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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MW, ICD 2019-03-14
Okinawa (Okinawa) A study on millimeter wave complex permittivity evaluations by the circular empty cavity method for photosensitive insulator
Kouhei Takahagi (Utsunomiya Univ.), Kazuaki Ebisawa (TOK), Yoshinori Kogami, Takashi Shimizu (Utsunomiya Univ.) MW2018-158 ICD2018-102
It is necessary to evaluate a complex permittivity of thin dielectric samples for compact and low-profile microwave and ... [more] MW2018-158 ICD2018-102
LQE, CPM, ED 2017-12-01
Aichi Nagoya Inst. tech. (Aichi) Achievement of AlGaN deep-UV LED using photonic crystal(PhC) -- Achievement of high-EQE(10%) AlGaN deep-UV LED using highly-reflective PhC on p-contact layer --
Yukio Kashima (Marubun), Noritoshi Maeda (RIKEN), Eriko Matsuura (Marubun), Masafumi Jo (RIKEN), Takeshi Iwai, Toshiro Morita (TOK), Mitsunori Kokubo, Takaharu Tashiro (TOSHIBA MACHINE), Ryuichiro Kamimura, Yamato Osada (ULVAC), Yuichi Kurashima, Hideki Takagi (AIST), Hideki Hirayama (RIKEN) ED2017-60 CPM2017-103 LQE2017-73
 [more] ED2017-60 CPM2017-103 LQE2017-73
SDM 2017-10-25
Miyagi Niche, Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Nanoscale conformal doping technology by spin on diffusion source
Tetsuro Kinoshita, Shunichi Mashita, Takuya Ohashi, Yoshihiro Sawada, Yohei Kinoshita, Satoshi Fujimura (TOK) SDM2017-53
We developed a coating material which can form nanoscale conformal film on the wafer with 3D structure. In this study, c... [more] SDM2017-53
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