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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ITS, IEE-ITS 2021-03-15
Online Online (Online) Estimating Passenger's Fall Risk based on the Motion of Boarding a Bus
Miyu Yokoyama (Aichi Prefectural Univ.), Masahiro Inami, Hideaki Yamaguchi (Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.), Haruki Kawanaka, Koji Oguri (Aichi Prefectural Univ.) ITS2020-39
The number of fall accidents inside of the bus has been regarded as a problem. Passengers those who cannot cope with the... [more] ITS2020-39
ITS, IEE-ITS 2021-03-15
Online Online (Online) Tracking Loss Reduction Method for Image Tracking of Bus Passengers using Multiple Cameras
Taiga Kato (Aichi Pref. Univ.), Masahiro Inami, Hideaki Yamaguchi (Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.), Haruki Kawanaka, Koji Oguri (Aichi Pref. Univ.) ITS2020-40
The large number of accidents in the bus is regarded as a problem, passengers' seatings are confirmed visually or with m... [more] ITS2020-40
SS, IPSJ-SE 2020-07-02
Online Online (Online) morfawk: A Morpheme Pattern Matching and Processing Language
Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kenji Yoshimura, Hokuto Ototake, Toshifumi Tanabe, Hiroki Furusho (Fukuoka Univ.), Yoichi Nishiura (Aisin Seiki) SS2020-4
Natural language processing is a promising scheme to reduce cost for reviews of software development documents described... [more] SS2020-4
SS 2020-03-05
Okinawa (Okinawa)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Morpheme Pattern Matcher morfgrep and Its Application in Software Development
Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kenji Yoshimura, Hokuto Ototake, Tosifumi Tanabe, Hiroki Furusho (Fukuoka Univ.), Yoichi Nishiura, Masaki Asano (Aisin Seiki) SS2019-60
Quality of the development document has been assured by human review so far.
Natural language processing is expected to... [more]
PRMU 2019-10-18
Tokyo (Tokyo) Parking Space Estimation using Lightweight Model
Yoshihito Kokubo, Koki Ueda, Jun Adachi, Yoshihisa Suetsugu (Aisin Seiki) PRMU2019-37
 [more] PRMU2019-37
ITS, IE, ITE-MMS, ITE-HI, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2019-02-20
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Analysis on Basic Operation of Virtual Shift Method for Accuracy Improvement of Holographic Diversity Interferometry
Nobuhiro Yamagishi, Atsushi Okamoto, Tomohiro Maeda (Hokkaido Univ.), Jin Nozawa (Aisin Seiki), Kazuhisa Ogawa, Akihisa Tomita (Hokkaido Univ.)
Holographic diversity interferometry (HDI) enables single-shot phase measurement by using two image sensors. However, mi... [more]
EMCJ, IEE-EMC 2018-12-14
Aichi (Aichi) Evaluation of Correlation of EMC test Sites for in-vehicle Equipment (2nd Report) -- Effect of Counterpoise, Cable wiring, Symmetry of Installation of DUT on Measurement --
Takanori UNO (DENSO EMCES), Koji Maeda (Aisin Seiki), Toshiyasu Tanaka (MWF), Hironori Okamoto, Yoshitsugu Okuda (KEC), Osami Wada (Kyoto Univ) EMCJ2018-91
Because it is often case that EMC measurement of in-vehicle equipment is made at multiple test sites, the data correlati... [more] EMCJ2018-91
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Design Approach for Transmitter Part of Capacitive-Coupling Two Dimensional Wireless Power Transfer
Kaiji Nakahara, Kousuke Kumagai, Naoki Sakai, Takashi Ohira (TUT), Hiroyuki Yada, Kojiro Hayakawa, Hideyuki Aikyo (AISIN SEIKI) WPT2018-51
 [more] WPT2018-51
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Uji Campus (Kyoto) Optimum receiver electrode structure for capacitive-coupling two dimensional wireless power transfer
Kousuke Kumagai, Kaiji Nakahara, Naoki Sakai, Takashi Ohira (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Hiroyuki Yada, Kojiro Hayakawa, Hideyuki Aikyo (AISIN SEIKI) WPT2018-43
This paper presents a prototype capacitive-coupling wireless power transfer system featuring interdigitated transmitter ... [more] WPT2018-43
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Evaluation of Position Estimation of a Human Body around a Vehicle by FDTD Propagation Analysis
Yuki Ito, Hisato Iwai, Hideichi Sasaoka (Doshisha Univ.), Kiyokazu Ieda (Aisin Seiki Co, Ltd.) AP2018-56
As a method of estimating position of a human body around a vehicle, a sensing technique using radio wave is considered.... [more] AP2018-56
R 2018-05-25
Aichi Aichi Institute of Technology, Motoyama Campus (Aichi) Bootstrap Software Reliability Assessment Method and Its Application to Automotive Software
