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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Online Online (Online) Analytical Investigation of Phase-Shift Full Bridge Converter with Reduced Surge Voltage
Kunpei Yoshikawa, Kenichi Suzuki (Shindengen), Kimihiro Nishijima (Sojo Univ.) EE2021-55
Phase-shift full bridge converter is widely used for automotive dc-dc converter design due to its wide input voltage ran... [more] EE2021-55
EE, OME, CPM 2021-11-18
Online Online (Online) Analysis of Core Loss under DC Current Bias of Inductors for Switching Power Supplies
Toshiyuki Watanabe, Testuya Oshikata, Yuki Saito (Shindengen) EE2021-18 CPM2021-36 OME2021-12
With the increasing efficiency of power factor correction converters (PFC) used in grids where renewable energy is suppl... [more] EE2021-18 CPM2021-36 OME2021-12
Online Online (Online) High power density automotive DC - DC converter design using electromagnetics-thermal co-simulation
Kunpei Yoshikawa, Yasunori Hakoda, Takamasa Miyachika (Shindengen), Masaaki Murata (Shindengen Kumamoto Technoresearch), Kenichi Suzuki (Shindengen) EE2020-43
The design of high power density automotive DC – DC converter using GaN transistor is reported in this paper. Cooperatio... [more] EE2020-43
EE, IEE-HCA 2017-05-25
Tokyo The Kikai Shinko Kaikan building (Tokyo) Realization of high frequency LLC resonant converter with GaN device
Takehiro Shimizu (Shindengen), Yoshiaki Matsuda (STES), Yousuke Inoue (Shindengen Kumamoto) EE2017-2
Recently, the miniaturization and thinning of equipment has advanced, demand for miniaturization of the power supply to ... [more] EE2017-2
EE 2016-11-29
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Accuracy Considerations of Electromagnetic Simulation for Designing Power Transformers
Kunpei Yoshikawa, Tetsuya Oshikata (Shindengen) EE2016-47
For the realization of the shorter design term, lower design costs and higher efficiency power supply products, necessit... [more] EE2016-47
EE, IEE-SPC 2016-07-14
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Relationship between voltage gain tolerance and resonant circuit variation of LLC resonant converter -- Verification by Monte Carlo simulation --
Hiroyuki Haga (SHINDENGEN), Hidenori Maruta, Fujio Kurokawa (Nagasaki Univ.) EE2016-7
LLC converter is widely used today and its characteristics and design procedure have been widely studied. However the re... [more] EE2016-7
EE, IEE-SPC 2016-07-15
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Efficiency Comparison between Phase Shift and LLC Converters as Power Supply for Information and Communication Equipments
Toshiyuki Watanabe (SHINDENGEN), Fujio Kurokawa (NAGASAKI Univ.) EE2016-18
This paper presents a comparison of dissipation between LLC and phase shift converters under the same size condition usi... [more] EE2016-18
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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