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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EMT, IEE-EMT 2020-11-05
Online Online (Online) Acceleration of Numerical Computation of Scattered Field by a Conductive Circular Disk Using Parallel Computing
Gen Shimada, Takashi Kuroki, Toshihiko Shibazaki (Tokyo Metro. Col. of Ind. Tech.), Teruhiro Kinoshita (Tokyo Polytech. Univ.) EMT2020-32
In numerical computation of the scattered field by a circular disk of a perfect conductor, good results can be obtained ... [more] EMT2020-32
EMT, IEE-EMT 2019-11-09
Saga Hotel Syunkeiya (Saga) Numerical Computation of Scattered Field by Circular Disk of Perfect Conductor using Multiple Precision Arithmetic -- Acceleration using Parallel Computing and Computation Method --
Takashi Kuroki, Gen Shimada, Toshihiko Shibazaki (Tokyo Metro. Coll. of Ind. Tech), Teruhiro Kinoshita (Tokyo Polytech. Univ.) EMT2019-72
In comparison to single and double precision computation, multiple precision arithmetic is a low computational speed.Par... [more] EMT2019-72
EMT, IEE-EMT 2018-11-16
Tottori Kaike Grand Hotel Tensui(Yonago, Tottori) (Tottori) Numerical Calculation of the Periodic Waveguide by Thick Conductor Irises Using the FDTD method
Chihiro Osawa, Toshihiko Shibazaki (Tokyo Metro. College of Industrial Tech.), Teruhiro Kinoshita (Tokyo Polytech. Univ.) EMT2018-56
In the past, we obtained the k − β diagram applying FDTD method by Floquet’s theorem at the periodic structure and the c... [more] EMT2018-56
EST, MW, OPE, MWP, EMT, IEE-EMT, THz [detail] 2018-07-20
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Numerical Computation of Scattered Field by Circular Disk of Perfect Conductor using High Performance Computing
Takashi Kuroki, Toshihiko Shibazaki (Tokyo Metro. Col. of Ind. Tech.), Teruhiro Kinoshita (Tokyo Polytech. Univ.) EMT2018-40 MW2018-55 OPE2018-43 EST2018-38 MWP2018-39
In numerical computation by a circular disk of perfect conductor, multiple precision arithmetic must be used. Multiple p... [more] EMT2018-40 MW2018-55 OPE2018-43 EST2018-38 MWP2018-39
EMT, IEE-EMT 2016-11-18
Wakayama Shirahama Coganoi Resort & Spa (Wakayama) Rigorous Calculation of Scattered Field by Conductive Circular Disk for a Horizontal Dipole Source -- Convergence Characteristic of Expansion Coefficient Calculation --
Takashi Kuroki, Takashi Kuroki (Tokyo Metro. Coll. of Tech), Teruhiro Kinoshita (Tokyo Polytech. Univ.) EMT2016-61
In a rigorous calculation for a horizontal polarized electric dipole, expansion coefficients represented by an integrati... [more] EMT2016-61
OPE, MW, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2016-07-21
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Hokkaido) Far-field Radiation of an Electric Dipole Source Located Near a Circular Conductive Disk
Teruhiro Kinoshita (Tokyo Polytech. Univ.), Takashi Kuroki, Toshihiko Shibazaki (Tokyo Metro. Coll. of Ind.) EMT2016-22 MW2016-53 OPE2016-34 EST2016-23 MWP2016-24
 [more] EMT2016-22 MW2016-53 OPE2016-34 EST2016-23 MWP2016-24
EMT, MW, OPE, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2015-07-16
Hokkaido Kushiro City Lifelong Learning Center (Hokkaido) Diffracted Farfield by a Circular Conductive Disk of a Parallel Polarized Electric Dipole Source -- Numerical Comparison between a Rigorous and a High-Frequency Solutions --
Teruhiro Kinoshita (Tokyo Polytech. Univ.), Takashi Kuroki, Toshihiko Shibazaki (Tokyo Metro. Coll. of Tech.) EMT2015-30 MW2015-68 OPE2015-42 EST2015-34 MWP2015-33
 [more] EMT2015-30 MW2015-68 OPE2015-42 EST2015-34 MWP2015-33
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