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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
OCS, LQE, OPE, OFT 2024-11-22
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Report on ECOC2024 -- Optical transceivers for communications --
Masaru Takechi (PETRA/SEI) OCS2024-52 OFT2024-77 OPE2024-100 LQE2024-47
This paper reports on latest research and development trends regarding optical transceivers for communications, based on... [more] OCS2024-52 OFT2024-77 OPE2024-100 LQE2024-47
OCS, LQE, OPE 2023-10-20
Kochi (Kochi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Mosaic-based optical passive devices with fine circular holes deployed on closest packing structure
Takuya Mitarai (SEI/PETRA), Takeshi Fujisawa (Hokkaido Univ.), Yusuke Sawada, Takuya Okimoto, Hideki Yagi, Naoki Fujiwara (SEI/PETRA) OCS2023-42 OPE2023-97 LQE2023-44
 [more] OCS2023-42 OPE2023-97 LQE2023-44
LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD, R 2023-08-25
Miyagi Tohoku university (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Progress and Future Prospect of Photonic Integrated Devices using InP Chip/SOI Wafer Bonding Technique
Hideki Yagi (PETRA), Nobuhiko Nishiyama (Tokyo Tech), Naoki Fujiwara, Masaki Yanagisawa (PETRA) R2023-28 EMD2023-23 CPM2023-33 OPE2023-72 LQE2023-19
The development of beyond fifth-generation (5G) and sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication systems is accelerating t... [more] R2023-28 EMD2023-23 CPM2023-33 OPE2023-72 LQE2023-19
OPE, OCS, LQE 2022-10-20
Ehime (Ehime, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Frequency Chirp Induced by Inter-Arm Imbalance in Mach-Zehnder Silicon Optical Modulators
Tadashi Murao, Jun Ushida, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Masatoshi Tokushima, Akemi Shiina, Tsuyoshi Horikawa (PETRA) OCS2022-22 OPE2022-68 LQE2022-31
Characteristic variations caused by nonuniformities in the fabrication process are inevitable in carrier-depletion Mach–... [more] OCS2022-22 OPE2022-68 LQE2022-31
PN 2022-08-29
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Research and Development of High Speed and Low Power Data Transfer System Using Photonic & Electronic Hybrid Switch
Osamu Moriwaki, Kenya Suzuki (PETRA) PN2022-11
We discuss a method of combining optical switches and electrical packet switches to realize a high-speed, low-power data... [more] PN2022-11
EMD, R, LQE, OPE, CPM 2022-08-26
Chiba   (Chiba, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Progress of Multi-Terabit-Class Transceiver using Heterogeneous Material Integration Technology
Nobuhiko Nishiyama (Tokyo Tech/PETRA) R2022-26 EMD2022-14 CPM2022-31 OPE2022-57 LQE2022-20
In response to the accelerating demand for data processing through networks, heterogeneous material photonic integrated ... [more] R2022-26 EMD2022-14 CPM2022-31 OPE2022-57 LQE2022-20
Yamaguchi Conference room 204A・B at KDDI Ishin-hall (Yamaguchi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Novel transceiver architecture for low-power-consumption coherent transceiver
Shinsuke Tanaka, Yohei Sobu, Tomoyuki Akiyama (PETRA/Fujitsu), Takeshi Hoshida (Fujitsu) OCS2021-40
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] OCS2021-40
OCS, OPE, LQE 2021-11-12
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Report on ECOC 2021 -- Optical Interconnects --
Takanori Shimizu (PETRA) OCS2021-23 OPE2021-43 LQE2021-22
This paper reports the R&D trend on optical interconnects at the 47th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC... [more] OCS2021-23 OPE2021-43 LQE2021-22
OCS, OPE, LQE 2021-10-22
Online Online (Online) Compact Model and Parametric Extraction for Optical Phase Shifters in Carrier-Depletion Mach-Zehnder Silicon Modulators
Tadashi Murao, Jun Ushida, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Masatoshi Tokushima, Akemi Shiina, Tsuyoshi Horikawa (PETRA) OCS2021-18 OPE2021-38 LQE2021-17
Testing processes in silicon photonics are totally different from electronics and reduction of testing time has been an ... [more] OCS2021-18 OPE2021-38 LQE2021-17
OCS, OPE, LQE 2021-10-22
Online Online (Online) Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of OMA Penalty by Inter-Arm Imbalance in Mach-Zehnder Silicon Optical Modulators
Tadashi Murao, Jun Ushida, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Masatoshi Tokushima, Akemi Shiina, Tsuyoshi Horikawa (PETRA) OCS2021-19 OPE2021-39 LQE2021-18
In this paper, an inter-arm imbalance and its impact on the optical modulation amplitude (OMA) are investigated for carr... [more] OCS2021-19 OPE2021-39 LQE2021-18
R, LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD 2020-08-28
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Waveguide Germanium Avalanche Photodiode with High Responsivity and Low Dependence on Polarization Capable of Receiving 1600nm Band Wavelength
Hideki Ono (OKI), Jun-ichi Fujikata, Masataka Noguchi (PETRA), Hiroyuki Takahashi, Masanori Itoh, Daisuke Shimura, Hiroki Yaegashi, Hironori Sasaki (OKI) R2020-15 EMD2020-14 CPM2020-7 OPE2020-27 LQE2020-7
We developed Ge-APDs having characteristics of low dependency on polarization and high responsivity at the wavelength of... [more] R2020-15 EMD2020-14 CPM2020-7 OPE2020-27 LQE2020-7
PN 2020-08-24
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Switching Time Reduction in Silica-based PLC Switch
Osamu Moriwaki, Kenya Suzuki (PETRA/NTT) PN2020-17
 [more] PN2020-17
OPE, LQE, OCS 2019-11-11
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg (Tokyo) (Tokyo) [Special Invited Talk] An Ultralow-Crosstalk WDM Demultiplexer with Automatic Fabrication-Error Correction Enabling High Yields and Temperature Insensitivity on Low-End Si Platforms
Tomoyuki Akiyama (PETRA), Shoichiro Oda (Fujitsu), Seok-Hwan Jeong, Yasuhiro Nakasha, Akinori Hayakawa, Yu Tanaka (PETRA), Takeshi Hoshida (Fujitsu) OCS2019-57 OPE2019-95 LQE2019-73
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] OCS2019-57 OPE2019-95 LQE2019-73
CPSY, DC, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2019-07-26
Hokkaido Kitami Civic Hall (Hokkaido) Parallel computing systems with wavelength routing interconnect "Optical Hub"
Yutaka Urino, Kenji Mizutani, Tatsuya Usuki, Shigeru Nakamura (PETRA) CPSY2019-33 DC2019-33
To solve the inter-node bandwidth bottleneck in parallel computing systems, we propose a wavelength routing inter-node i... [more] CPSY2019-33 DC2019-33
CPSY, DC, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2019-07-26
Hokkaido Kitami Civic Hall (Hokkaido) Inter-Node Direct Memory Access Performance with Distributed Switch for Full-Mesh Connection Between Accelerators with Optical Hub
Kenji Mizutani, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Urino (PETRA) CPSY2019-32 DC2019-32
In order to improve communication performance for paralle processing, we have proposed an optical hub that connects node... [more] CPSY2019-32 DC2019-32
PN, EMT, OPE, EST, MWP, LQE, IEE-EMT [detail] 2019-01-18
Osaka Osaka University Nakanoshima Center (Osaka) Demonstration of Low Polarization Dependent Loss of Two Dimensional Grating Coupler for Silicon Photonics Optical Receiver
Yohei Sobu, Seok-Hwan Jeong, Yu Tanaka (PETRA/Fujitsu/Fujitsu Lab) PN2018-65 EMT2018-99 OPE2018-174 LQE2018-184 EST2018-112 MWP2018-83
Two-dimensional grating couplers (2DGCs) typically used as the optical I/O interface on the silicon photonics receiver n... [more] PN2018-65 EMT2018-99 OPE2018-174 LQE2018-184 EST2018-112 MWP2018-83
OCS, OPE, LQE 2018-11-12
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg (Tokyo) (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Report on ECOC2018 -- Passive devices --
Tsuyoshi Aoki (PETRA) OCS2018-63 OPE2018-92 LQE2018-81
 [more] OCS2018-63 OPE2018-92 LQE2018-81
LQE 2018-07-13
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) [Invited Talk] High performance Si and SiGe based optical modulator and its application to optical integrated circuit
Junichi Fujikata, Masataka Noguchi, Shigeki Takahashi, Kazuhiko Kurata (PETRA), Mitsuru Takenaka (Univ. of Tokyo), Takahiro Nakamura (PETRA) LQE2018-30
Si optical modulators for MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor)-junction-type and pn-junction-type with strained p-type SiGe w... [more] LQE2018-30
LQE, LSJ 2017-05-26
Ishikawa (Ishikawa) Optical I/O for integrated Silicon-Photonics Chips -- Output-Stabilization of Grating Coupler/Butt-coupling of Spot-Size Converter --
Masatoshi Tokushima, Jun Ushida, Kenichiro Yashiki, Tsuyoshi Horikawa, Kazuhiko Kurata (PETRA) LQE2017-12
We discuss individual technical issues of grating couplers (GCs) and spot size converters (SSCs), which are optical inpu... [more] LQE2017-12
LQE, LSJ 2017-05-26
Ishikawa (Ishikawa) Low Power Consumption Operation of 1.3um Quantum Dot DFB Lasers under Wide Temperature Range
Nobuaki Hatori, Seok-hwan Jeong, Yu Tanaka (PETRA) LQE2017-20
We have investigated quantum dot distributed feedback (DFB) lasers for low power consumption operation in wide temperatu... [more] LQE2017-20
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