical networks
at each service. The construction of the common logi... [more]
NS 2005-05-26
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY A Study of high-reliability P2P content sharing system on adaptive collaboration environment
Mikio Maeda, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Hiroshi Sunaga (NTT)
 [more] NS2005-26
NS 2005-05-26
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Correction and Detection of illegal behaviour in ubiquitous content community
Yuki Yokohata, Hiroshi Sunaga, Hiroyuki Nakamura (NTT)
This paper describes methods for restraining illegal behaviour in a ubiquitous P2P content exchange community. Although ... [more] NS2005-27
NS 2005-05-26
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY An Implementation of ID Management Mechanism with Privacy Protection for Secure Service Platform
Ryu Watanabe, Ayumu Kubota, Toshiaki Tanaka (KDDI Labs)
Recently, the number of the problems, such as the cheat action on net auction or the leakage of personal information fro... [more] NS2005-28
NS 2005-05-26
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY A Unified Resource Switching using SIP/SIMPLE Method for Real-time Communications
Naoki Imai, Manabu Isomura, Hiroki Horiuchi (KDDI R&D Labs.)
 [more] NS2005-29
NS 2005-05-26
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Presence Information Dissemination Policy Based on Context
Masafumi Watanabe, Naoko Ito (NEC)
In a presence service, in case of publishing presence information, statuses which should not be notified vary according ... [more] NS2005-30
NS 2005-05-26
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Context Extrapolation Method utilizing Diverse RFID Tags and Sensors
Hirokazu Takatama (NEC)
In this paper, we proposed a Context Extrapolation Method for presence services. This method gathers information from di... [more] NS2005-31
NS 2005-05-27
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY An InfiniBand based high-performance PC-cluster stream server architecture
Tsuyoshi Ogura, Hiroyuki Kimiyama, Takeshi Kugimoto, Tetsuo Kawano, Kenji Shimizu, Mitsuru Maruyama (NTT)
We propose a high-performance and cost-effective PC-cluster-based video stream server architecture that uses InfiniBand ... [more] NS2005-32
NS 2005-05-27
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY DNS for Internet Express Net
Takahiko Yamada, Kazuhiro Kikuta (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
 [more] NS2005-33
NS 2005-05-27
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Fast handover scheme for Network Mobility in IPv6
Lei Li (SOKENDAI), Shunji Abe (NII)
 [more] NS2005-34
NS 2005-05-27
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Network Architecture Realizing Feedback Loop System for Remote Control
Naotoshi Adachi (NAIST), Shoji Kasahara (Kyoto Univ.), Kenji Sugimoto, Masuhiro Nitta (NAIST)
Remote control is considered as an attractive application to be realized
over the Internet. The remote control requires... [more]
NS 2005-05-27
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Experimental Comparison of File Transfer Protocols FTP and TFTP in Wireless Multihop Networks
Hiroyuki Iizuka, Yuichiro Ezure, Tetsuya Ito (NEC Communication System,Ltd.), Jun Hasegawa, Satoko Itaya, Akio Hasegawa, Peter Davis (ATR)
We performed the first evaluations of FTP and TFTP on a large indoor multi-hop network. We showed that FTP has large var... [more] NS2005-36
NS 2005-05-27
Nara NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Improvement of a High-speed Method for Calculating Worst-case Link Delays in EDD Connection Admission Control Scheme
Ryuusuke Miyake, Tokumi Yokohira (Okayama Univ.)
In order to calculate the worst-case link delays in the EDD (Earliest Due
Date) connection admission control scheme, a... [more]
 Results 1 - 14 of 14  /   
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