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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 19 of 19  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
WIT 2021-08-20
Online Online (Online) Preliminary study on chair recognition based on deep learning and multi channelization for the visually impaired
Yuji Harada, Hotaka Takizawa, Akihisa Ohya (Univ. of Tsukuba), Makoto Kobayashi (Tsukuba Univ. of Tech.), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.) WIT2021-13
 [more] WIT2021-13
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2020-03-13
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Comparison of CNN-based recognition methods of upward staircases for the visually impaired
Genki Sekita, Hotaka Takizawa, Akihisa Ohya (Univ. of Tsukuba), Makoto kobayashi (Tsukuba Univ. of Tech.), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.) WIT2019-51
 [more] WIT2019-51
WIT, SP 2019-10-26
Kagoshima Daiichi Institute of Technology (Kagoshima) Detection and tracking of white-cane users from surveillance camera images by using line segment tracking
Kazusa Sanada, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Akihisa Ohya (Univ. of Tsukuba), Makoto Kobayashi (Tsukuba Univ. of Tech.) SP2019-19 WIT2019-18
Accidents caused by visually impaired individuals in public spaces are becoming social problems. In this study, we devel... [more] SP2019-19 WIT2019-18
WIT 2018-08-09
Nagano (Nagano) A preliminary study on recognition of restroom signs by use of SVM and CNN
Taiki Iwamoto, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.) WIT2018-14
 [more] WIT2018-14
WIT 2018-08-09
Nagano (Nagano) Preliminary study on detection of white-cane users from surveillance camera images
Kazusa Sanada, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.) WIT2018-15
Accidents caused by visually impaired individuals in public spaces, such as station platforms, are becoming social probl... [more] WIT2018-15
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2018-03-09
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) Preliminary study on Image recognition of triangles drawn with Lensen Drawing Kit
Yilin Li, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Makoto Kobayashi (NTUT), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.) WIT2017-66
The primary education of graphics for visually impaired students is important. However, the students do not have suffici... [more] WIT2017-66
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2017-03-11
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Kasuga Campus) (Ibaraki) A preliminary study on recognition of restroom signs based on SVM
Taiki Iwamoto, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi univ. of Edu.) WIT2016-89
It is difficult for visually impaired people to find restroom signs by themselves. In this study, we developed a system ... [more] WIT2016-89
PRMU, BioX 2015-03-19
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) A preliminary study on recognition of moving directions of escalators for the visually impaired by use of optical flow
Daiki Nakamura, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Nobuo Ezaki (Toba National coll. of Maritime Tech.), Shinji Mizuno (Aichi Inst. of Tech.) BioX2014-57 PRMU2014-177
It is difficult for a visually impaired individual to recognize the moving directions of escalators at their entrance. I... [more] BioX2014-57 PRMU2014-177
WIT 2015-03-14
Ibaraki Kasuga Campus, Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) Performance Evaluation of the Spot Navigation System for the Visually Impaired
Kazunori Orita, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Nobuo Ezaki (Toba National Coll. of Maritime Tech.), Shinji Mizuno (Aichi Inst. of Tech.) WIT2014-118
 [more] WIT2014-118
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, MVE [detail] 2015-01-22
Nara (Nara) Basic study on memory retrieval assisting for the visually impaired by use of SIFT-based image matching
Kazunori Orita, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Mayumi Aoyagi (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Nobuo Ezaki (Toba National Coll. of Maritime Tech.), Shinji Mizuno (Aichi Inst. of Tech.) PRMU2014-94 MVE2014-56
In this report, we propose a spot navigation system to assist visually impaired individuals in recalling memories relate... [more] PRMU2014-94 MVE2014-56
ICSS, IA 2014-06-06
Hyogo Takikawa Memorial Hall, Kobe University (Hyogo) A Web-based Encrypted File Sending and Receiving System and Applying OpenID Authentication
