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Korea Society of Satellite Technology (KOSST)  (Searched in: 2023)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2023-10-10 to:2023-10-10'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-10
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Special Talk] Space Laser Communication Technology in Non-Terrestrial Networks
Dimitar Kolev, Hideaki Kotake, Alberto Carrasco-Casado, Koichi Shiratama, Yoshihiko Saito, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Toshihiro Kubooka, Fumie Ono, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Morio Toyoshima (NICT) SAT2023-48
 [more] SAT2023-48
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-10
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Evaluation of Large-capacity Content Transmission Equipment to Bundle12 and 21GHz-band Satellite Transmission Channels and IP Network -- Laboratory Experiment for Flexible Transmission of Immersive Content --
Ryota Akiyama, Yuki Koizumi, Masashi Kamei (NHK) SAT2023-49
We have developed large-capacity content transmission equipment that bundles 21- and 12-GHz-band satellite channels and ... [more] SAT2023-49
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-10
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Puncturing Scheme Utilizing Channel State Information for Turbo-Coded Symbol Level Precoding in Satellite Communication Systems
Rizky Pratama Hudhjanto (NAIST), Duong Quang Thang (OIT), Minoru Okada (NAIST) SAT2023-50
This paper presents a new approach for integrating Symbol Level Precoding (SLP) with Turbo Code to enhance their perform... [more] SAT2023-50
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-10
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Initial Development of Wideband Modulator and Demodulator of LDM Transmission for 21-GHz-band Satellite Broadcasting
Yuki Koizumi, Ryota Akiyama, Masashi Kamei (NHK) SAT2023-51
 [more] SAT2023-51
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-10
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Investigation on Mitigation of Interference from the Signal in the 9GHz Band to BS and CS Receiving Antennas.
Itaru Suzuki (MASPRO), Keiichi Tajima (SKY Perfect JSAT), Shoji Tanaka (B-SAT) SAT2023-52
For the BS (BSS) and CS (FSS DTH) receiving antennas, the LNB built into the feed part converts the 12GHz band frequency... [more] SAT2023-52
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-11
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study on the Reference Receiving Earth Station Antenna Pattern for the Broadcasting Satellite Service
Susumu Nakazawa, Shoji Tanaka, Kazuyoshi Shogen (B-SAT) SAT2023-53
 [more] SAT2023-53
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-11
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Experiment to evaluate the effect of aircraft fuselage on the antenna radiation pattern
Takuya Okura, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Makio Tsuchiya (NICT), Hiroki Ichihashi, Hiroyuki Nagayama, Takashi Ohki (MRI) SAT2023-54
 [more] SAT2023-54
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-11
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
An Advanced Proposal for the On-orbit Practical Experiment of LEO Satellite MIMO for 920MHz band IoT Sensing Platform
Kiyohiko Itokawa, Daisuke Goto, Yasuyoshi Kojima, Kouhei Suzaki, Kazumitsu Sakamoto, Yousuke Fujino, Fumihiro Yamashita (NTT), Chihaya Kato, Mitsuhiro Nakadai, Masanobu Yajima (JAXA) SAT2023-55
 [more] SAT2023-55
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-11
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Special Talk] Wireless Coexistence Issues for UAV Radio Systems
Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran Institute of Technology)
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-11
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Validation of Transmission Power Control in Hybrid FSO/RF Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks
Kazuma Mashiko, Yuichi Kawamoto, Nei Kato (Tohoku Univ.) SAT2023-56
With the increasing demand for communication owing to the widespread adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, there... [more] SAT2023-56
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-11
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Complex Vector-Scalar Ring theory
Osamu Ichiyoshi (HNfB21C) SAT2023-57
The quaternion is an expansion of complex number to three dimensions of imaginary numbers. It is a useful tool in calcul... [more] SAT2023-57
SAT, KOSST 2023-10-11
Overseas Central Hotel Marianne(Korea, Busan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Performance Prediction of LEO Satellite Communication using Ray Tracing Method including Rain and Atmospheric Attenuation Model
Rei Furukawa, Kento Sugiyama, Masayuki Sirakawa, Kenshi Horihata, Yukiko Kishiki (KKE) SAT2023-58
This paper evaluated the performance of a low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite communication in an urban area.
In urban area... [more]
 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
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