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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 200  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HCS 2025-03-13
Shizuoka (Shizuoka) Analysis of the Relationship between Conversational Feature Changes as Time Passed and Speaker Attributes in First Meeting
Masaki Ota, Kosuke Shima, Atsuko Mutoh (NITech), Tohgoroh Matsui (Chubu Univ), Koichi Moriyama, Nobuhiro Inuzuka (NITech)
HCS 2025-03-13
Shizuoka (Shizuoka) Detection of Diachronic Language Change Using Time-Synchronized Comments on Video Platforms
Hayato Nishio, Atsuko Mutoh, Kosuke Shima, Koichi Moriyama (NITech), Tohgoroh Matsui (Chubu), Nobuhiro Inuzuka (NITech)
WPT 2025-03-10
Kyoto Kyoto-Univ. (Uji campus) (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Proposal for an EV in-motion power supply system using a coil-loaded road transmission line and multiple vehicle control
Nadaya Tomonori, Tsunekawa Koichi (Chubu Univ.)
SC 2025-03-07
Kyoto The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics.(Hyakumanben) (Kyoto, Online) Additional products recommendation system considering order time and number of orders using time series data
Naoya Yoshida, Atsuko Mutoh, Kosuke Shima, Koichi Moriyama (Nitech), Tohgoroh Matsui (Chubu Univ.), Nobuhiro Inuzuka (Nitech)
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] 2025-02-20
Ehime (Ehime) Quantitative technical proficiency assessment based on gaze analysis measured during catheterization procedures
Daisuke Yamamoto (Kindai Univ.), Hayato Yokoyama (Nisseki Nagoya Daini Hospital), Masaya Yamamoto (Chubu Univ.), Takashi Izumi (Nagoya Univ.), Takeshi Kohama (Kindai Univ.)
Osaka (Osaka) Learning and generation of long-period rhythms using reservoir computing with slow features
Yuji Kawai (Osaka Univ.), Shinya Fujii (Keio Univ.), Minoru Asada (IPUT/Osaka Univ./NICT/Chubu Univ.) NC2024-54
Reservoir computing (RC) has been utilized for learning and generating diverse time-series data, including musical seque... [more] NC2024-54
EST 2025-01-23
Okinawa Ishigaki Civic Hall (Okinawa) Suggestion of the non-contact type personal identity system using the Doppler sensor
Kambe Sena, Tomoya Sugiyama, Itiru Miyahasi, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ.) EST2024-98
Face recognition and fingerprint recognition have been widely used as personal authentication technologies in the past, ... [more] EST2024-98
EST 2025-01-23
Okinawa Ishigaki Civic Hall (Okinawa) Proposal for a Technology to Understand Deterioration in Tunnels Using IoT Sensors
Mei Oyamada, Takumu Ogawa, Takuto Ito, Ichiru Miyahashi, Tomoya Sugiyama, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ.) EST2024-99
In recent years, there has been a demand for a system to monitor the deterioration of social infrastructure in Japan due... [more] EST2024-99
EST 2025-01-23
Okinawa Ishigaki Civic Hall (Okinawa) Study on Step Count Optimization in Foot Color Using HSV Color System
Momona Kikuzawa, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ.) EST2024-100
 [more] EST2024-100
EST, MW, EMCJ, IEE-EMC [detail] 2024-10-18
Akita Akita Art Village Onsen Yupopo (Akita, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Research on technology for automatic correction of sensor installation direction
Tomoya Sugiyama, Momona Kikuzawa, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ.) EMCJ2024-66 MW2024-119 EST2024-90
In the future, Japan is expected to face a shortage of engineers and an increase in medical and nursing care costs due t... [more] EMCJ2024-66 MW2024-119 EST2024-90
NLP, CAS 2024-10-17
Tottori Information Center, Tottori University (Tottori) Analysis of Synchronization Features in Excitatory-Inhibitory Neural Systems with Modulated E/I Balance
Akio Sugawara (CIT), Nobuhiko Wagatsuma (TU), Keiichiro Inagaki (CU), Sou Nobukawa (CIT) CAS2024-39 NLP2024-69
The balance between excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the brain (E/I balance) significantly influences cognitive func... [more] CAS2024-39 NLP2024-69
MW, EMT, OPE, MWPTHz, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2024-07-11
Hokkaido otaru-shimin-kaikan (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study of the health condition estimate system using sole information
Momona Kikuzawa, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ) EMT2024-26 MW2024-50 OPE2024-29 EST2024-27 MWPTHz2024-33
 [more] EMT2024-26 MW2024-50 OPE2024-29 EST2024-27 MWPTHz2024-33
MW, EMT, OPE, MWPTHz, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2024-07-11
Hokkaido otaru-shimin-kaikan (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Research on Understanding the Interior of Structures the 3-D Using Elastic Wave FDTD Method
Takumu Ogawa, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu University Graduate School) EMT2024-32 MW2024-56 OPE2024-35 EST2024-33 MWPTHz2024-39
As the birthrate declines and the population ages, there is concern that there will be a shortage of workers to inspect ... [more] EMT2024-32 MW2024-56 OPE2024-35 EST2024-33 MWPTHz2024-39
IBISML, NC, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2024-06-22
Okinawa OIST (Okinawa) Oscillation-driven reservoir computing for long-term timing/chaotic time-series prediction
Yuji Kawai (Osaka Univ.), Takashi Morita (Chubu Univ.), Park Jihoon (NICT/Osaka Univ.), Minoru Asada (IPUT/Osaka Univ./NICT/Chubu Univ.) NC2024-30 IBISML2024-30
Reservoir computing has been exploited for model-free prediction of various time series, including chaotic dynamical sys... [more] NC2024-30 IBISML2024-30
Ibaraki AIST Tsukuba (Ibaraki) Disturbance Evaluation Circuit for Quantum Measurements and Its Experimental Demonstration on a Quantum Computer
Haruki Emori (Hokkaido Univ.), Masanao Ozawa (Chubu Univ.), Akihisa Tomita (Hokkaido Univ.)
The performance evaluation of quantum measurements is essential for the advancement of quantum information processing. I... [more]
EST 2024-01-25
Kyoto Kyoto University ROHM Plaza (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Optical fiber bending direction estimation technique using multi core optical fiber propagation characteristics
Shu Otoshiro, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ) EST2023-102
 [more] EST2023-102
EST 2024-01-25
Kyoto Kyoto University ROHM Plaza (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Estimation Technique for Solar Panel Orientation towards Achieving Self-Contained Sensor Implementation
Momona Kikuzawa, Tomoya Sugiyama, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ) EST2023-106
 [more] EST2023-106
EST 2024-01-25
Kyoto Kyoto University ROHM Plaza (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Technology for Identifying Internal Defects in Concrete Structures Using Elastic Wave FDTD Method
Ryuji Sanuki, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ.) EST2023-107
 [more] EST2023-107
EST 2024-01-25
Kyoto Kyoto University ROHM Plaza (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Research on biometric authentication technology using gait vibration information and pattern recognition
Kanon Ota, Ryuji Sanuki, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ) EST2023-108
 [more] EST2023-108
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Hiyoshi Campus) (Kanagawa) Efficient exploration with intrinsic motivation considering state transitions in deep reinforcement learning
Kaito Ohshika, Hidenori Itaya, Tsubasa Hirakawa, Takayoshi Yamashita, Hironobu Fujiyoshi (Chubu Univ.) PRMU2023-42
In deep reinforcement learning, learning data is collected through the interaction between the agent and the environment... [more] PRMU2023-42
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