Keita Sano (AISIN SEIKI), Takaji Fujiwara (SRATECH Lab), Mitsuhiro Kimura (Hosei Univ.) R2018-5
Although automotive software is required to have high reliability in terms of product characteristics, it is becoming di... [more] R2018-5
EMCJ, IEE-EMC 2017-12-15
Gifu Gifu University (Gifu) Evaluation of Correlation between Reference and a Group of EMC Test Sites for in-vehicle Equipment -- Validation of Reference Data in CISPR 25 Annex J --
Takanori Uno (DENSO EMCES), Koji Maeda (Aisin Seiki), Toshiyasu Tanaka (MWF), Yoshitsugu Okuda (KEC), Osami Wada (Kyoto Univ.) EMCJ2017-86
Regarding EMC measurement for in-vehicle unit at different test sites, a high correlation between different test sites i... [more] EMCJ2017-86
LQE, LSJ 2016-05-20
Fukui (Fukui) [Invited Talk] The development of the intense THz electromagnetic wave emitter based on the ultrashort optical pulse and dielectric nonlinear crystals toward a new application
Masaya Nagai (Osaka Univ.), Eiichi Matsubara (Osaka Dental Univ.), Masaaki Ashida (Osaka Univ.), Jun Takayanagi, Hideyuki Ohtake (Aisin) LQE2016-13
Compact THz sources are required for a novel applications of the intense THz electromagnetic wave. We experimentally dem... [more] LQE2016-13
EMCJ, IEE-EMC 2015-12-18
Aichi TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS., INC. (Aichi) Common-mode conducted noise Analysis in the AM radio band for Automotive Motor Control Unit
Teruaki Kato, Naoki Koshi, Taiki Shibano (Aisin), Kojima takashi, Hosokawa Hideki (TCRDL) EMCJ2015-90
A simulation model was achieved to predict common-mode noise current in AM radio frequency range generated by in-vehicle... [more] EMCJ2015-90
EMCJ, IEE-EMC 2015-12-18
Aichi TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS., INC. (Aichi) Lumped Parameter Model of a Ground Plane for Estimation of Conducted Emissions
Takashi Kojima, Hideki Hosokawa, Atsuhiro Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Hattori (TCRDL), Teruaki Kato, Naoki Koshi, Taiki Shibano (Aisin Seiki) EMCJ2015-91
We proposed a lumped element circuit model of the ground plane (GP) and twisted wires mounted on the conducted noise eva... [more] EMCJ2015-91
SP 2015-10-16
Hyogo Kobe Univ. (Hyogo) Multi-modal speech recognition using deep bottleneck features
Satoshi Tamura (Gifu Univ), Hiroshi Ninomiya (Nagoya Univ), Norihide Kitaoka (Tokushima Univ), Shin Osuga (Aisin Seiki), Yurie Iribe (Aichi Prefectural Univ), Kazuya Takeda (Nagoya Univ), Satoru Hayamizu (Gifu Univ) SP2015-69
In this paper, we propose a novel multi-modal speech recognition method which uses speech and lip images, employing Deep... [more] SP2015-69
AP 2010-04-09
Kyoto Doshisha Univ. (Kyoto) A Study on UHF Band Propagation Loss Characteristics for Inter-Vehicle Communication at Road Faces variation
Kiyokazu Ieda, Yuichi Murakami, Hisashi Inaba, Shingo Fujimoto, Takuroh Oshida (AISIN SEIKI) AP2010-7
Roadside-to-vehicle and Inter-vehicle communication systems are expected to realize safety driving assistant systems. It... [more] AP2010-7
Tokyo Tamagawa Univ (Tokyo) Detection Of Approaching Vehicles By Sound Information Using Pulsed Neural Networks
Takeshi Fujisumi, Kaname Iwasa, Mauricio Kugler, Susumu Kuroyanagi, Akira Iwata (NIT), Tomoyuki Nakamura, Tokihiko Akita (AISIN), Fumihiro Watanabe, Tetsunori Haraguchi (TOYOTA) NC2007-186
Recently, the traffic accidents caused by the drivers' carelessness have become a problem. Human being's aural system pl... [more] NC2007-186
ITS 2007-05-24
Kanagawa Yokosuka Research Park (Kanagawa) Evaluation of the Collision Avoidance Vehicle Information-exchange with Anchored Relay (CAVIAR) Flooding Protocol using Intersection Position Prediction method
Kunimitsu Arai, Kouji Kashima, Shigeyuki Asami (JRC), Eiji Niwa, Yoshichika Konishi (AISIN SEIKI) ITS2007-6
For exchanging vehicular information (position, speed, etc) packets over the vehicular broadcast network, It is importan... [more] ITS2007-6
AP 2007-04-19
Hyogo Kwansei Gakuin Univ. (Hyogo) An analysis of propagation loss characteristic for inter-vehicle communications in non-line of sight interactions using ray-tracing technique
Toshihiro Tango, Hisato Iwai (Doshisha Univ.), Yuichi Murakami (AISIN SEIKI), Kunihiko Sasaki (DENSO), Tetsuo Horimatsu (FUJITSU) AP2007-6
Assuming inter-vehicle radio communication systems where transmitters and receivers are located close to the ground leve... [more] AP2007-6
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