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Technical Committee on Data Engineering (DE)  (Searched in: 2008)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2008-06-19 to:2008-06-19'

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 21 - 31 of 31 [Previous]  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan Situation-based behavior modeling for anomality detection
Hiromi Okamoto (Nara Women's Univ./ATR), Shuichi Nishio (ATR), Noboru Babaguchi (Osaka Univ./ATR), Fujiki Morii (Nara Women's Univ.), Norihiro Hagita (ATR) DE2008-19 PRMU2008-37
In this report, we propose a method for anomality detection by classifying people behavior patterns based on situation. ... [more] DE2008-19 PRMU2008-37
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan Monocular 3D Tracking of Multiple Interacting Targets
Tatsuya Osawa, Kyoko Sudo, Hiroyuki Arai, Hideki Koike (NTT) DE2008-20 PRMU2008-38
In this paper, we present a new approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) for the stable monocular tracking of va... [more] DE2008-20 PRMU2008-38
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan Measuring Editor's Trustworthiness in Wikipedia by Using Edit History without Depending on the Edit Frequency
Hiroki Sakurai, Yasuaki Yoshida, Yu Hirate (Waseda Univ.), Hayato Yamana (Waseda Univ./NII) DE2008-21 PRMU2008-39
Free encyclopedia Wikipedia on the Internet contains 490,000 Japanese articles and its volume of information is huge and... [more] DE2008-21 PRMU2008-39
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan On a Message Processing Method for Top-k Query in Ad Hoc Networks
Ryo Hagihara, Masako Shinohara, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio (Osaka Univ.) DE2008-22 PRMU2008-40
In ad hoc networks, to acquire only necessary data items, it is effective that each mobile node retrieves data items usi... [more] DE2008-22 PRMU2008-40
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan Acquiring Teaching Contents from Experience Records with Distant Interaction
Takahiro Koizumi, Daichi Kono (Kyoto Univ.), Yasuhiko Watanabe (Ryukoku Univ.), Yuichi Nakamura (Kyoto Univ.) DE2008-23 PRMU2008-41
This paper proposes a novel scheme ``Experience Record with Video Chat'' which is an experience record with video chat l... [more] DE2008-23 PRMU2008-41
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan 3D Facial Feature Point Estimation from Noisy and Occluded 2D Measurements
Simon Clippingdale, Mahito Fujii, Nobuyuki Yagi (NHK) DE2008-24 PRMU2008-42
We discuss the simultaneous estimation, from two-dimensional measurements on a video sequence or a collection of still i... [more] DE2008-24 PRMU2008-42
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan A Stochastic Model of Selective Visual Attention with a Dynamic Bayesian Network
Derek Pang (NTT/Simon Fraser Univ.), Akisato Kimura, Tatsuto Takeuchi, Junji Yamato, Kunio Kashino (NTT) DE2008-25 PRMU2008-43
Recent studies in signal detection theory suggest that the human responses to the stimuli on a visual display are non-de... [more] DE2008-25 PRMU2008-43
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan Agent-Community-based Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval Improved with User Feedback -- an Evaluation
Akihiro Kogo, Tsunenori Mine, Satoshi Amamiya (Kyushu Univ.), Makoto Amamiya (Osaka Inst. of Tech.) DE2008-26 PRMU2008-44
In this paper, we discuss a method for improving the Agent-Community-based Peer-to-Peer (ACP2P) Information Retrieval ba... [more] DE2008-26 PRMU2008-44
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan Evaluation of Spatial Query Processing Methods Based on Imprecise Locations
Yuichi Iijima, Yoshiharu Ishikawa (Nagoya Univ.) DE2008-27 PRMU2008-45
In sensor environments and movement robot applications, the position of an object is often imprecise. In this paper, we ... [more] DE2008-27 PRMU2008-45
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan The algorithm for classifying the impressions of images with AdaBoost
Kentaro Moriya, Seiji Mori, Tomomi Takashina, Ryuji Tanimura (Nikon Systems) DE2008-28 PRMU2008-46
(To be available after the conference date) [more] DE2008-28 PRMU2008-46
PRMU, DE 2008-06-20
Hokkaido Otaru-Shimin-Kaikan Telop Recognition Method utilizing Web Searching Information
Do Ngoc Hung (Tokodai), Yutaka Katsuyama, Satoshi Naoi (Fujitsu Lab.), Haruo Yokota (Tokodai) DE2008-29 PRMU2008-47
Considering TV programs stored and watched via such digital devices as personal computers and digital video recorders, i... [more] DE2008-29 PRMU2008-47
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