Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
MW |
2025-03-07 14:40 |
Shimane |
Taisha Urara-kan Culrural Hall (Shimane, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Circular Waveguide Polarizer Consisting of Ridges Whose Width Change Periodically Hidenori Yukawa, Yu Ushijima, Akimichi Hirota, Yoshio Inasawa (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) |
(To be available after the conference date) [more] |
MW, EMT, OPE, MWPTHz, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] |
2024-07-11 15:35 |
Hokkaido |
otaru-shimin-kaikan (Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Measurement results of septum polarizer consisting of circular-to-rectangular converting waveguide Hidenori Yukawa, Kodai Miura, Akimichi Hirota, Yoshio Inasawa (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) EMT2024-16 MW2024-40 OPE2024-19 EST2024-17 MWPTHz2024-23 |
A septum polarizer is one of the waveguide components that separates two orthogonal polarizations, and is often used in ... [more] |
EMT2024-16 MW2024-40 OPE2024-19 EST2024-17 MWPTHz2024-23 pp.38-43 |
MW |
2022-03-03 09:55 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Feasibility Study Results of Wideband Polarization Networks for Multi Band Coaxial Horn Antenna Hidenori Yukawa, Hiromasa Nakajima, Shuji Nuimura, Toru Fukasawa, Yoshio Inasawa (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) MW2021-113 |
A polarization networks for a coaxial multi-frequency band horn antenna can individually configure the circuit of each f... [more] |
MW2021-113 pp.12-17 |
MW |
2021-05-20 13:55 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Waveguide Rat-Race Coupler with Phase Inverter Circuits Comprised of Twists Hidenori Yukawa, Takeshi Oshima, Toru Takahashi, Yoshio Inasawa (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) MW2021-7 |
A rat race coupler is useful as a 180-degree coupler. But in principle, a phase difference of 180 degrees can be obtaine... [more] |
MW2021-7 pp.11-16 |
EMCJ, MW, EST, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2019-10-24 11:15 |
Miyagi |
Tohoku Gakuin University(Conf. Room 2, Eng. Bldg. 1) (Miyagi) |
T-Junction OMT with 45-degree tilted Waveguide Ports Hidenori Yukawa, Yu Ushijima, Toru Takahashi, Naofumi Yoneda, Moriyasu Miyazaki (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) EMCJ2019-41 MW2019-70 EST2019-49 |
A T-junction OMT (Ortho-Mode-Transducer) is well known as one of waveguide components that separate two orthogonal linea... [more] |
EMCJ2019-41 MW2019-70 EST2019-49 pp.27-32 |
MW, ED |
2019-01-17 12:50 |
Tokyo |
Hitachi, Central Research Lab. (Tokyo) |
[Special Talk]
Briefing Report on European Microwave Week 2018 Hiroaki Ikeuchi (Toshiba), Chen Chun-Pin (Kanagawa Univ.), Yu Ushijima, Jun Kamioka (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.), Kyoya Takano (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Kentaro Murata (Toshiba), Takashi Shimizu (Utsunomiya Univ.) ED2018-73 MW2018-140 |
[more] |
ED2018-73 MW2018-140 pp.23-30 |
EST, MW, EMCJ, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2018-10-19 10:10 |
Aomori |
Hachinohe Chamber of Commerce and Industry(Hachinohe city, Aomori) (Aomori) |
180-Degree Branch Line Coupler Composed of Two Types of Iris-Loaded Waveguides Hidenori Yukawa, Yu Ushijima, Toru Takahashi, Naofumi Yoneda, Moriyasu Miyazaki (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) EMCJ2018-48 MW2018-84 EST2018-70 |
We propose a 180-degree branch line coupler composed of two types of iris-loaded waveguides. The proposed coupler consis... [more] |
EMCJ2018-48 MW2018-84 EST2018-70 pp.89-94 |
MWP, OPE, EMT, MW, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] |
2017-07-21 11:50 |
Hokkaido |
Obihiro Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Hokkaido) |
A Wideband Beam Forming Network with Two Types of Phase-Shifters for Multi Beam Antenna Hidenori Yukawa, Yu Ushijima, Takeshi Yuasa, Naofumi Yoneda, Moriyasu Miyazaki (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) EMT2017-33 MW2017-58 OPE2017-38 EST2017-35 MWP2017-35 |
Demands on high throughput communication for airplanes and ships by high throughput satellite using Ka-band have been in... [more] |
EMT2017-33 MW2017-58 OPE2017-38 EST2017-35 MWP2017-35 pp.145-150 |
MW |
2016-11-17 15:20 |
Saga |
Saga Univ. (Saga) |
A 3D-Printed T-Junction OMT with an offset stepped post Hidenori Yukawa, Yu Ushijima, Motomi Abe, Naofumi Yoneda, Moriyasu Miyazaki (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) MW2016-124 |
Waveguide OMT (Ortho-Mode-Transducer) is one of key components of antenna feed systems for satellite communication. It w... [more] |
MW2016-124 pp.43-48 |
EMCJ, IEE-EMC, MW, EST [detail] |
2015-10-22 10:55 |
Miyagi |
Sakura Hall, Katahira Campus, Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) |
A Coaxial OMT with TE21-Mode Coupler Hidenori Yukawa, Shin-ichi Yamamoto, Tetsuya Katase, Shuji Nuimura, Naofumi Yoneda (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) EMCJ2015-63 MW2015-102 EST2015-73 |
Waveguide orthomode junction (OMJ) is one of key components of antenna feed systems for satellite communication. It work... [more] |
EMCJ2015-63 MW2015-102 EST2015-73 pp.23-28 |
2015-03-06 10:45 |
Fukui |
University of Fukui (Fukui) |
A Waveguide Bandpass Filter with H-plane Coupled Extracted Cavities Hidenori Yukawa, Kazuyoshi Yamashita, Shuji Nuimura, Tetsu Owada, Yukihiro Tahara (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.) MW2014-219 ICD2014-132 |
Microwave filters are generally used to separate the transmit and receive signals in the antenna feed systems.Especially... [more] |
MW2014-219 ICD2014-132 pp.95-99 |