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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SC 2016-11-04
Hyogo Takigawa Memorial Hall, Kobe Univ. (Hyogo) Web Service Clustering through Calculating Semantic Similarity of Web Services using Novel Ontology Learning Method
Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha Rupasingha, Incheon Paik (UOA), Banage Thenne Gedara Samantha Kumara (SUSL) SC2016-21
Web service clustering is playing a major role in the efficient Web service discovery and
recommendation. Clustering is... [more]
SC 2016-06-03
Fukushima The University of Aizu (Fukushima) Improving Web Service Clustering using Ontology Learning with Machine Learning
Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha Rupasingha, Incheon Paik (UoA), Banage Thenne Gedara Samantha Kumara (SUSL) SC2016-6
 [more] SC2016-6
SC 2016-06-03
Fukushima The University of Aizu (Fukushima) Low Cost Line-Following and Load-Picking Robot
Isuru Jayarathne (University of Aizu), Senaka Amarakeerthi (SUSL), Michael Cohen (University of Aizu) SC2016-8
Navigation is a basic feature of mobile robots. Self-navigating robots can be used in industry to moving loads from one ... [more] SC2016-8
SC 2015-03-28
Fukushima Aizu Univ. (Fukushima) Mobile transactions on network society
Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha Rupasingha (Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka), Incheon Paik (University of Aizu), Sugeeswari Lekamge (Nagaoka University of Technology) SC2014-25
Mobile transaction is now a rapidly growing trend in the world. Some countries have already implemented the technology w... [more] SC2014-25
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