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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
CPM 2025-02-28
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Impedance measurements during self-limiting dielectrophoresis of gold nanoparticles
Yuito Iinuma, Yuki Hayashi, Hiroshi Shimada, Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
SCE 2024-01-23
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Microwave generator based on a single-flux-quantum pulse-frequency modulation D/A converter
Seiya Hayashi, Hiroshi Shimada, Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) SCE2023-26
Pulse Frequency Modulation-D/A Converters (PFM-DACs) based on Single Flux Quantum (SFQ) circuits have been developed for... [more] SCE2023-26
CPM 2023-02-28
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
RF-Induced Current in Networks of Gold Nanoparticles with Two Different Diameters
Yuki Hayashi, Kaito Kobayashi, Kento Fujikura, Hiroshi Shimada, Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) CPM2022-101
In this study, an asymmetric single-electron transistor was fabricated by dielectrophoresis placing of gold nanoparticle... [more] CPM2022-101
CPM 2023-02-28
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Temperature dependence of specific capacitance extracted from repeated EIS measurements of free-standing DPPC bilayer membranes
Shoya Ueda, Yoshihiro Shimada, Daiki Hiramatsu, Masataka Moriya (UEC Tokyo), Daisuke Tadaki, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata (Tohoku Univ.), Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) CPM2022-102
Bilayer lipid membranes (BLMs) formed in micropores are referred to as free-standing BLMs. The folding method is a techn... [more] CPM2022-102
ED 2022-04-21
Online Online (Online) A High Process Portability All Digital Time domain A/D Converter
Takahiro Amada, Cong-Kha Pham (UEC Tokyo) ED2022-6
An all digital time domain A/D converter that can be largely synthesized has been proposed. The proposed circuit was des... [more] ED2022-6
COMP 2021-03-08
Online Online (Online) On the Existence of 4-regular Uniquely Hamiltonian Graphs
Ryota Sakamoto (UEC Tokyo) COMP2020-36
In 1946, Smith showed that a Hamiltonian cubic graph contains at least three Hamiltonian cycles. Then, a lot of research... [more] COMP2020-36
EID, ITE-IDY, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2021-01-29
Online Online (Online) Red luminescence excited by blue light in (Ca,Sr)5(PO4)3F:Eu2+
Kai Shimura, Hiroki Kushima, Yuki Tamura, Tsuyoshi Okuno (UEC Tokyo)
EID, ITE-IDY, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2020-01-23
Tottori Tottori Univ. (Tottori) [Poster Presentation] New sulfide phosphors able to be grown on silicon wafer
Hiroki Nakamura, Mizuki Aono, Tsuyoshi Okuno (UEC Tokyo), Yasushi Nanai (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
New green phosphor SrZnSiS4:Eu2+ is reported. It has an orthorhombic structure with a space group of Fddd (no.70). Absor... [more]
SCE 2020-01-17
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) [Poster Presentation] Improved Maximum Output Voltage of Double-Flux-Quantum Amplifier Fabricated Using 10-kA/cm2 Nb integration process
Yuta Somei, Kouki Yamazaki, Hiroshi Shimada, Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) SCE2019-44
 [more] SCE2019-44
SCE 2020-01-17
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) [Poster Presentation] Design and operation of single-flux-quantum logic gates with a floating storage loop
Koki Yamazaki, Hiroshi Shimada, Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) SCE2019-45
 [more] SCE2019-45
SCE 2019-08-09
Ibaraki National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Ibaraki) Design and Operation of RSFQ Distributed Output Amplifier Equipped with double-stack SQUIDs
Komei Higuchi, Hiroshi Shimada, Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) SCE2019-16
Recently, many groups have been proposed Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum (RSFQ) output amplifiers which are designed to connec... [more] SCE2019-16
ED 2019-04-18
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Time Dependence of AC Impedance Measured Across Free-Standing Bilayer Lipid Membranes Mixed with Carbon Nanotubes
Shogo Takashima, Masataka Moriya, Yasutaka Tomioka, Haruka Hirata (UEC Tokyo), Fumihiko Hirose (Yamagata Univ.), Ayumi Hirano-Iwata (Tohoku Univ.), Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) ED2019-9
