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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 23  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Tokyo Tamagawa University Development of a meal entry application aiming at prevention of metabolic syndrome -- Attempts for improving the usability --
Shoko Tani, Ryo Haraguchi, Akira Takada, Tomonori Okamura (NCVC), Hiroshi Inada (Univ. of Hyogo), Kazuo Nakazawa (NCVC) MBE2009-128
In this study, we tried to develop an online meal entry application aiming at prevention of metabolic syndrome. Then, th... [more] MBE2009-128
MI 2010-01-28
Okinawa Naha-Bunka-Tenbusu Evaluation of Quantitative Accuracy of a Novel Image Reconstruction of SPECT with Monte Carlo-Based Scatter Compensation and Collimator Blurring Compensation
Tomonori Sakimoto (Nara Inst. of Sci and Tech.), Tsutomu Zeniya (NCVC), Hiroshi Watabe (NCVC/Osaka Univ.), Antti Sohlberg, Kenji Ishida, Yoshiyuki Hirano (NCVC), Kotaro Minato (Nara Inst. of Sci and Tech.), Hidehiro Iida (NCVC) MI2009-77
Recently we developed a novel SPECT image reconstruction method that includes attenuation compensation (AC), collimator-... [more] MI2009-77
MBE 2010-01-29
Kumamoto Kumamoto Univ. A study on informed consent support for the congenital heart diseases -- Development and Assessment of explanation system for operative procedure by using 3-D computer graphics --
Yoichi Goto (Univ. of Hyogo.), Kazuo Nakazawa, Ryo Haraguchi, Koji Kagisaki, Kenichi Kurosaki, Michiru Sasagawa (National Cardiovascular Center), Hiroshi Inada (Univ. of Hyogo.) MBE2009-97
The informed consent in a medical institution is indispensable. However, since a patient or his family has not adequate ... [more] MBE2009-97
AP 2010-01-22
Yamaguchi Yamaguchi University Analysis of Biological Effect of Electromagnetic Field Produced by Transcutaneous Energy Transmission System for Artificial Heart -- Using MRI-Based Human Body Model --
Naoya Higaki, Kenji Shiba (Hiroshima Univ.), Akihiko Honma, Eisuke Tatsumi, Yoshiyuki Taenaka (NCVC) AP2009-178
A transcutaneous energy transmission system (TET) is used for transmitting energy to artificial hearts using electromagn... [more] AP2009-178
MI 2009-11-11
Osaka Osaka Univ. Icho Kaikan [Special Talk] Visual information should be used more effectively. -- Shall we think about human interface of electronic medical record system? --
Kazuo Nakazawa, Ryo Haraguchi, Koji Kagisaki, Kenichi Kurosaki (National Cardiovascular Center), Yoichi Goto (Univ. of Hyog), Yoshitomi Kohei (Osaka Univ.), Takashi Ijiri (RIKEN), Kenshi Takayama, Nobuyuki Umetani, Takeo Igarashi (Univ. of Tokyo) MI2009-69
 [more] MI2009-69
Tokyo Tamagawa Univ. Reproduction of transmural dispersion of repolarization based on cleft potential hypothesis
Shingo Suzuki (Osaka Univ/Nat'l Cardiovasc. Center), Takashi Ashihara (Shiga Univ. Med. Sci.), Ryo Haraguchi (Nat'l Cardiovasc. Center), Kunichika Tsumoto, Shingo Murakami, Yoshihisa Kurachi (Osaka Univ.), Kazuo Nakazawa (Nat'l Cardiovasc. Center) MBE2008-110
Gap junctions in cardiac myocytes are required to the excitation propagation in a heart. However, the existence of the ... [more] MBE2008-110
MI 2009-01-20
Overseas National Taiwan University [Poster Presentation] Analysis of Cardiac Torsion from MR Phase-Contrast Image
Hideyuki Horio, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Shigeo Wada (Osaka Univ.), Ryo Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa (National Cardiovascular Center) MI2008-134
It's thought that the twist movement of the heart is important, various studies are studied. The purpose of this researc... [more] MI2008-134
Aichi   Development of the Interactive System for Explaining Senning Surgical Operation
Kenta Omori (Osaka Univ.), Ryo Haraguchi (NCVC), Kohei Yoshitomi (Osaka Univ.), Koji Kagisaki (NCVC), Takahiro Yagi (Univ. of Hyogo), Fumio Kishino (Osaka Univ.), Kazuo Nakazawa (NCVC) MBE2007-74
As one of the congenital heart disease, the corrected transposition of the great arteries (corrected TGA) is known. In t... [more] MBE2007-74
Aichi   Behavior of Filaments for the Judgment of Maintenance of Spiral Wave Reentry in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Risk Evaluation System Based on Computer Simulation
Takahiro Todo (Himeji Dokkyo Univ.), Ryo Haraguchi (NCVC), Tsunetoyo Namba (Col. of Health Sci.), Takenori Yao, Takashi Ashihara (Shiga Univ. of Med. Sci.), Masahiro Higashi (NCVC), Hiroshi Inada (Univ. of Hyogo), Kazuo Nakazawa (NCVC) MBE2007-75
We previously developed a cardiac arrhythmia risk evaluation system using computer simulation. Thus far, we have judged ... [more] MBE2007-75
