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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
TL 2024-08-11
Hyogo Kwansei Gakuin Univ. Effect of pronunciation training using Automatic speech recognition on L2 learners' listening comprehension
Fumio Ozawa, Manabu Arai, Yumiko Mizusawa (Seijo Univ.)
MW 2009-11-20
Kagoshima Tanegashima 38GHz-MMIC applying SMT package for FWA system -- Up Converter --
Toshifumi Shirosaki, Shinji Nagamine, Fumio Ozawa, Toru Taniguchi (Japan Radio Co.,Ltd) MW2009-138
We have developed an Up-Converter MMIC using three dimensional multi-layer structure based on GaAs HEMT technology to re... [more] MW2009-138
MW 2009-03-06
Tokyo NHK Science & Technical Research Lab. 38GHz-MMIC applying SMT package for FWA system -- 38GHz band Down Converter --
Shinji Nagamine, Fumio Ozawa, Toshifumi Shirosaki, Toru Taniguchi (Japan Radio Co.,Ltd.) MW2008-207
For realizing the new generation 38GHz band fixed wireless access system (FWA) as the ultra compact and very light weigh... [more] MW2008-207
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