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 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
DC, CPSY, IPSJ-SLDM, IPSJ-EMB, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2024-03-23
Nagasaki Ikinoshima Hall
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Evaluating composition of quantum circuit and learnability in quantum neural network with NISQ devices
Naoki Marumo (Waseda Univ.), Yasutaka Wada (Meisei Univ.), Kazunori Ueda, Keiji Kimura (Waseda Univ.) CPSY2023-52 DC2023-118
The more numbers of repeat of Ansatz and the more qubit entangling improve learnability of quantum machine learning by v... [more] CPSY2023-52 DC2023-118
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2021-06-28
Online Online Non-approximate Inference for Collective Graphical Models on Path Graphs via Discrete Difference of Convex Algorithm
Yasunori Akagi, Naoki Marumo, Hideaki Kim, Takeshi Kurashima, Hiroyuki Toda (NTT) NC2021-10 IBISML2021-10
The importance of aggregated count data, which is calculated from the data of multiple individuals, continues to increas... [more] NC2021-10 IBISML2021-10
Fukuoka Kyushu University, Chikushi Campus Perfect discrimination of non-orthogonal quantum states with posterior classical partial information
Seiseki Akibue, Go Kato, Naoki Marumo (NTT)
IBISML 2017-11-09
Tokyo Univ. of Tokyo Nonconvex Sparse Optimization with Submodularity
Naoki Marumo, Tomoharu Iwata (NTT) IBISML2017-51
 [more] IBISML2017-51
NC, IPSJ-BIO, IBISML, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2017-06-25
Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Learning with linearly transformed l0 sparsity
Naoki Marumo, Tomoharu Iwata (NTT) IBISML2017-8
We consider a class of non-convex optimization problems with linearly transformed
sparsity constraints, which includes... [more]
Osaka Kansai University, Centenary Memorial Hall On boundary condition of CE-FDTD method -- Implementation of density variation --
Naoki Maruta, Osamu Yamashita, Takao Tsuchiya (Doshisha Univ.), Makoto Otani (Shinshu Univ.), Yukio Iwaya (Tokoku Gakuin Univ.) US2013-90 EA2013-103
 [more] US2013-90 EA2013-103
pp.47-52(US), pp.1-6(EA)
EE, IEE-IEA 2009-05-29
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. High efficiency front end power supply using surge energy recycling converter
Toshikazu Okubo, Hiroyuki Shoji, Hideho Yamamura, Shinobu Irikura, Naoki Maru (Hitachi, Ltd.) EE2009-4
Authors studied efficiency improvement techniques for front end power supplies. In a PFC stage, ZVT soft switching circu... [more] EE2009-4
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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