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 Results 1 - 20 of 49  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MVE, ITE-HI, HI-SIG-VR 2014-07-01
Tokyo (Tokyo) The Virtual Reality Element of Linguistic Information -- Possible Forward Error Correction of Shannon Theories --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) MVE2014-13
Linguistic information is not assured as true. It is difficult to determine real or virtual real. For example, which is ... [more] MVE2014-13
TL 2014-06-21
Tokyo WASEDA University (Tokyo) The Molecular Structure of Meanings of a Word -- Understanding of Individual Attribution of Concreteness and Abstractness --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) TL2014-1
Individual concepts are recognized as Concrete or Abstract Concepts, depending upon personal memory types to which they ... [more] TL2014-1
AI 2014-06-19
Tokyo Waseda University (Tokyo) There is no Limit of Growth for Human Intellectual Development. -- Some Techniques to Think of Complex System beyond Errant Shannon Theories --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) AI2014-1
The study on “Digital Linguistics” clarified the mechanism of human intelligence. When its mechanism is revealed, the me... [more] AI2014-1
PRMU 2014-06-19
Tokyo (Tokyo) The Eye Position of BUDO and ANJO-DAZA -- Are Dynamic Visual Acuity and Linguistic Processing Spinal Reflexes? --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) PRMU2014-22
The author practices Aikido, a martial art, and would like to report some which he is feeling through practice.
It is p... [more]
IT 2014-05-16
Oita Beppu International Convention Center (Oita) A Portrait of Claude E. Shannon -- Based on various documents written by people who directly communicated with him --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) IT2014-4
After Claude Shannon passed away in 2001, his first wife, Norma, published her autobiography, where memories of their sh... [more] IT2014-4
Tokyo Tamagawa University (Tokyo) The Generative Grammars are the Immune Cell Logic of Dichotomy and Dualism -- Chained and Distributed Neuro-computing of Language Hypothesis --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) NC2013-146
"It seems a miracle that young children easily learn the language of any environment into which they were born. The gene... [more] NC2013-146
COMP 2014-03-10
Tokyo (Tokyo) The Automatically Networking and Developing Intelligence -- The Network Requirements Analysis of Individual and Human Intelligence based on Digital Language --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) COMP2013-60
The emergence of modern human and language seem to have taken place in Indian and Atlantic Oceans coast in Middle Stone ... [more] COMP2013-60
IA 2014-01-30
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Are Grammars Autopoiesis ? (Digital Linguistic No.5) -- Logics of Phonemes and Mora Generate Immune Networks of Consciousness --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) IA2013-72
Logic is a device that generates “the inevitable responses of the organism to internal and external stimuli”[1]. This de... [more] IA2013-72
TL 2013-12-14
Tokyo WASEDA University (Tokyo) Inspired by "Language and Learning: The Debate Between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky" -- The Mechanism of Language and Intelligence --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) TL2013-47
The author submitted the results of reviews made in this Study Group to the 19th International Congress of Linguists(Jul... [more] TL2013-47
NLC 2013-12-05
Tokyo Gree Inc. (Tokyo) How Language Will Evolve in Future? -- Construction of Human Intellectual Genomes with Typographical and Substantial Error Corrections --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) NLC2013-45
It is possible that we are not yet at the final stage of language evolution. If so, we have to determine a direction and... [more] NLC2013-45
NLC 2013-12-05
Tokyo Gree Inc. (Tokyo) Immune Cell Logics of "Dichotomy" and "Dualism" Operate Human Digital Vocal Sign Language and Thought in Human Brain -- Immune Cells are Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (MANet) Neurons --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) NLC2013-46
Human language is a development of spinal reflexes, which seem to be operated NOT by simple electric pulse transfer amon... [more] NLC2013-46
PRMU 2013-03-14
- 2013-03-15
Tokyo (Tokyo) Linguistic Phenomena and Pattern Recognition -- A Hypothesis of Human Consciousness being Immune Response Networks inside Ventricular System --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engieer) PRMU2012-180
Electronic Computers are not good at Pattern Recognition. Because, (1) they use Binary Digital Signals, Logical 0 and Lo... [more] PRMU2012-180
TL 2013-02-23
Tokyo Institute for Civilization & Management (Tokyo) An Interpretation of "The Mechanism of Meaning" by ARAKAWA+GINS (5) -- On Improvisational Beauty in "Harukasuru Surusurunagara III" of Yoko Yamamoto --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) TL2012-59
The author has been investigating on the digital nature of human language. In digital communications, words are translat... [more] TL2012-59
IA 2013-02-15
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) The Quantum Mechanics of Logic (Digital Linguistics Part-4) -- Human Consciousness is Immune Networks of Experience/Learning Memories and the Results of their Logical Query Operations (A Hypothesis) --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) IA2012-81
Logical thinking sometimes reminds us of dubious syllogism. However, logic circuits in Computer CPUs and life logics of ... [more] IA2012-81
IT 2013-01-21
Tokyo Univ. of Electro-Communications (Tokyo) Thermal Dynamics and Logics in the Information Theories -- Theoretical Applications in Physical Channel and Logical Source Codings --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) IT2012-51
The author has been investigating the digital communication nature of human language.[1] He realized that John von Neuma... [more] IT2012-51
TL 2012-12-08
Tokyo WASEDA University (Tokyo) Learning and Normalization of Meaning of Words -- Indicate Logical Order of Concept In Order to Rectify Words --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) TL2012-34
The author realized that human language is an evolution of non-human animals’ sign communications, and has been contempl... [more] TL2012-34
IBISML 2012-11-08
Tokyo Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus, Tsukuba Univ. (Tokyo) Digital Network Automata of Language -- A Proposal of Analytical Method for Complex System through interdisciplinary document search and reading --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) IBISML2012-64
The author realized in 2008 that human language is digital, and have been studying its logical mechanism. His research m... [more] IBISML2012-64
IN 2012-10-12
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. Sanjo-Kaikan (Tokyo) Forward Error Correction Methods and Acquisition of Linguistic Information -- Error Detection and Correction of Information Theories of Claude E. Shannon --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (Ssytem Engineer) IN2012-101
Internet provides us with the Intellectual Genome of humankind. How we should cope with such intellectual genome. The au... [more] IN2012-101
NLC 2012-08-31
Kanagawa Fuji Xerox (Kanagawa) Text Mining for Complex System Analysis -- Source Decoding Methods of Digital Language for Search, Validation and Incorporation --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) NLC2012-24
If a Complex System can be defined as “consisting of interdisciplinary subsystems and being operated by quantum mechanic... [more] NLC2012-24
TL 2012-06-23
Tokyo Waseda University 8th 303-305 (Tokyo) Sign, Language and Conditioned Reflex -- Inspired by Suzuki Takao's "Vocal Communication in Bird : A Semiotic Analysis" --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) TL2012-1
The author got unimaginable occasions to participate a bimonthly linguistic salon, Taka-no-Kai, hosted by Suzuki Takao, ... [more] TL2012-1
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