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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MI 2023-03-07
Okinawa OKINAWA SEINENKAIKAN (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Short Paper] Extraction of kidney and renal tumors in a multi-temporal contrast-enhanced CT image database
Dai Nishioka, Kento Nishihira, Kaito Koshino, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata (Tokushima Univ.), Yuki Kobari (TWMU), Atsushi Ikeda (U. Tsukuba), Noboru Niki (Medical Science Institute Inc.) MI2022-125
To develop a highly accurate differentiation method for malignant and benign tumors by precisely analyzing renal and ren... [more] MI2022-125
OME 2023-01-27
Kochi Kochi Shoko Kaikan (Kochi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Self-assembling antioxidants that scavenge intestinal reactive oxygen species lead to health
Yukio Nagasaki (U. Tsukuba) OME2022-78
 [more] OME2022-78
NLP 2022-11-24
Shiga (Shiga, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Fast reconstruction of 3D chromosome structure based on an inverse transform of a recurrence plot
Yoshito Hirata (U. Tsukuba) NLP2022-63
A recurrence plot was originally proposed as a two-dimensional tool for visualizing a time series (Eckmann et al., EPL 1... [more] NLP2022-63
MICT, MI 2022-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Institute of Technology (Aichi) [Short Paper] Analysis of renal tumors of small diameter using abdominal CT images
Kento Nishihira, Dai Nishioka, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata (Tokushima Univ.), Atsushi ikeda (U. Tsukuba), Yuki Kobari (TWMU), Noboru Niki (Medical Science Institute Inc.) MICT2022-42 MI2022-71
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MICT2022-42 MI2022-71
OME 2022-02-18
Oita Horuto Hall Oita (Oita, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Development of molecular self-assembling drugs
Yukio Nagasaki (U. Tsukuba) OME2021-61
 [more] OME2021-61
OME 2021-12-27
Okinawa Okinawaken Seinen Kaikan (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Drug development based on molecular self-assembly
Yukio Nagasaki (U. Tsukuba) OME2021-38
At the end of the 19th century, Paul Ehrlich found that methylene blue stains only the nerve endings of rabbits, so he t... [more] OME2021-38
ISEC 2020-05-20
Online Online (Online) A Study on robustness of PE malware detection models
Wanjia Zheng (U. Tsukuba), Kazumasa Omote (U. Tsukuba/NICT) ISEC2020-13
 [more] ISEC2020-13
ISEC, SITE, LOIS 2019-11-02
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Osaka) On Robustness of Machine-Learning-Based Malware Detection
Wanjia Zheng (U. Tsukuba), Kazumasa Omote (U. Tsukuba/NICT) ISEC2019-83 SITE2019-77 LOIS2019-42
As the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are approaching, the possibility of being targeted by attackers has further increased in Japa... [more] ISEC2019-83 SITE2019-77 LOIS2019-42
IT, ISEC, WBS 2019-03-08
Tokyo University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo) A Lower Bound of the Joint Capacity of Digital Fingerprinting Codes against a Mixed Attack
Tatsuya Sekine, Hiroki Koga (U. Tsukuba) IT2018-119 ISEC2018-125 WBS2018-120
Digital fingerprinting codes are embedded in digital contents for protecting copyrights of the digital contents against m... [more] IT2018-119 ISEC2018-125 WBS2018-120
IT, ISEC, WBS 2019-03-08
Tokyo University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo) On the Worst-Case Information Rates of Secret Sharing Schemes for Several Access Structures with Many Participants
Takashi Hisatome, Hiroki Koga (U. Tsukuba) IT2018-120 ISEC2018-126 WBS2018-121
A secret sharing scheme is a method to share a secret S among participants. Secret sharing schemes are constructed in su... [more] IT2018-120 ISEC2018-126 WBS2018-121
MVE, ITE-HI 2016-07-20
Tokyo (Tokyo) A Prospective Study About Enhancing Effect of VR in Soccer Training
Cesar Daniel Rojas Ferrer, Itaru Kitahara, Yoshinari Kameda (U. Tsukuba) MVE2016-7
In elite football soccer, the quest for new training methods in order to improve performance is never-ending. Specially ... [more] MVE2016-7
EMM, IT 2015-05-21
Kyoto Kyoto International Community House (Kyoto) On a Lower Bound on the Capacity of Digital Fingerprinting Codes with Codewords Generated by Using a Continuous Distribution
Hiroki Koga, Kaoru Itabashi (U. Tsukuba) IT2015-1 EMM2015-1
 [more] IT2015-1 EMM2015-1
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