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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 112  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ICSS 2024-11-21
Kanagawa MUZA Kawasaki Symphony Hall Analysis of the Japan, US, and Europe Automotive Industry Security Guidelines for Small Suppliers
Kang Taeseok (IISEC)
IA 2023-11-22
Aomori Aomori Prefecture Tourist Center ASPM (Aomori)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
IA2023-42 When a spam scam email is reported, it is desirable to share the data so that many researchers aiming to improve informa... [more] IA2023-42
LOIS, SITE, ISEC 2023-11-09
Hiroshima Satellite Campus Hiroshima
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
ISEC2023-58 SITE2023-52 LOIS2023-16 With the spread of work style reforms such as remote work, communication about information security risks tends to be in... [more] ISEC2023-58 SITE2023-52 LOIS2023-16
HWS, VLD [detail] 2021-03-04
Online Online Survey on intrusion detection system for Vehicle Security Techniques
Ayaka Matsushita, Takao Okubo (IISEC) VLD2020-88 HWS2020-63
The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that cause the characteristics of voltage waveforms of ECUs in auto... [more] VLD2020-88 HWS2020-63
SWIM 2020-11-28
Online Online Governance and accessment of the use of IT and AI for sustainable development
Hiroyuki Ogura (Nihon Univ.), Yonosuke Harada (Inst. of Information Security), Shunsuke Managi (Kyushu Univ.) SWIM2020-8
It is required that the management of everything surrounding the organization becomes smarter and that it is transformed... [more] SWIM2020-8
IN, ICTSSL, NWS 2020-10-22
Online Online Resilience of IoT device sensor against physical attack threats
Michihiko Anzai, Atsuhiro Goto (iisec) ICTSSL2020-14
(To be available after the conference date) [more] ICTSSL2020-14
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2020-03-02
Okinawa Okinawa-Ken-Seinen-Kaikan
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Search for Similar Binary Code in Cross-Architecture Using Neural Machine Translation Model
Moritoshi Aoyanagi, Hidenori Tsuji, Masaki Hashimoto (IISEC) ICSS2019-75
Binary code similarity comparison plays an important role in binary code analysis, vulnerability detection, and stolen c... [more] ICSS2019-75
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2020-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa-Ken-Seinen-Kaikan
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
A research of HTTP request and an identification method of fake User-Agent values
Masato Inoue, Masaki Hashimoto (IISEC) ICSS2019-83
Almost all websites that are open to the public are subject to scan and attack, and have received a lot of anomaly reque... [more] ICSS2019-83
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2020-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa-Ken-Seinen-Kaikan
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Development of an expert system for automatic classification of illegal and harmful information on the dark web
Hanae Kobayashi, Masaki Hashimoto (IISEC) ICSS2019-87
(To be available after the conference date) [more] ICSS2019-87
ICSS 2018-11-21
Kagoshima   Spoofed Website Detection using Machine Learning
Naoki Kurihara, Hidenori Tsuji, Masaki Hashimoto (Institute of Information Security) ICSS2018-56
In recent years, the damage by fake site has been rapidly increasing. Because fake sites are ceremonious as if they are ... [more] ICSS2018-56
IA 2018-09-04
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Conference Hall A Study on OTT and Access networks
Ichiro Mizukoshi (IISEC/NTT EAST), Miya Kohno (Cisco Systems), Kenichi Nagami (INTEC) IA2018-22
According to Geoff Houston(2017), “The Internet is now composed of OTT and access networks” [1]. In this report we 1) an... [more] IA2018-22
WBS, IT, ISEC 2018-03-08
Tokyo Katsusika Campas, Tokyo University of Science A study on hierarchical secret sharing schemes applicable to any level based on XOR operations
Koji Shima, Hiroshi Doi (IISEC) IT2017-118 ISEC2017-106 WBS2017-99
Hierarchical secret sharing schemes are known for how they share a secret among a group of participants partitioned into... [more] IT2017-118 ISEC2017-106 WBS2017-99
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2018-03-07
Hokkaido Okinawa Hokubu Koyou Nouryoku Kaihatsu Sougou Center A Preliminary Study on Defining Malignant Activity by Linking in-System Elements
Takuya Koike (IISEC), Miyuu Okubo (IRI), Hidenori Tsuji, Masaki Hashimoto (IISEC) ICSS2017-60
In recent years, cyber-attacks have become large-scale and complicated, and the impact on society continues to become in... [more] ICSS2017-60
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2018-03-08
Hokkaido Okinawa Hokubu Koyou Nouryoku Kaihatsu Sougou Center Research on an Evaluation Method for Memory Forensics Tools
Makoto Ashitsu, Ikuo Tanaka, Hidenori Tsuji, Masaki Hashimoto (IISEC) ICSS2017-70
 [more] ICSS2017-70
KBSE 2018-03-01
Okinawa   Development of a System Supporting Security Design from Security Requirements Analysis using a Software Security Knowledge Base
Hikaru Miyahara, Atsuo Hazeyama (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), Takafumi Tanaka (TUAT), Hironori Washizaki (Waseda Univ.), Haruhiko Kaiya (Kanagawa Univ.), Takao Okubo (IISEC), Nobukazu Yoshioka (NII) KBSE2017-50
The importance of software security is recognized because the Internet is permeating into our society. In particular, di... [more] KBSE2017-50
LOIS, ISEC, SITE 2017-11-09
Kyoto   A study on Information -- Tribute to Shannon and Dretski --
Ichiro Mizukoshi (IISEC/NTT East) ISEC2017-65 SITE2017-47 LOIS2017-42
In engineering sense, there is no argument that the definition of Information by Shannon is the foundation of current in... [more] ISEC2017-65 SITE2017-47 LOIS2017-42
LOIS, ISEC, SITE 2017-11-09
Kyoto   Anonymous Attribute-Authentication Scheme in Multi-authority Setting on Key Generation
Hiroaki Anada (U.Nagasaki), Seiko Arita (IISEC) ISEC2017-59 SITE2017-41 LOIS2017-36
In a setting that a single user is given plural credentials on her attributes and related secret keys, an authentication... [more] ISEC2017-59 SITE2017-41 LOIS2017-36
LOIS, ISEC, SITE 2017-11-10
Kyoto   Considering Privacy issue -- based on Floridi's Philosophy of Information --
Hiroyuki Kinoshita (IISEC) ISEC2017-66 SITE2017-48 LOIS2017-43
The “Ontological Interpretation of Informational Privacy” introduced by Luciano Floridi is evaluated as useful theory to... [more] ISEC2017-66 SITE2017-48 LOIS2017-43
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2017-03-13
Nagasaki University of Nagasaki Evaluation of memory image acquisition/analysis function in forensics tools
Ikuo Tanaka, Masaki Hashimoto (IISEC) ICSS2016-53
Currently, the information system is established as a social infrastructure, and accompanying it, the types and occurren... [more] ICSS2016-53
ISEC, WBS, IT 2017-03-10
Tokyo TOKAI University Diagonally Witness-Indistinguishable Proof Systems
Hiroaki Anada (Univ. Nagasaki), Seiko Arita (IISEC) IT2016-121 ISEC2016-111 WBS2016-97
We propose a witness-indistinguishable proof system which is a kind of parallel composition of witness-indistinguishable... [more] IT2016-121 ISEC2016-111 WBS2016-97
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