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Technical Committee on Enriched MultiMedia (EMM)  (Searched in: 2014)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2014-05-15 to:2014-05-15'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EMM 2014-05-15
Tokyo (Tokyo) Reversible informatin hiding for digital image data -- Fundamental and latest technique --
Michiharu Niimi, Hideki Noda (KIT) EMM2014-1
Information hiding in the computer society is a technique to embed
message into digital objects, such as image, audio,... [more]
EMM 2014-05-15
Tokyo (Tokyo) Secret Sharing based on Image Representation using Compressed Sensing
Michiharu Niimi, Shinya Isaki, Hideki Noda (KIT) EMM2014-2
Due to the development of information technology, many types of data including documents, image and audio, etc. is digit... [more] EMM2014-2
EMM 2014-05-15
Tokyo (Tokyo) [Tutorial Lecture] Element Technologies for Spoken Language Processing and Their applications to Spoken Document Processing
Hiromitsu Nishizaki (Univ. of Yamanashi) EMM2014-3
Recently, the number of studies on ``spoken document processing'' as one kind of multimedia information have increased. ... [more] EMM2014-3
EMM 2014-05-16
Tokyo (Tokyo) Relationships between an Engagement Rate and Posted Images on Company Facebook Pages
Sho Ohara, Tomoko Kajiyama, Noritomo Ouchi (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) EMM2014-4
It is important for companies who use SNS as their advertising to increase engagement rate which show the rate of reacti... [more] EMM2014-4
EMM 2014-05-16
Tokyo (Tokyo) A Proposal of 3D-Printing Regulation Technique for Fabricating Hazardous Devices or Copyright Violating Objects Using by Polygon Matching Algorithm
Toshio Modegi (DNP) EMM2014-5
Import of hazardous devices such as weapons are restricted by customs, but there is a novel problem occurred that we can... [more] EMM2014-5
EMM 2014-05-16
Tokyo (Tokyo) [Tutorial Lecture] Lip reading
Takeshi Saitoh (Kyutech) EMM2014-6
Lip reading is a technique of understanding speech content by visually acquiring the movements of the lips. This technol... [more] EMM2014-6
EMM 2014-05-16
Tokyo (Tokyo) [Tutorial Lecture] Secret Sharing Schemes and Visual Secret Sharing Schemes -- What is in common and what is different? --
Mitsugu Iwamoto (UEC) EMM2014-7
A Secret sharing scheme is one of the most fundamental primitives in cryptography and has a lot of applications. A visu... [more] EMM2014-7
EMM 2014-05-16
Tokyo (Tokyo) Improvement of embedding capacity and quality of reversible watermarking
Toshuki Ito, Ryo Sugimura, Keiichi Iwamura (Tokyo Univ. of Science) EMM2014-8
Recently, a digital watermarking application has been proposed that could prevent medical accidents by embedding informa... [more] EMM2014-8
EMM 2014-05-16
Tokyo (Tokyo) Performance evaluation for the synchronization error of Synchronization error correction using a slide decoding method
Sadahiko Kadowaki, Toru Shigehiro, Keiichi Iwamura (Tokyo Univ. of Science) EMM2014-9
In the present information society, ensure the reliability is essential to good communication. However, it is present th... [more] EMM2014-9
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
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