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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
OME 2022-12-19
Tokyo Katsushika Campus (Tokyo) Effects and Reaction Mechanism Analysis of Nitrite Salts Coating to Positive Electrode for Non-aqueous Li-air Batteries
Mitsuki Sano, Itsuki Moro, Fumisato Ozawa, Shota Azuma (Seikei Univ.), Akihiro Nomura (NIMS), Tatsuo Horiba, Morihiro Saito (Seikei Univ.) OME2022-45
Redox mediator (RM) dissolved in the electrolyte solution of Li-O2 cells enables to reduce the charge overvoltage, thoug... [more] OME2022-45
OME 2022-03-26
Tokyo Seikei Univ, (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Development of Lithium-Air Battery
Akihiro Nomura (NIMS) OME2021-66
Lithium-Air Battery (LAB), which delivers electricity using lithium metal and oxygen as active battery materials, develo... [more] OME2021-66
OME 2022-03-26
Tokyo Seikei Univ, (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Li-air Battery Performance Stabilized by Synergy Effect of Mediator-Coated Air Electrode and LiNO3-based Electrolyte Solution
Kazuki Sugawara, Itsuki Moro, Mitsuki Sano (Seikei Univ.), Hiromi Otsuka, Akihiro Nomura (NIMS), Tatsuo Horiba, Morihiro Saito (Seikei Univ.) OME2021-71
10-methylonenothiazine (MPT) was introduced as a redox mediator for Li-air cells to suppress charge overvoltage of the a... [more] OME2021-71
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