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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
- 2012-12-12
Kumamoto Kumamoto-Shintoshin-plaza The Construction of a New Information Sharing System that Specializes in the Cooperation and Support Information Between Network and the Real Space
Xu Youshuang, Yui Murase, Kazunori Sugiura (Keio Univ.)
We propose a new information sharing system called “3Q”, which specializes in the cooperation and support information be... [more]
- 2012-12-12
Kumamoto Kumamoto-Shintoshin-plaza The implementation of a lifelog for WANTS registration -- started by food databases --
Chen Ichin, Yui Murase, Kazunori Sugiura (Keio)
In this paper, we discuss the the information distribution scheme using a method of WANTS Registration over a food-based... [more]
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