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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Okinawa Okinawaken Shichoson Jichikaikan Evaluation of the On-Orbit results of the S-band communication system for standard microsatellite bus system
Kikuko Miyata (Nagoya Univ.), Hideki Kayaba (NESTRA), Masaru Aoki, Masa Ishiguro (DST), Hajime Ishimaru (HIM) SANE2014-134
This paper shows the design concept and the preliminary on-orbit evaluation for the newly developed S-band tele-command ... [more] SANE2014-134
SS 2012-05-10
Ehime Ehime Univ. Adoption of Software Product Line from Extreme Derivative Development Process
Tsuneo Nakanishi (Kyushu Univ.), Hans-Werner Griepentrog, Claes Jaeger-Hansen (UHOH), Kenji Hisazumi, Akira Fukuda (Kyushu Univ.) SS2012-1
Software Product Line (or SPL for short), which enables reuse of software artifacts among products, always require a con... [more] SS2012-1
SANE 2008-11-24
Overseas Ba-Da-Guan Hotel, Qingdao Inter-Satellite Ranging System for Multiple Spacecrafts in Formation Flight and Its Experimental Evaluation
Hiroshi Baba (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Tomoaki Toda, Atsushi Tomiki (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Hideho Tomita (HIM Technology), Takehiko Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki Univ.) SANE2008-65
Scale COupling in the Plasma universE (SCOPE) is a formation flight mission ongoing in Japan Aerospace Exploration Agenc... [more] SANE2008-65
SANE 2008-10-31
Kanagawa ISAS:Sagamihara campus (JAXA) Inter-Satellite Ranging System for Multiple Spacecrafts in Formation Flight and and It's Experimental Evaluation
Hiroshi Baba (Tokyo Denki Univ), Tomoaki Toda, Atsushi Tomiki (JAXA), Hideho Tomita (HIM Technology), Takehiko Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki Univ) SANE2008-60
Scale COupling in the Plasma universE (SCOPE) is a formation flight mission ongoing in Japan Aerospace Exploration Agenc... [more] SANE2008-60
SANE 2007-11-30
Kanagawa ISAS,JAXA (Sagamihara) Development of Inter-Satellite Link System for Magnetospheric Formation Flight Missions
Tomoaki Toda, Sachiko Hozawa, Yoshifumi Saito, Yuichi Tsuda (JAXA), Hideho Tomita, Hajime Ishimaru (HIM) SANE2007-91
It’s a common knowledge that formation flight technology is a suitable method to study dynamics of plasma in the Earth m... [more] SANE2007-91
SANE 2004-11-26
Kanagawa JAXA(Sagamihara) Development of the C-band pulse radar for lunar/planetary landers
Seisuke Fukuda, Takahide Mizuno, Tomohiko Sakai (JAXA), Hideho Tomita, Hajime Ishimaru (HIM Technology)
A radar for navigation in future lunar/planetary landing missions is developed in the JAXA/ISAS. The C-band pulse radar ... [more] SANE2004-58
 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
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