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 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IA 2024-10-27
Overseas National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) (Overseas, Online) [Poster Presentation] Validation of Adaptive TDD Slot Allocation Method for Beyond-5G Networks
Musashi Hayashi (KIT), Yuzo Taenaka (NAIST), Yi-Wei Ma (NTUST), Kazuya Tsukamoto (KIT) IA2024-38
In 5G networks, Time Division Duplexing (TDD) is used to divide wireless resources into slots, and these slots are alloc... [more] IA2024-38
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa Okinawa Sangyo Shien Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Non-contact estimation of the flow volume of oral breathing by using far infrared and visible images
Taro Yamada, Dai Hanawa (NCU), Kimio Oguchi (NTUST) IMQ2023-41 IE2023-96 MVE2023-70
(To be available after the conference date) [more] IMQ2023-41 IE2023-96 MVE2023-70
IA 2024-01-25
Tokyo Kwansei Gakuin Univiversity, Marunouchi Campus (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] AI@Security - Security Threats and Smart Technology
Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST)
IA 2024-01-25
Tokyo Kwansei Gakuin Univiversity, Marunouchi Campus (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Router Security Assessment Using CAPEC Vulnerability Assessment Criteria
Yu-Chaing Wang, Tai-Ying Chiu, Bor-Yao Tseng, Bagus Tri Atmaja, Jiann-Liang Chen, Shih-Ping Chiu (NTUST), Jian-Chang Hsu (ITRI) IA2023-62
Our research addresses the nexus of router performance and security in contemporary cyberinfrastructure. Routers, pivota... [more] IA2023-62
IA 2024-01-25
Tokyo Kwansei Gakuin Univiversity, Marunouchi Campus (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Automated Electronic Strike Zone and Pitch Trajectory Overlay System Based on AI computer vision
Lin Wang, Bor-Yao Tseng, Hung-Tse Chiang, Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST), Han-Chuan Hsieh (TISS) IA2023-64
At present, the electronic strike zone in practical applications is usually fixed in a specific height range, and the ac... [more] IA2023-64
DC 2023-02-28
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Effective Switching Probability Calculation to Locate Hotspots in Logic Circuit
Taiki Utsunomiya, Kohei Miyase, Ryu Hoshino (Kyutech), Shyue-Kung Lu (NTUST), Xiaoqing Wen, Seiji Kajihara (Kyutech) DC2022-92
High power consumption in LSI testing may cause excessive IR-drop. When IR-drop becomes excessive, it causes excessive d... [more] DC2022-92
IA 2020-10-01
Online Online (Online) Malicious URLs Detection Using an Integrated AI Framework
Bo-Xiang Wang, Ren-Feng Deng, Yi-Wei Ma, Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST) IA2020-1
Malicious attacks on computer networks are quite common, and the internet attacks are even more widespread, such as Malv... [more] IA2020-1
IA 2020-10-01
Online Online (Online) [Poster Presentation] Performance Analysis of Proposed Mechanism in an SDN Emulation Environment
Meena Mahalingam, Yi-Wei Ma, Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST) IA2020-8
Abstract - Software-defined networking (SDN) is one of the most significant topics of research recently. OpenFlow is rap... [more] IA2020-8
IA 2019-11-14
Tokyo Kwansei Gakuin University, Tokyo Marunouchi Campus (Sapia Tower) (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] Intelligent Control of Things for Agriculture Applications
Ching-An Wu, Jin-Qiu Shi, Jiann-Liang Chen, Yi-Wei Ma, Shih-Ping Chiu (NTUST) IA2019-30
The concept of IoT is becoming more and more popular as the developed and advanced of the internet, which connects each ... [more] IA2019-30
IA 2019-11-15
Tokyo Kwansei Gakuin University, Tokyo Marunouchi Campus (Sapia Tower) (Tokyo) Malicious URL Classification using Machine Learning Techniques
Yu-Chen Chen, Li-Dong Chen, Yan-Ju Chen, Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST) IA2019-41
The Website security is an important research topic that must be pursued to protect internet users. Traditionally, black... [more] IA2019-41
DC 2019-02-27
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Analysis of the hotspot distribution in the LSI
Yudai Kawano, Kohei Miyase (Kyutech), Shyue-Kung Lu (NTUST), Xiaoqing Wen, Seiji Kajihara (Kyutech) DC2018-74
Performance degrading caused by high IR-drop in normal functional mode of LSI can be solved by improving power supply ne... [more] DC2018-74
EMT, EST, LQE, MWP, OPE, PEM, PN, IEE-EMT [detail] 2018-01-25
Hyogo (Hyogo) Multichannel sensing system using linear cavity laser consisting of semiconductor optical amplifier, arrayed waveguide grating and fiber Bragg grating
Mao Okada, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto (Tokushima Univ.), Yi-Lin Yu, Shien-Kuei Liaw (NTUST) PN2017-41 EMT2017-78 OPE2017-119 LQE2017-101 EST2017-77 MWP2017-54
 [more] PN2017-41 EMT2017-78 OPE2017-119 LQE2017-101 EST2017-77 MWP2017-54
SANE 2016-11-25
Overseas National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) (Overseas) Study of a Class of Digital Multi-Channel Dimming Circuits
Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu, Jei-Hung Chen (NTUST, Taiwan)
IA 2016-11-03
Overseas Taipei (Taiwan) (Overseas) [Poster Presentation] An Adaptive Data Center Manager in Software-Defined Information Centric Networking
Yi-Lin Xie, Fu-Yuan Lin, Kuan-Hung Lai (NTUST), Yi-Wei Ma (SMU), Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST) IA2016-39
With the rapid development of the Internet, the most common network architecture is Client/Server which is not afford to... [more] IA2016-39
IA 2016-11-03
Overseas Taipei (Taiwan) (Overseas) [Poster Presentation] Component-based Network Function Virtualization Middleware in Software-Defined Networking
Yung-Chiao Chen (NTU), Cheng-Mou Chiang, Jia-Yi Jhou (NTUST), Yi-Wei Ma (SMU), Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST) IA2016-41
In this research, we proposes network function virtualization middleware which includes the service chaining and resourc... [more] IA2016-41
IA 2015-11-12
Chiba NARITA VIEW HOTEL (Chiba) Automatic Conformance and Interoperability Tests for Software-Defined Networking
Yi-Lin Xie, Cheng-Mou Chiang (NTUST), Yi-Wei Ma (SMU), Yung-Chiao Chen (NTU), Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST), Wen-Chien Hung (III) IA2015-51
As Google introduced the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) into Data Centers and successfully enhanced its network effic... [more] IA2015-51
IA 2015-11-13
Chiba NARITA VIEW HOTEL (Chiba) A Novel Self-Organizing Network for Small Cell Management
Chia-Ju Lin, Hao-Kai Lin, Zheng-Zhun Chen, Yu-Yao Chang, Yung-Sheng Lee, Jiann-Liang Chen (NTUST) IA2015-61
Self-Organizing Network (SON) is expected to become a key solution to optimizing mobile network performances and dealing... [more] IA2015-61
 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
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