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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SIS 2022-12-06
Osaka (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Random Number Generation Based on Chaos Theory -- Realization of Various Auto-Correlations --
Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto Univ.) SIS2022-39
(To be available after the conference date) [more] SIS2022-39
NLP 2022-11-24
Shiga (Shiga, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study on Compressed Sensing Using de Bruijn Sequence and CDMA
Kaede Abe, Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto Univ.) NLP2022-58
Compressive sensing is a data acquisition theory that enables signal reconstruction from a small number of measurements ... [more] NLP2022-58
NLP 2022-11-24
Shiga (Shiga, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study on Stochastic Computing Using Chaotic Binary Sequences
Shun-ya Taga, Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto Univ.) NLP2022-59
In stochastic computing (SC),numerical values are represented by the probability of 1’s in a random bit sequence.In SC,m... [more] NLP2022-59
CCS, NLP 2022-06-10
Osaka (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
On Auto-Correlation Properties of Random Numbers Generated by Two Markov Binary Sequences
Shuzo Okuno, Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto Univ.) NLP2022-13 CCS2022-13
Markov binary sequences generated by 2-state Markov source are one of typical information sources and they have exponent... [more] NLP2022-13 CCS2022-13
NLP 2021-12-18
Oita J:COM Horuto Hall OITA (Oita) Markov Binary Sequences Generated by Post-Processing Based on Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers
Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto Univ.), Naruaki Maeda (NEC) NLP2021-59
In general, random numbers are required to be uniform and uncorrelated. However, it is known that correlated random numb... [more] NLP2021-59
- 2019-12-18
Aichi Hotel Kinsenkaku (Aichi) Study on Spreading Codes with Negative Auto-Correlation for SIK Optical CDMA Communications
Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto Univ.)
The SIK (sequence inversion keyed) CDMA (code division multiple access) system was proposed as one of optical CDMA commu... [more]
NLP 2018-04-26
Kumamoto Kumaoto Univ. (Kumamoto) A Study on Security Enhancement of 64-Bit Block Cipher Systems with Ring Structure
Toshihiro Ichiki, Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto Univ.) NLP2018-7
In a modern society, safety is required when exchanging information. In order to secure its safety, we are taking measur... [more] NLP2018-7
NLP 2018-04-26
Kumamoto Kumaoto Univ. (Kumamoto) Study on Aperiodic Auto-Correlation Properties of Concatenated Codes by Barker Sequences and NFSR Sequences
Shota Matsuyuki, Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto Univ.) NLP2018-9
In positioning systems, it is important to capture the signal transmitted from a beacon for getting the exact arrival ti... [more] NLP2018-9
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
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