Kohei Isobe (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Masanori Hirotomo (Saga Univ.), Youji Fukuta (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Kobe Univ.), Akira Iwata (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) IA2014-13 ICSS2014-13
In the case of sending and receiving files which need secret via the Internet, files get encrypted. Encrypting files req... [more] IA2014-13 ICSS2014-13
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2014-03-27
Okinawa Meio Univiersity (Okinawa) SSL Client Authentication with TPM -- Issuance of Public Key Certificate with OpenID and Terminal Authentication with SSL Client Certificate --
Akihito Shinoda (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Youji Fukuta (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Masanori Hirotomo (Saga Univ.), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Kobe Univ.), Akira Iwata (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) ICSS2013-66
TPM-embedded terminals can be used as authentication tokens by issuing certificates to signature keys generated by TPM. ... [more] ICSS2013-66
LOIS 2014-03-08
Okinawa (Okinawa) Linkable System Using Encrypted Personal Identification Information for Clinical Research
Tetsuya Hirai (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Youji Fukuta (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Masanori Hirotomo (Saga Univ.), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Toshiharu Nakai (NCGG), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Kobe Univ.) LOIS2013-79
In order to append and relate clinical information to new information, clinical information is de-identified in clinical... [more] LOIS2013-79
LOIS, ICM 2012-01-20
Kumamoto Sojo Univ. (Kumamoto) Development of software to present the same tests of physical strength of visuomotor transformation at the cognitive processing of concept formation for the analysis in brain activity using fMRI
Kei Sugiura (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Youji Fukuta (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Toshiharu Nakai (NCGG), Ayuko Tanaka (NIPH), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) ICM2011-39 LOIS2011-64
It has been focused for effect of exercise on dementia. We want to clarify the relationship between exercise and brain f... [more] ICM2011-39 LOIS2011-64
MI 2012-01-20
Okinawa (Okinawa) [Poster Presentation] Automatic Polyp Detection in Endoscopy Image Using Hessian Filter
Takayuki Shinohara, Yuji Iwahori (Chubu Univ.), Shinji Fukui (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Kunio Kasugai (Aichi Med. Univ.) MI2011-132
 [more] MI2011-132
WBS, IT, ISEC 2009-03-09
Hokkaido Hakodate Mirai Univ. (Hokkaido) Analysis of Fast Correlation Attack Using Dynamically Constructed Parity Checks
Youji Fukuta (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Masakatu Morii (Kobe Univ.) IT2008-53 ISEC2008-111 WBS2008-66
Stream cipher is one of primitive classes in symmetric key ciphers where plaintext symbols are combined with pseudo rand... [more] IT2008-53 ISEC2008-111 WBS2008-66
WBS, IT, ISEC 2009-03-09
Hokkaido Hakodate Mirai Univ. (Hokkaido) Easy Key Management in Multiple Association by Using (2,2)-threshold Secret Sharing For A Group File Sharing System
Mariko Uchida (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Youji Fukuta (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) IT2008-55 ISEC2008-113 WBS2008-68
One of security issue of group file sharing system using file server is file leak by illegal operation by server adminis... [more] IT2008-55 ISEC2008-113 WBS2008-68
WBS, IT, ISEC 2009-03-10
Hokkaido Hakodate Mirai Univ. (Hokkaido) Improvement of LFSR Initial State Reconstruction Algorithm in Fast Correlation Attack Using Dynamically Constructed Parity Check Equations
Hiroaki Saitoh, Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Youji Fukuta (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) IT2008-84 ISEC2008-142 WBS2008-97
Fast correlation attack (FCA) has been known as a method of cryptanalysis for the unpredictability of Nonlinear Combiner... [more] IT2008-84 ISEC2008-142 WBS2008-97
ISEC, LOIS 2008-11-13
Aichi Nagoya Noh Theater (Aichi) On Host-based Packet Capturing Mechanism for Network Forensics
Shunsuke Inai (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Youji Fukuta (Aichi Univ. of Edu.), Shoji Mizobuchi (Kinki Univ.), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Ryoji Noguchi (Toyotsu Syscom Corp.) ISEC2008-73 OIS2008-49
Digital forensics is application of computer crime investigation and analysis techniques in the interests of determing p... [more] ISEC2008-73 OIS2008-49
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