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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 52  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Oita OITAUniv (Oita) Evaluation of the effect of horn loudspeaker shapes on directivity and sound quality
Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.) EA2024-74
Horn loudspeakers have long been used as a means of transmitting sound over long distances or radiating sound with direc... [more] EA2024-74
EE, CPM, OME 2024-11-08
Nagasaki (Nagasaki, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
LED driver for illuminated lighting with 3x3 matrix storage
Yuto Tomita, Kimihiro Nishizima (Sojo Univ.), Satoshi Ikeda (Panasonic) EE2024-15 CPM2024-60 OME2024-27
Existing lighting fixtures basically require one fixture for the area to be illuminated, and when illuminating multiple ... [more] EE2024-15 CPM2024-60 OME2024-27
HIP 2024-10-25
Kyoto Kyoto Keizai Center (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Depth-distance perception for virtual images with a single convex lens
Sumio Yano (Shimane Univ.), Takumi Uemura, Shuichi Ojima (Sojo Univ.) HIP2024-44
 [more] HIP2024-44
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2024-03-13
- 2024-03-14
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Suita Campus) (Osaka) A solution of degree solving problem of the commutative fourth order recurrecne relation with two varibales over Z_2k
Daisaburo Yoshioka, Takuma Nishizaka (Sojo Univ.) IT2023-93 ISEC2023-92 WBS2023-81 RCC2023-75
 [more] IT2023-93 ISEC2023-92 WBS2023-81 RCC2023-75
EE 2024-03-11
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Simplification and Experimental Verification of Coupled Inductor ZVS Assisted PFC
Tomokazu Ikarashi, Eiji Takegami, Takahiro Harada (TDK-Lambda), Kimihiro Nishijima (Sojo Univ.) EE2023-59
In kW-class Power-Factor-Correction(PFC) converters, Zero-Voltage-Switching(ZVS) is one of solutions for compatibility o... [more] EE2023-59
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) [Poster Presentation] Measurement of directional characteristics of a small end-fire loudspeaker array structured with a horn loudspeaker and ordinary loudspeakers
Mio Shibata, Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.) EA2023-52
We are studying a small, low-cost directional loudspeaker system. A horn loudspeaker mainly has strong directivity in th... [more] EA2023-52
(Joint) [detail]
Ehime University of Human Environments (Ehime) Relationship between visual field size and head motion in eyepiece displays
Sumio Yano (Shimane Univ.), Shuichi Ojima (Sojo Univ.) HCS2023-60 HIP2023-50
We examined the relationship between the size of the visual field and head motion by using an eyepiece-type display that... [more] HCS2023-60 HIP2023-50
CCS, NLP 2023-06-09
Tokyo Tokyo City Univ. (Tokyo) Sequence period of sequences generated by fourth-order reccurence relations with two variables over Z 2k
Daisaburo Yoshioka (Sojo Univ.) NLP2023-25 CCS2023-13
In recent years, a public-key cryptosystem based on Chebyshev polynomials over the residue ring of modulo 2k has been pr... [more] NLP2023-25 CCS2023-13
LOIS 2023-03-14
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A study of a method for extracting scenes in which the driver is talking, using the voice recorded by the drive recorder as a clue
Manabu Okamoto, Takaya Chijiwa, Shoko Goto (Sojo Univ.) LOIS2022-59
In recent years, many commercial vehicles are equipped with drive recorders to record video and audio inside and outside... [more] LOIS2022-59
ITS, IEE-ITS 2023-03-13
Chiba Nihon Univ., Funabashi Campus (Chiba, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Prediction of the Future Location of a Vehicle captured from the Dashboard Camera using Instance Segmentation
Koki Ikeda, Takumi Uemura, Shuichi Ojima (Sojo Univ.) ITS2022-83
In recent years, the development of automated driving has been active in the automated driving industry, and Level 3 and... [more] ITS2022-83
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] 2023-02-23
Toyama (Toyama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Consideration of the angle of view in eyepiece displays
Shuichi Ojima (Sojo Univ.), Sumio Yano (Shimane Univ.) HIP2022-93
Displays used in VR, such as head-mounted displays, are eyepiece-type displays. We considered that one of the characteri... [more] HIP2022-93
HCS 2023-01-21
Kyoto Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Sign language learning support system for beginners -- Automatic playback speed adjustment function using the amount of spatial movement of hand images --
Kazuki Matsumaru (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2022-63
Textbooks with illustrations and video materials with live-action images are used for sign language learning. Textbooks ... [more] HCS2022-63
HCS 2023-01-22
Kyoto Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Extraction of Nodding Scenes in Sign Language Videos
Ayaka Takahama (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.) HCS2022-66
 [more] HCS2022-66
NLP 2022-11-25
Shiga (Shiga, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Maximal period of sequences generated by fourth-order recurrence relations with two variables modulo 2^k
Daisaburo Yoshioka, Takuma Nishizaka (Sojo Univ.) NLP2022-69
 [more] NLP2022-69
EA, ASJ-H 2022-08-05
Miyagi (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A study of arrangement pattern selection method for directivity generation in speaker array
Mio Shibata, Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.) EA2022-37
We are studying a speaker system that can generate strong unidirectionality by using the principle of boundary surface c... [more] EA2022-37
EA, ASJ-H 2022-08-05
Miyagi (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study of parameters for one-case stereo playback method by phase inversion
Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.), Takuma Ftawatari (MEITEC FIELDERS) EA2022-38
When the phases of audio signals are inverted and input to two speakers installed close to each other, sound may be hear... [more] EA2022-38
NLP 2022-08-02
Online Online (Online) Characteristics of degree period of commutative polynomials defined by fourth-order recurrence relations with two variables over Z2K
Takuma Nishizaka, Daisaburo Yoshioka (Sojo Univ.) NLP2022-28
In recent years, a public-key cryptosystem based on Chebyshev polynomials over Z_{2^k} has been presented. Unfortunately... [more] NLP2022-28
Online Online (Online) Analytical Investigation of Phase-Shift Full Bridge Converter with Reduced Surge Voltage
Kunpei Yoshikawa, Kenichi Suzuki (Shindengen), Kimihiro Nishijima (Sojo Univ.) EE2021-55
Phase-shift full bridge converter is widely used for automotive dc-dc converter design due to its wide input voltage ran... [more] EE2021-55
HCS 2022-01-29
Online Online (Online) Basic study of sign language learning support system: Facilitate learning of Non-Manual Signals
Kazuki Matsumaru (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shun-ichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2021-56
Japanese sign language and Pidgin sign Japanese express themselves by coordinating manual signals such as hand shapes,mo... [more] HCS2021-56
EE 2022-01-27
Online Online (Online) Autonomous Distributed Power Generation System for EV integrated solar PV
Taichi Utsunomiya, Kimihiro Nishijima (Sojo Univ.), Yosuke Tomita, Takumi Arai, Tsutomu Tanimoto (Nissan Motor) EE2021-36
 [more] EE2021-36
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