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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HCS 2019-03-08
Hokkaido Hokusei Gakuen Univ. (Hokkaido) Text Analysis of Electronic Medical Records in a Hospital
Aki Sugano (Nagoya Univ. Hosp.), Mika Ohta, Yutaka Takaoka (Kobe Univ. Hosp.) HCS2018-80
 [more] HCS2018-80
WIT 2018-06-10
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) Development screen-reader a built-in automatic braille translating server for Visually impaired
Masamitsu Misono (Shisyou Senta), Aki Sugano, Yutaka Takaoka (Koube Univ.), Yasushi Nakano (Kei Univ.) WIT2018-11
Screen reader is a generic term for applications that convert screen information into speech synthesis or braille and ou... [more] WIT2018-11
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2016-12-14
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) Hospital equipments accessible for visual function defects in view of color universal design
Aki Sugano, Masako Matsuura, Akiko Miki, Mika Ohta, Makoto Nakamura, Yutaka Takaoka (Kobe Univ. Hosp) WIT2016-45
 [more] WIT2016-45
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