MI 2007-11-16
Ishikawa Kanazawa Univ. A study of angle dependence with magnetic susceptibility gradient using susceptibillity weighted imaging
Tomohiro Yamauchi (Nara Institute Univ), Hiroshi Sato, Akihide Yamamoto, Hidehiro Iida (NCVC), Tetsuo Sato, Kotaro Minato (Nara Institute Univ) MI2007-50
 [more] MI2007-50
MI 2007-11-16
Ishikawa Kanazawa Univ. Further Study of Image Distortion Correction in EPI using Field Mapping
Kenji Ishida (NAIST), Hiroshi Sato, Akihide Yamamoto, Hidehiro Iida (NCVC), Tetsuo Sato, Kotaro Minato (NAIST) MI2007-51
Recently, the studies of brain function are widely performed with functional MRI. Most frequently used pulse sequence in... [more] MI2007-51
MBE 2007-10-11
Osaka   Extraction of RI-Tracer Dynamics from List-Mode Data
Michiaki Tanimoto (Osaka Univ.), Hiroshi Watabe (NCVC), Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MBE2007-60
The list-mode data in the PET (Positron Emission Tomography) study contains time and space information, and is used for ... [more] MBE2007-60
MI 2007-01-26
Overseas the Cheju National Univ. Development of a multi-modality registration system for the medical image by USB camera
Michiaki Iwata (NAIST), Kazuhiro Koshino, Akihide Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sato, Hiroshi Watabe, Hidehiro Iida (NCVC), Kotaro Minato (NAIST)
Recently, many techniques related to medical imaging such as X-ray CT,PET, SPECT and MRI have been introduced and especi... [more] MI2006-92
MBE 2006-10-27
Osaka Osaka University Nakanoshima Center Ventricular wall motion analysis by MR Phase-contrast Imaging
Hideyuki Horio (Osaka Univ.), Ryo Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa, Hiroaki Naito, Masahiro Higashi, Toshiharu Sakuma (NCVC), Yasushi Masuda, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.)
 [more] MBE2006-57
MBE 2006-10-27
Osaka Osaka University Nakanoshima Center Experimental Development of Arrhythmia Incident Prediction System based on Electrophysiological Computer Simulation
Takahiro Todo (Himeji Dokkyo Univ.), Ryo Haraguchi (NCVC), Takenori Yao (Shiga Univ. of Med. Sci.), Tsunetoyo Namba (Col. of Health Sci.), Takashi Ashihara, Satoru Nagata (Shiga Univ. of Med. Sci.), Masahiro Higashi (NCVC), Hiroshi Inada (Univ. of Hyogo), Kazuo Nakazawa (NCVC)
 [more] MBE2006-58
EMCJ 2006-07-27
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Electromagnetic Compatibility of Transcutaneous Energy Transmission System for a Totally-Implantable Artificial Heart -- Evaluation of Radiated Emission in Case Using Phantom --
TakahikoYamamoto, Kohji Koshiji (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Yukinari Nawa (Chiba Industrial Technology Research Institute Project Promotion), Yoshinori Ikeda, Mitsue Yanagi (OST), Akihiko Honma, Eisuke Tatsumi, Yoshiyuki Taenaka (National Cardiovascular Center) EMCJ2006-28
Using the electromagnetic induction between primary coil on the skin surface and secondary coil under the skin, a transc... [more] EMCJ2006-28
SCE 2006-07-06
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Development of a biomagnetism measurement system for small animals.
Masakazu Miyamoto, Jun Kawai, Miki Kawabata, Tatsuyuki Shimozu, Yoshiaki Adachi (KIT), Kazuo Komamura (NCVC), Naohiro Tsuyuguchi (OCU), Gen Uehara (KIT), Yasuhiro Haruta (Yokogawa), Hisanao Ogata (KIT)
 [more] SCE2006-18
PRMU, MI 2006-05-26
Aichi Aichi Prefectural University Development of Integrated Calibration Assistant Tool for Pixel-PSPMT Type Gamma Camera
Toshio Modegi, Shin-ichiro Koyasu (DNP), Hiroyuki Mashino (Espec), Seiichi Yamamoto (KCCT), Hidehiro Iida (NCVC)
We are developing small animal PET/ SPECT scanner systems and high-definition small pixel-PSPMT type gamma cameras for t... [more] PRMU2006-29 MI2006-29
Aichi   Designing Intuitive Interface for Finding Report and Treatment Planning in Cardiac Catheterization
Yuki Mori, Takeo Igarashi (The Univ. of Tokyo), Tatsuo Yoshida, Tsunekichi Okawa (NKC), Ryo Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa (NCVC)
In cardiac catheter test and treatment process, it is much effective to utilize schemata in writing a patient's record. ... [more] MBE2005-94
MI 2005-09-22
Overseas Korea Univ. Kuro Hospital Making a mosaic image of coronary angiogram
Ryo Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa (NCVC), Hiroyuki Sekiguchi, Naozo Sugimoto (Kyoto Univ.), Shigeru Eiho (Kyoto College for Informatics)
In this study, we present a new method for constructing of mosaicked images from a series
of coronary cineangiograms. T... [more]
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