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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NLP, MSS 2025-03-14
Okinawa Miyakojima City Central Community Center (Okinawa) A Proposal of Security Constrained Economic Dispatch with Switching Its Topology
Ichiro Toyoshima, Takashi Tatekoji, Ryota Mizutani, Hiroaki Sato (Toshiba ESS)
MSS, SS 2025-01-12
Kagoshima (Kagoshima) MSS Roadmap 2025 : A Report on the Way
Ichiro Toyoshima (TOSHIBA Energy Systems & Solutions), Ryosuke Adachi (Ymaguchi Univ.), Takafumi Kanazawa (Setsunan Univ.), Koichi Kobayashi (Hokkaido Univ.), Masaki Nakamura (Toyama Pref. Univ.), Naoki Hayashi (Osaka Univ.) MSS2024-49 SS2024-28
 [more] MSS2024-49 SS2024-28
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Hiyoshi Campus) (Kanagawa) Work Evidence Data Acquisition for Engineering to Order Style Production Using MR Devices
Hiroki Shinagawa, Yoshiyuki Hirahara, Takanori Yoshii, Hiroaki Nakamura, Kyotaro Hayashi, Masamitsu Fukuda (Toshiba), Takashi Ishii (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions), Yasuo Namioka (Toshiba) MVE2023-39
At manufacturing sites for engineering to order, assembly work by workers is mainly performed, but cross-checks by multi... [more] MVE2023-39
SS, MSS 2024-01-17
Ishikawa (Ishikawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Linear Regression Analysis of the Fuel Cost Factors of The Concurrent Hydro-Thermal Corporation System
Ichiro Toyoshima (Toshiba ESS), Tomoki Takeuchi, Ryoichi Hara (Hokkaido Univ.), Ryohei Momokawa (Toshiba ESS), Hiroyuki Kita (Hokkaido Univ.) MSS2023-58 SS2023-37
In making a generation schedule, hydropower has played a central role in the power system. It is one of the effective wa... [more] MSS2023-58 SS2023-37
MSS, CAS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2023-11-17
Okinawa (Okinawa) Examination of Determinants of Costs for Unit Commitment for Thermal-Hydro Plants
Tomoki Takeuchi, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita (Hokkaido Univ.), Ichiro Toyoshima, Ryohei Momokawa (Toshiba ESS) CAS2023-76 MSS2023-46
A Cooperative and efficient operation of thermal and hydropower generation has been important since some time ago. And, ... [more] CAS2023-76 MSS2023-46
CAS, SIP, VLD, MSS 2022-06-16
Aomori Hachinohe Institute of Technology (Aomori, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Equal Opportunity in Robust Optimization for Unit Commitment Problem Considering Suppression of Renewable Energy
Ichiro Toyoshima (TOSHIBA ESS), Pierre-Louis Poirion (RIKEN AIP), Tomohide Yamazaki, Kota Yaguchi, Masayuki Kubota, Ryota Mizutani (TOSHIBA ESS), Akiko Takeda (The University of Tokyo) CAS2022-2 VLD2022-2 SIP2022-33 MSS2022-2
 [more] CAS2022-2 VLD2022-2 SIP2022-33 MSS2022-2
MSS, SS 2021-01-26
Online Online (Online) A Procurement Program with Preference Priority List based on Integer Programming
Ichiro Toyoshima, Tatsuo Tsuzuki, Noriko Nishimura, Tomohiro Ito, Takahiro Yamada (Toshiba ESS) MSS2020-29 SS2020-14
In Japan, many electricity retailers were born in 2016.
Conventional procurement programs, which are used by operators ... [more]
MSS2020-29 SS2020-14
MSS, SS 2021-01-27
Online Online (Online) Screen Design Optimization by Data Flow Mining
Takuya Arata, Shingo Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi Univ), Ichiro Toyoshima (TOSHIBA Energy Systems & Solutions) MSS2020-36 SS2020-21
 [more] MSS2020-36 SS2020-21
SS, MSS 2018-01-19
Hiroshima (Hiroshima) On Extraction of Gap Service between Design and Operation by Process Mining
Ryosuke Wada, Mohd Anuaruddin Bin Ahmadon (Yamaguchi Univ.), Mohd Anuaruddin Bin Ahmadon (TOSHIBA Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation), Yamaguchi Shingo (Yamaguchi Univ.) MSS2017-64 SS2017-51
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MSS2017-64 SS2017-51
CAS, MSS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2017-11-16
Tokyo   (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Some Optimization Problems in Energy Management Systems
Kota Hirato (TOSHIBA Energy Systems & Solutions) CAS2017-45 MSS2017-29
 [more] CAS2017-45 MSS2017-29
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
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