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Technical Committee on Optical Communication Systems (OCS)  (Searched in: 2009)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2009-10-22 to:2009-10-22'

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 21 - 40 of 41 [Previous]  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-22
Fukuoka   Investigation of Improvement of Wavelength Switching Performance using a SOA-DISC-Type Wavelength Converter with MZDI Phase Offset and BPF Detuning
Masatoshi Namiki, Takayoshi Mori, Hiroyuki Uenohara, Kohroh Kobayashi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) OCS2009-61 OPE2009-127 LQE2009-86
Nowadays the Internet traffic is increasing rapidly, and much attention has been paid to optical packet switches due to ... [more] OCS2009-61 OPE2009-127 LQE2009-86
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Extension of Wavelength Range of Wavelength-Selective All-Optical Switch by A Single Optical Control Light
Hiroki Kishikawa, Kenta Kimiya, Nobuo Goto, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya (Univ. of Tokushima) OCS2009-62 OPE2009-128 LQE2009-87
Wavelength-selective all-optical switching becomes a key technology for realizing high-speed broadband photonic networks... [more] OCS2009-62 OPE2009-128 LQE2009-87
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Cherenkov phase-matched wideband terahertz-wave generation using lithium niobate waveguide structure
Koji Suizu, Takayuki Shibuya, Kaoru Koketsu, Kodo Kawase (Nagoya Univ.) OCS2009-63 OPE2009-129 LQE2009-88
Difference frequency generated terahertz-wave with Cherenkov phase matching using Lithium Niobate waveguide structure wa... [more] OCS2009-63 OPE2009-129 LQE2009-88
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   High Extinction Ratio LiNbO3 MZ modulator with active Y-branch
Yoshihiro Ogiso, Yuta Tsuchiya (Waseda Univ.), Satoshi Shinada, Shinya Nakajima, Tetsuya Kawanishi (NICT), Hirochika Nakajima (Waseda Univ.) OCS2009-64 OPE2009-130 LQE2009-89
We have fabricated a high extinction ratio (50 dB) LiNbO3 MZ modulator with active Y-branch which characteristics are eq... [more] OCS2009-64 OPE2009-130 LQE2009-89
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Experimental Demonstration of All-Optical Flip-Flop Based on Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Bistable Laser Diode
Koji Takeda, Mitsuru Takenaka, Takuo Tanemura, Masaru Zaitsu, Yoshiaki Nakano (Univ. of Tokyo.) OCS2009-65 OPE2009-131 LQE2009-90
We fabricate and demonstrate all-optical flip-flop operation of novel Mach-Zehnder bistable laser diode. The device is b... [more] OCS2009-65 OPE2009-131 LQE2009-90
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Vertical Directional Coupler Made of Amorphous Silicon Waveguides
Youichi Sakakibara, Toshihiro Kamei, Emiko Itoga, Makoto Okano, Kenji Kintaka, Yuya Shoji, Masahiko Mori (AIST) OCS2009-66 OPE2009-132 LQE2009-91
With repeated depositions of amorphous silicon thin layers three-dimensional optical wiring is possible in principle. In... [more] OCS2009-66 OPE2009-132 LQE2009-91
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Design theory of double high-mesa wire waveguide for infrared optical absorption spectroscopy
Alam Intekhab, Kiichi Hamamoto (Kyushu Univ.) OCS2009-67 OPE2009-133 LQE2009-92
High mesa wire waveguide is attractive as it offers a capability of gas/liquid sensing due to its optical field, which p... [more] OCS2009-67 OPE2009-133 LQE2009-92
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Fabrication of Tunable Optical Dispersion Compensator Using Arrayed-Waveguide Grating and Integrated Multiple Resin Lenses
Yuichiro Ikuma (Keio Univ.), Hiroshi Takahashi, Seiji Fukushima (NTT), Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) OCS2009-68 OPE2009-134 LQE2009-93
We fabricated a tunable optical dispersion compensator using integrated resin lenses in an arrayed-waveguide grating. It... [more] OCS2009-68 OPE2009-134 LQE2009-93
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Waveguide Optical Isolator with TiO2/Magnetic Garnet Guiding Layer Employing Nonreciprocal Phase Shift
Tomoya Yokota, Hideki Yokoi (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.), Norihiko Tazawa, Tetsuya Mizumoto (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) OCS2009-69 OPE2009-135 LQE2009-94
A nonreciprocal phase shift occurs in TM modes that travel in magneto-optic waveguides in which magnetization is aligned... [more] OCS2009-69 OPE2009-135 LQE2009-94
