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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SIP, CAS, VLD 2006-06-23
Hokkaido Kitami Institute of Technology An Implementation of Coupling Wave Canceler Using an Adaptive Filter for Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Systems
Tetsuya Oka, Hideaki Sakai, Kazunori Hayashi (Kyoto Univ.)
 [more] CAS2006-14 VLD2006-27 SIP2006-37
SANE 2005-10-26
Nagasaki Nagasaki Univ. Application of geophysical methods to locating abandoned oil wells -- Borehole rader surveys and VSP surveys --
Nobuyuki Shimizu, Taku Kawanaka (JGI), Shuichi Ishiguro, Tetsuya Okano (ENAA)
We conducted borehole rader surveys, VSP surveys and magnetic surveys by using four newly drilled wells in the old Yasud... [more] SANE2005-73
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