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Technical Committee on Software Science (SS)  (Searched in: 2009)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2009-08-06 to:2009-08-06'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology A Structure Analysis Method for Programs with Recursive Calls
Masanori Ohdan (Shimane Univ.), Tadamasa Satou SS2009-12
The recursive structure is one of the programming concept hand to master. It provides compact and neat programs, while i... [more] SS2009-12
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology A Prototype Implementation of Reverse-Engineering Toolkit: Remics
Toshihiro Kamiya (AIST) SS2009-13
This paper briefly introduces the current status of a toolkit named Remics. This toolkit aims that software developers m... [more] SS2009-13
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Formalization of AST Conversion for Applying CASE Tools to Other Programming Languages.
Isamu Hasegawa (Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.), Katsuhiko Gondow (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) SS2009-14
Development of parsers are increased according to the increase of the demand of CASE tools, in recent years. However, ev... [more] SS2009-14
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Archface: An Interface Mechanism for Bridging a Gap between Architectural Design and Implementation
Jun Nomura, Naoyasu Ubayashi (Kyushu Institute of Technology) SS2009-15
 [more] SS2009-15
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Incremental Feature Location Using Dynamic Slicing
Katsuyuki Sekine, Teruyoshi Zenmyo, Shinpei Hayashi, Motoshi Saeki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) SS2009-16
To understand the behavior of a feature in the software maintenance process, identifying the location in which the featu... [more] SS2009-16
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Software Classification According to their Functionality based on Used Classes
Tomoyoshi Ushimado, Akito Monden (NAIST), Haruaki Tamada (Kyoto Sangyo Univ), Ken-ichi Matsumoto (NAIST) SS2009-17
In software development, to implement given functional specifications, developers generally use class files from well-kn... [more] SS2009-17
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Verification for the Real-time Network Systems with the Probabilistic Model Checker and its Comparision with the Network Simulator NS-2
Akihiko Ito, Takeshi Nagaoka, Kozo Okano, Shinji Kusumoto (Osaka Univ.) SS2009-18
 [more] SS2009-18
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Rodin Plugin to Link Event-B with SPIN
Thomas Muller, Shin Nakajima (NII) SS2009-19
 [more] SS2009-19
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology On Formalizing Behavioral Aspects of Reflective Computation
Takuo Watanabe (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) SS2009-20
Computational reflection is essential to construct highly flexible and/or adaptable systems in the sense that it provide... [more] SS2009-20
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology A study on cost-effective software configuration management for the maintenance of system
Yuji Sakata, Shinji Iwasaki, Shuichiro Yamamoto (NTT Data Corp.) SS2009-21
On software maintenance phase, the configuration management of the system is essential activity. This paper proposes the... [more] SS2009-21
SS 2009-08-06
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Requirements Validation Criteria and Method based on Actors Interaction
Noboru Hattori (NTT DATA/Wakayama Univ.), Shuichiro Yamamoto (NTT DATA), Tsuneo Ajisaka (Wakayama Univ.), Tsuyoshi Kitani (NTT DATA) SS2009-22
We propose requirement validation criteria and method based on the interaction between actors in the information system.... [more] SS2009-22
SS 2009-08-07
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Automatic Generation of Access Control Command from Information Flow Specification
Yoshimasa Morita, Yoshiaki Takata (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Hiroyuki Seki (NAIST) SS2009-23
Stack inspection is an access control mechanism that prevents untrusted modules from accessing important resources. In t... [more] SS2009-23
SS 2009-08-07
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Automating Equivalence Partitioning in Test Case Generation with a Computer Algebra System
Satoshi Hattori (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) SS2009-24
We try to use a computer algebra system Mathematica as a test case generation system. In this paper, we deal with black-... [more] SS2009-24
SS 2009-08-07
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Guidelines and Anti-Patterns for Feature Modeling to Predesign Software Architecture
Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kenji Hisazumi, Akira Fukuda (Kyushu Univ.) SS2009-25
 [more] SS2009-25
SS 2009-08-07
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Discrimination of Unsuitable Estimation Project in Estimation by Analogy
Tetsuaki Nakamura, Takeshi Kakimoto, Shinji Kusumoto (Osaka Univ.) SS2009-26
 [more] SS2009-26
SS 2009-08-07
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology Metrics to Validate Software Maintenance Process using Bug Tracking System
Kyohei Fushida, Shinji Kawaguchi, Hajimu Iida (NAIST) SS2009-27
 [more] SS2009-27
SS 2009-08-07
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology On the Job Learing: A New Software Engineering Education Method on Collaboration between Academia and Industry
Takashi Kobayashi (Nagoya Univ.), Atsushi Sawada (Nanzan Univ.), Shinichiro Yamamoto (AIchi Pref. Univ), Masami Noro (Nanzan Univ.), Kiyoshi Agusa (Nagoya Univ.) SS2009-28
In this report, we propose a new software engineering education
method ``On the job Learning (OJL)'' which is a projec... [more]
 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
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