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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Kagawa Sunport Hall Takamatsu (Kagawa) [Poster Presentation] Isolated zero point generation by propagation-manipulation of photon pair via SPDC with stractured light
Takumi, Hirokazu (KUT)
A light wave with a finite beam radius exhibits a unique Gouy phase characteristic of converging waves during propagatio... [more]
RECONF 2024-09-18
Niigata (Niigata, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Shell-Role style FPGA chip SLMLET-2 for IoT applications
Hideharu Amano, Takuya Kojima (U. Tokyo), Morihiro Kuga (Kumamoto Univ.), Hayate Okuhara (NUS), Masahiro Iida (Kumamoto Univ.) RECONF2024-54
In recent years, efforts have been underway to enhance the functionality and performance of IoT edge devices, aiming to ... [more] RECONF2024-54
Hiroshima Satellite Campus Hiroshima (Hiroshima) [Invited Talk] Internet Transport Economics
Richard T. B. Ma (NUS) IN2023-44
 [more] IN2023-44
TL 2023-10-01
Tokyo University of Tokyo (Tokyo) From Lab to Web: PCIbex and its Potential in Web-Based Eye Tracking for Psycholinguistics
Takeshi Kishiyama, Yoichiro Yamashita (UT), Aine Ito (NUS), Yuki Hirose (UT) TL2023-26
 [more] TL2023-26
RECONF 2023-09-15
Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Koganei campus (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Library Development for RISC-V FPGA SoCs
Takuya Kojima (UTokyo/JST PRESTO), Yosuke Yanai (Keio Univ.), Hayate Okuhara (NUS), Hideharu Amano (Keio Univ.), Morihiro Kuga, Masahiro Iida (Kumamoto Univ.) RECONF2023-31
 [more] RECONF2023-31
CPSY, DC, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2023-08-04
Hokkaido Hakodate Arena (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Power Evaluation of "SLMLET" Chip with Mixed RISC-V MP and SLM Reconfiguration Logic
Yosuke Yanai (Keio Univ.), Takuya Kojima (Tokyo Univ./JST PRESTO), Hayate Okuhara (NUS), Hideharu Amano (Keio Univ.), Morihiro Kuga, Masahiro Iida (Kumamoto Univ.) CPSY2023-25 DC2023-25
In recent years, opportunities requiring processing at the IoT edge have been increasing. As a solution, not only conven... [more] CPSY2023-25 DC2023-25
US 2022-09-20
Online Online (Online) Spatial resolution distribution in 3D photoacoustic imaging using hemispherical detector array
Kenichi Nagae (Luxonus) US2022-37
 [more] US2022-37
CPSY, DC, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2022-07-28
Yamaguchi Kaikyo Messe Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Preliminary evaluation of "SLMLET" chip with RISC-V MP and SLM reconfigurable logic
Yosuke Yanai (Keio Univ.), Takuya Kojima (Tokyo Univ.), Hayate Okuhara (NUS.), Hideharu Amano (Keio Univ.), Masahiro Iida (Kumamoto Univ.) CPSY2022-8 DC2022-8
In recent years, processing power in IoT edge devices has been further improved. Therefore, a solution called a mixed FP... [more] CPSY2022-8 DC2022-8
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2022-06-27
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Adversarial Attacks and Defenses for Non-Parametric Two-Sample Tests
Xilie Xu (NUS), Jingfeng Zhang (RIKEN-AIP), Feng Liu (UTS), Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN-AIP), Mohan Kankanhalli (NUS) NC2022-4 IBISML2022-4
When we deploy models trained by standard training (ST), they work well on natural test data. However, those models cann... [more] NC2022-4 IBISML2022-4
ICM 2022-03-04
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Internet Transport Economics -- a new approach to characterize the Quality of Service (QoS) of Internet services --
Richard T. B. Ma (NUS) ICM2021-51
With the rise of video streaming and cloud services, the Internet has evolved into a content-centric service network; ho... [more] ICM2021-51
PRMU 2021-08-26
Online Online (Online) Unsupervised non-rigid alignment for multiple noisy images
Takanori Asanomi, Kazuya Nishimura, Heon Song, Junya Hayashida (Kyushu Univ.), Hiroyuki Sekiguchi (Kyoto Univ.), Takayuki Yagi (Luxonus), Imari Sato (NII), Ryoma Bise (Kyushu Univ.) PRMU2021-7
We propose a deep non-rigid alignment network that can simultaneously perform non-rigid alignment and noise decompositio... [more] PRMU2021-7
Online Online (Online) Analysis of quantum insertion/deletion errors via Kraus operators
Taro Shibayama (Chiba Univ.), Yingkai Ouyang (NUS)
In this paper, we prove the equivalence of inserting separable quantum states and deletions. Hence any quantum code that... [more]
- 2019-11-02
Overseas Xidian University (Overseas) Diode Modeling for the Design of Rectifiers with Microwave Input
Takashi Hirakawa (Kyoto Univ.), Zhang hao (NUS), Naoki Shinohara (Kyoto Univ.), Yong Xin Guo (NUS)
We focused on the modeling method for the design of single-shunt rectifiers. In this case, only S11 is necessity for the... [more]
ICM 2019-03-07
Okinawa (Okinawa) [Invited Talk] [Invited Talk] DRS: Auto-Scaling for Real-Time Stream Analytics
Richard T. B. Ma (NUS) ICM2018-54
 [more] ICM2018-54
ET 2019-01-26
Osaka Umeda Campus, Kansai University (Osaka) WebSec: Development and Evaluation of game exercise tool for security training
Tan Omiya (NAIST), Balázs Barna (Corvinus University of Budapest), Youki Kadobayashi (NAIST) ET2018-79
Security standards clearly state that it is necessary to implement security education for employees. However, there are ... [more] ET2018-79
Tokyo The University of Tokyo (Tokyo) Quantum computational universality of hypergraph states with Pauli-X and Z basis measurements
Yuki Takeuchi (NTT), Tomoyuki Morimae (Kyoto Univ./JST), Masahito Hayashi (Nagoya Univ./SUSTech/NUS)
In this talk, we construct a universal hypergraph state that only requires $X$ and $Z$-basis measurements for universal ... [more]
- 2017-12-11
Overseas National University of Singapore(AWPT2017) (Overseas) Novel Extended Non-Breakdown Rectifier Topologies for Power-Optimized Waveform based Wireless Power Transfer Systems
Hao Zhang (NUST), Zheng Zhong, Yong-Xin Guo (NUS), Wen Wu (NUST)
This paper presents two novel extended non-breakdown rectifier topologies, which practically solve the rectifier?s early... [more]
- 2017-12-11
Overseas National University of Singapore(AWPT2017) (Overseas) Harmonic detection of wireless biomedical sensors
Tian Xi, John S. Ho (NUS)
Wireless sensing systems could enable continuous monitoring of health parameters within the human body. Long-term operat... [more]
- 2017-12-11
Overseas National University of Singapore(AWPT2017) (Overseas) Enhanced Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting with Subwavelength Chiral Structures
Dong Zhenya, Yang Fengyuan, John Ho (NUS)
Collecting energy from electromagnetic radiation in dynamic environments is challenging because most harvesting structur... [more]
- 2017-12-11
Overseas National University of Singapore(AWPT2017) (Overseas) In vivo wireless photonic photodynamic therapy
Fengyuan Yang, John Ho (NUS)
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a precision treatment based on the selective activation of drugs with light. Its clinical ... [more]
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