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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Ishikawa The Kanazawa Theatre + Online (Ishikawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Lecture] Local 5G verification test on Shinkansen deadhead line
Yusuke Dohi, Masahiro Yamashita, Reiji Ishima (JRE), Koki Senda, Hiroya Matsunaga, Yosuke Sakamoto (NEC) RCC2022-33 NS2022-51 RCS2022-94 SR2022-36 SeMI2022-38
There is an increasing need for railway operators to monitor running trains remotely from Operation Control Center. 5G i... [more] RCC2022-33 NS2022-51 RCS2022-94 SR2022-36 SeMI2022-38
p.65(RCC), p.120(NS), p.127(RCS), p.73(SR), p.82(SeMI)
SSS 2019-06-25
Tokyo (Tokyo) Application of STAMP/STPA to railway signalling system
Yusuke Takano, Takashi Kawano (JRE) SSS2019-10
At present, FTA and FMEA are often used as a safety analysis method and are effective in many cases. In the case of a so... [more] SSS2019-10
SSS 2018-06-20
Tokyo (Tokyo) Application of Rationality diagnosis to Railway Signalling system -- Application to Closing Signal machine --
Yusuke Takano, Takashi Kawano (JRE) SSS2018-7
The railway signal system is a system to prevent train collision and derailment and to support safe and stable transport... [more] SSS2018-7
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