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Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding (PRMU)  (Searched in: 2013)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2013-06-10 to:2013-06-10'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 15 of 15  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PRMU 2013-06-10
Tokyo   Detection of Lung nodules on temporal subtraction based on non-rigid image registration and development of software for image viewer
Yuriko Ikeda (Yoshikawa Kogyo), Takumi Tokisa, Shinya Maeda, Hyoungseop Kim, Joo Kooi Tan, Seiji Ishikawa (KIT) PRMU2013-19
A temporal subtraction technique that is subtracted from previous image to current one is introduced as powerful tools i... [more] PRMU2013-19
PRMU 2013-06-10
Tokyo   Topic Models Taking into Account Burstiness of Local Features in Video
Yang Xie, Koji Eguchi (Kobe Univ.) PRMU2013-20
In this paper we propose a topic model, Corr-DCMLDA, which can integrate visual words and the corresponding speech trans... [more] PRMU2013-20
PRMU 2013-06-10
Tokyo   Motion Perception affected by Color Combination of Snake Illusion.
Kaori Hongo, Satoru Morita (Yamaguchi Univ.) PRMU2013-21
 [more] PRMU2013-21
PRMU 2013-06-10
Tokyo   [Invited Talk] Protection and Utilization of Privacy Information Given by Sensing
Noboru Babaguchi (Osaka Univ.) PRMU2013-22
The growing deployment of surveillance cameras and social network services has caused a privacy problem of information ... [more] PRMU2013-22
PRMU 2013-06-10
Tokyo   Document Image Tracking using Layout Feature
Atsunori Moteki, Genta Suzuki, Taichi Murase, Takahiro Matsuda (Fujitsu Labs.) PRMU2013-23
We propose a tracking method that is suitable for Augmented Reality-based interfaces, which enable interaction between a... [more] PRMU2013-23
PRMU 2013-06-10
Tokyo   Defining a pairwise similarity measure based on linearity -- Application to line extraction from distorted image --
Hideitsu Hino (Univ. Tsukuba), Jun Fujiki (Fukuoka Univ.), Shotaro Akaho (AIST), Yoshihiko Mochizuki, Noboru Murata (Waseda Univ.) PRMU2013-24
Data clustering is a fundamental technique in many fields of information processing including image analysis. The result... [more] PRMU2013-24
PRMU 2013-06-10
Tokyo   The study of identifying people method by using tablet sensors
Akihiro Katagiri, Tomoyuki Kato, Ryuta Nakagawa, Katsumasa Nagahama, Keiji Shimada (AsahiKASEI) PRMU2013-25
We considered the method of identifying people by using tablet sensors. We focused the features the people lift a tablet... [more] PRMU2013-25
PRMU 2013-06-11
Tokyo   Camera Identification in Scaled Images Based on Sensor Pattern Noises
Yuya Ito, Yoichi Tomioka, Hitoshi Kitazawa (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.) PRMU2013-26
 [more] PRMU2013-26
PRMU 2013-06-11
Tokyo   A Privacy Protection Method Based on Moving Object Masking for Illimination Change from Surveillance Video
Hikaru Murakami, Yoichi Tomioka, Hitoshi Kitazawa (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.) PRMU2013-27
 [more] PRMU2013-27
PRMU 2013-06-11
Tokyo   Estimating Aspects of Interest via Eye Movements
Kei Shimonishi, Hiroaki Kawashima, Ryo Yonetani, Takashi Matsuyama (Kyoto Univ) PRMU2013-28
The goal of this research is to estimate latent interests of users from their eye movements when they look at contents o... [more] PRMU2013-28
PRMU 2013-06-11
Tokyo   [Special Talk] First Person Vision by Wearable Camera
Masahiko Tsukamoto (Kobe Univ.)
PRMU 2013-06-11
Tokyo   Recovering 3-D gaze scan path and scene structure from inside-out camera
Yuto Goto, Masamitsu Tsuchiya, Hironobu Fujiyoshi (Chubu Univ.) PRMU2013-29
First-Person Vision (FPV) is a wearable sensor that takes images from a user's visual eld and interprets them, with ava... [more] PRMU2013-29
PRMU 2013-06-11
Tokyo   Motion recognition by Time-space Continuous Dynamic Programming Using a Sequence Model of Object Independent Pixels
Yuki Nitsuma, Syunpei Torii, Yuichi Yaguchi, Ryuichi Oka (Univ Aizu) PRMU2013-30
In the matching method called time-space continuous dynamic programming (TSCDP) for
recognizing motions, a reference p... [more]
PRMU 2013-06-11
Tokyo   Spotting Recognition of Motions from a Video Captured by a Moving camera
Syunpei Torii, Yuki Nitsuma, Yuichi Yaguchi, Ryuichi Oka (Univ Aizu) PRMU2013-31
In the technology of first person vision, recognition of human motions is an important function as well as recognition o... [more] PRMU2013-31
PRMU 2013-06-11
Tokyo   Criterion for image stitching based on the intensity distribution and entropy
Kenta Matsui, Kazuaki Kondo, Takahiro Koizumi, Yuichi Nakamura (Kyoto Univ.) PRMU2013-32
In this paper, we propose a criteria of image stitching to acquire larger panoramic images from first person view videos... [more] PRMU2013-32
 Results 1 - 15 of 15  /   
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