It is technically difficult to make the nanoscale pores to observe the transport properties of ions at the nanoscale. In... [more] ED2019-9
EID, ITE-IDY, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2019-01-25
Kagoshima Kagoshima University (Kagoshima) New red or orange sulfide phosphors for vacuum fluorescence display
Tsuyoshi Okuno, Yasuhiro Nakagawa, Kai Shimura (UEC Tokyo), Yasushi Nanai (Aoyama Gakuin Univ), Yoshitaka Sato, Toshiyuki Misonou (Futaba) EID2018-12
New red or orange sulfide phosphors are studied. La2S3:Ce3+ and Y4(SiS4)3:Ce3+ were synthesized by solid-state reaction ... [more] EID2018-12
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Evaluation of feature selection accuracy using sparse classification algorithm based on L0-norm optimization
Naoki Ishibashi, Noriki Ito, Masashi Sato (UEC Tokyo), Yoshiyuki Kabashima (Tokyo Tech), Yoichi Miyawaki (UEC Tokyo/JST PRESTO) NC2017-91
Classification often suffers from overfitting if applied to a dataset of small sample size and high dimensionality. Dime... [more] NC2017-91
CPM 2018-03-02
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. of Technol. (Tokyo) Single-Electron Devices Fabricated Using Gold Nanoparticles on Silane-Treated Substrates
Tomoki Yagai, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Makoto Moribayashi, Masataka Moriya, Hiroshi Shimada (UEC Tokyo), Ayumi Hirano-Iwata (Tohoku Univ.), Fumihiko Hirose (Yamagata Univ.), Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) CPM2017-128
We report dispersed gold nanoparticles (GNP) 2D arrays fabricated by immersing silane-treated substrates into colloidal ... [more] CPM2017-128
ED, SDM 2018-02-28
Hokkaido Centennial Hall, Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Numerical Simulation on Single-Electron Effects in Random Arrays of Small Tunnel Junctions
Yoshinao Mizugaki, Masataka Moriya, Hiroshi Shimada, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Makoto Moribayashi, Tomoki Yagai (UEC Tokyo), Yasuo Kimura (Tokyo Univ. Tech.), Ayumi Hirano-Iwata (Tohoku Univ.), Fumihiko Hirose (Yamagata Univ.) ED2017-105 SDM2017-105
We have worked on single-electron devices comprising random arrays of gold nanoparticles, which are fabricated using dis... [more] ED2017-105 SDM2017-105
ED, SDM 2018-02-28
Hokkaido Centennial Hall, Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Single-electron effects observed in arrays of gold nanoparticles selectively-placed in resist grooves.
Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Makoto Moribayashi, Tomoki Yagai, Masataka Moriya, Hiroshi Shimada (UEC Tokyo), Yasuo Kimura (Tokyo Univ. Technology), Ayumi Hirano-Iwata (Tohoku Univ.), Fumihiko Hirose (Yamagata Univ.), Yoshinao Mizugaki (UEC Tokyo) ED2017-106 SDM2017-106
Single-electron devices with gold nanoparticles as island electrodes have been widely fabricated, but position control o... [more] ED2017-106 SDM2017-106
ED 2017-04-21
Miyagi (Miyagi) Electric and Magnetic Field Responses of Single-Electron Transistors Composed of Superconducting Island with Ferromagnetic Leads
Yoshinao Mizugaki, Masashi Takiguchi, Nobuyuki Tamura, Hiroshi Shimada (UEC Tokyo) ED2017-13
We report electric and magnetic field responses of single-electron transistors (SETs) comprising ferromagnetic lead elec... [more] ED2017-13
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Analysis of temporal change of astrocyte morphology under hypoxial adaptation using higher-order image features
Tomohiro Nishino, Sosuke Tanaka, Masahiro Nitta, Takuma Sugashi, Kazuto Masamoto, Yoichi Miyawaki (UEC Tokyo) NC2016-91
Astrocytes play an important role in controlling oxygen and nutrition from the blood to neurons. Although the shape of a... [more] NC2016-91
NC, IPSJ-BIO, IBISML, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2016-07-06
Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Okinawa) Classification analysis of high-dimensional data based on L0-norm optimization.
Noriki Ito, Masashi Sato (UEC Tokyo), Yoshiyuki Kabashima (Tokyo Tech), Yoichi Miyawaki (UEC Tokyo) NC2016-14
Advances in sensing devices allow us to measure high-dimensional data easily, but the sample size is often limited becau... [more] NC2016-14
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