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Fabrication of TCO thin film for solar cells
Minoru Oshima, Kenji Yoshino (Univ. of Miyazaki) OCS2009-70 OPE2009-136 LQE2009-95
 [more] OCS2009-70 OPE2009-136 LQE2009-95
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Fiber-optic coherence-multiplexing experiment with 10-Gsymbol/s BPSK and QPSK signals using spectrum-sliced ASE
Moriya Nakamura, Yukiyoshi Kamio, Tetsuya Miyazaki (NICT) OCS2009-71 OPE2009-137 LQE2009-96
Fiber-optic coherence multiplexing of 10-Gsymbol/s BPSK and QPSK signals was experimentally demonstrated for the first t... [more] OCS2009-71 OPE2009-137 LQE2009-96
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Signal Waveform Distortion in RZ-DPSK Optical Fiber Transmission and its Alleviation with Dispersion Compensation -- Comparison with RZ-OOK --
Kenta Oba, Shigeru Saito (Ritsumeikan Univ.) OCS2009-72 OPE2009-138 LQE2009-97
This paper numerically evaluates waveform distortion and resulting eye opening penalty of RZ-DPSK signals in long-distan... [more] OCS2009-72 OPE2009-138 LQE2009-97
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Crosstalk induced Phase-to-Intensity Noise Conversion and its Probability Density Function in Photonic Networks
Yoshihiro Onishi, Mayumi Abe (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Yoshiaki Yamaguchi (Nippon Inst. of Tech.), Takayuki Yoshino (Tokyo Denki Univ.) OCS2009-73 OPE2009-139 LQE2009-98
The goal of this project is to investigate receiver performance of a photonic network corrupted by crosstalk beams. In t... [more] OCS2009-73 OPE2009-139 LQE2009-98
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Phase Chain of Phase-Locked Multi-carriers Synchronizing to Optical Frequency Comb Reference spaced at 25GHz
Takuzi Sudaki, Akira Mizutori, Masafumi Koga (Oita Univ.) OCS2009-74 OPE2009-140 LQE2009-99
This paper proposed an optical phase chain technique for multiple phase-locked multi-carriers that synchronized to optic... [more] OCS2009-74 OPE2009-140 LQE2009-99
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Reduction of Bandwidth and Four-Wave-Mixing in FDM Lightwave Transmission Systems by Frequency Allocation with Overlapped Dual Base Units
Toru Nakamura, Takahiro Numai (Ritsumeikan Univ.) OCS2009-75 OPE2009-141 LQE2009-100
To reduce a bandwidth and four-wave mixing (FWM) in long-haul frequency-division-multiplexing (FDM) lightwave transmissi... [more] OCS2009-75 OPE2009-141 LQE2009-100
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Reduction of Four-Wave-Mixing in FDM Lightwave Transmission Systems by Asymmetric Repeated Unequally Spaced Frequency Allocations
Takuya Tamo, Takahiro Numai (Ritsumeikan Univ.) OCS2009-76 OPE2009-142 LQE2009-101
To reduce four-wave-mixing (FWM) in long-haul frequency division multiplexing lightwave transmission systems, asymmetric... [more] OCS2009-76 OPE2009-142 LQE2009-101
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Low Power 10Gbit/s Transceiver -- SFP+ER --
Satoshi Motohiro, Norimichi Shibuya, Genki Yasuda, Noriko Sasada, Masahiro Hirai, Hideyuki Serizawa, Tomoaki Shimotsu (Opnext Japan) OCS2009-77 OPE2009-143 LQE2009-102
Opnext Japan, Inc developed SFP+ER. This 10G bit/s Optical Transceiver is 40 km SFP+ with uncooled EA-DFB. The power con... [more] OCS2009-77 OPE2009-143 LQE2009-102
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   Full C-Band 40-Gbit/s DPSK modulation using InP n-p-i-n Mach-Zehnder Modulator Monolithically Integrated with SOA
Nobuhiro Kikuchi, Yasuo Shibata, Takako Yasui, Hiroyuki Ishii, Tomonari Sato, Yoshihiro Kawaguchi, Fumiyoshi Kano (NTT Corp.) OCS2009-78 OPE2009-144 LQE2009-103
 [more] OCS2009-78 OPE2009-144 LQE2009-103
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   First Uncooled (25 to 85 degree) operation of 43-Gbps Light Source Based on InGaAlAs EA/DFB Laser Technology
Hiroaki Hayashi, Shigeki Makino, Takeshi Kitatani, Takashi Shiota, Kazunori Shinoda, Shigehisa Tanaka, Masahiro Aoki (Hitachi Ltd.), Noriko Sasada, Kazuhiko Naoe (Opnext Japan Inc.) OCS2009-79 OPE2009-145 LQE2009-104
 [more] OCS2009-79 OPE2009-145 LQE2009-104
OPE, LQE, OCS 2009-10-23
Fukuoka   High-power RF InGaAs/InP p-i-n PD
Shigetaka Itakura, Kiyohide Sakai, Eitaro Ishimura, Masaharu Nakaji, Toshitaka Aoyagi, Yoshihito Hirano (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) OCS2009-80 OPE2009-146 LQE2009-105
We proposed a high-power RF InGaAs/InP p-i-n photodiode (PD) with a non-absorbing drift region for RF photonic links, an... [more] OCS2009-80 OPE2009-146 LQE2009-105
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