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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) A Survey of Current Services of Braille Libraries
Nanami Matsuda (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) WIT2021-43
Braille libraries offer information to the people with visually impaired. But it was differences between current service... [more] WIT2021-43
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2020-03-15
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
A Survey of Loan Services to Groups by Public Libraries for the People with Disabilities -- A Case in Kochi Prefecture --
Miki Inoue (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) WIT2019-61
Recent enactment of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and the Act for Improvement... [more] WIT2019-61
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2020-03-15
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
A Survey of Current Outreach Activities of Braille Libraries for the People with Visually Impaired
Nanami Matsuda (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) WIT2019-62
Recent enactment of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and the Act for Improvement... [more] WIT2019-62
ET 2020-03-07
Kagawa National Institute of Technology, Kagawa Collage (Kagawa)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
A Study on the Factors of Learning Motivation of Sighted Braille Learners
Yuko Hoshino (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) ET2019-85
In order to clarify the factors contributing to the motivation of the sighted for braille learning, a survey was conduct... [more] ET2019-85
ET 2019-05-18
Toyama University of Toyama (Toyama) A Study of the Effect of Writing Braille Using Slate and Stylus for Sighted Braille Learners
Yuko Hoshino (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) ET2019-6
In this study, we evaluated the learning effect of writing braille using slate and stylus for sighted braille learners. ... [more] ET2019-6
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2019-03-08
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) A survey for developing the network of multimedia DAISY producers toward users' needs.
Miki Inoue, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2018-65
Public libraries have recently been required to promote services for users with print disability. They have failed to pr... [more] WIT2018-65
WIT 2018-08-09
Nagano (Nagano) A Survey about Rapidity of Information Sending/Receiving Methods for the People with Hearing Disabilities on the Public Transportation
Natsuki Iyohara, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2018-12
 [more] WIT2018-12
WIT 2018-06-09
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) A Survey of Published Information on Barrier-Free Campus Maps of National Universities in Japan
Rin Masubuchi, Yui Segawa, Yuko Hoshino, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2018-6
It was told that a barrier-free campus map should be supplied as one of the reasonable accommodation for the people with... [more] WIT2018-6
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2018-03-09
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) A Survey of the Published Information of the Library Materials for the People with Disabilities on the Web Pages of the Public Libraries.
Kousuke Araki, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2017-72
"The guideline for eliminating disability discrimination on libraries" was furnished by Japan Library Association in 201... [more] WIT2017-72
WIT 2017-08-28
Akita Faculty of Engineering Science, Akita Univ. (Akita) An Experiment on the Displaying Method to assist the Intuitive Understanding about Braille Mirror-Image Relation based on Order Effect
Yuko Hoshino, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2017-15
Hoshino and Motoki(2017) conducted the experiment for the determination of the displaying method to assist the intuitive... [more] WIT2017-15
WIT 2017-08-28
Akita Faculty of Engineering Science, Akita Univ. (Akita) Clarification of the Braille Learners' Mistakes by Error Analysis
Akihiro Motoki, Yuko Hoshino (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2017-16
In this study, we conduct the error analysis of the tests for clarifying of the braille learners' mistakes. The learner... [more] WIT2017-16
WIT 2016-03-05
Ibaraki Tusukuba Univ. of Tech.(Tsukuba) (Ibaraki) Improvement and Evaluation of Learning Support System of Braille for Applying Problem Recommendation Function
Akihiro Motoki, Daigo Hatanaka, Kazuhiko Ito, Moeka Kurokawa, Yasuo Yanagisawa (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2015-109
This work subjects at developing and evaluating a learning support system of Braille for intending librarians and social... [more] WIT2015-109
WIT 2015-08-25
Nagano Shinshu University Faculty of Engineering (Nagano) A Survey of Web Accessibility in the National Colleges of Technology
Kazue Hiranaka (NIT, Ube College), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2015-39
In this paper, we evaluated the web accessibility of 58 organizations, including the National Institute of Technology an... [more] WIT2015-39
WIT 2015-03-14
Ibaraki Kasuga Campus, Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) Improvement and Evaluation of Braille Learning Support System for an Understanding of Mirror Image Relationship
Akihiro Motoki, Yasuo Yanagisawa, Moeka Kurokawa (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2014-116
The present work aims at developing and evaluating a braille learning support system focusing on the mirroring of braill... [more] WIT2014-116
WIT 2014-09-12
Hyogo Kobe Univ. Kusunoki Campus (Hyogo) A Survey of the Longitudinal Changes of Web Accessibility in the Public Libraries
Akihiro Motoki, Yuuri Suzuki, Mika Kitamura (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2014-25
While accessibility surveys have been conducted for a number of organizational websites, continuous accessibility evalua... [more] WIT2014-25
R 2013-11-14
Osaka (Osaka) Effect of Plate-Shape Ni-Sn IMC on the Growth Mechanism of Tin Whisker under Thermal Shock Stress
Akira Saito, Akira Okamoto, Yoshihiro Iwahori, Makoto Ogawa (Mutrata MFG), Akihiro Motoki (Sabae Mutrata MFG) R2013-76
With the promotion of lead-free solder in these years, some segments have expressed concern about the possibility of tin... [more] R2013-76
Miyagi Tohoku University (Miyagi) Implmentation and Evaluation of 10Gbps Application Layer Probe using Prefiltering Architecture
Akihiro Motoki, Satoshi Kamiya, Kiyohisa Ichino, Masato Yasuda, Kenshin Yamada, Takeo Hayashi, Takahide Sugita, Hiroshi Ueno (NEC) IN2007-63
In order to achieve high-level overall security especially the broadband environment of the next generation network, net... [more] IN2007-63
 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
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