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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2025-03-06
Okinawa Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum (Okinawa) Proposal for a provable multiple signature protocol with the ability to add signers
Katsuhiro Sato, Atsuko Miyajisuko (Osaka Univ)
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2025-03-06
Okinawa Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum (Okinawa) Security Analysis of Ring-LWE Using a Dynamic Block-Variable BKW Algorithm
Kenjiro Hirose, Atsuko Miyaji, Shinya Okumura (Osaka Univ.)
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2025-03-06
Okinawa Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum (Okinawa) A method for establishing the probability of linear approximation with non-independence in the stream cipher ChaCha
Atsuki Nagai, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.)
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2025-03-06
Okinawa Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum (Okinawa) Feasibility Study on Machine Learning Applications for Privacy-Protected Image Data
Tomoshi Yagishita (Osaka Univ.), Pierre Boudvillain (IMT Nord Europe), Yuki Hyohdoh (Kochi University), Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.)
WBS, ISEC, IT, RCC 2025-03-05
Osaka Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University (Osaka) Improved Linear Approximation Formula for the Stream Cipher Salsa
Asahi Oishi, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.)
WBS, ISEC, IT, RCC 2025-03-05
Osaka Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University (Osaka) Examination of Defense Methods Against Membership Inference Attacks
Kenta Okada, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ)
WBS, ISEC, IT, RCC 2025-03-06
Osaka Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University (Osaka) Proposal of Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof using Lattice-Based Polynomial Commitment
Toshiyuki Mineta, Yurie Okada, Akira Fujimoto (OU), Hideaki Miyaji (Ritsumei), Atsuko Miyaji (OU)
WBS, ISEC, IT, RCC 2025-03-06
Osaka Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University (Osaka) Construction of BLS Signatures Without Random Oracles Using Linear Hash Functions
Kodai Hayashida, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.)
WBS, ISEC, IT, RCC 2025-03-06
Osaka Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University (Osaka) Possibility of Cryptography Using Ring-LWE Over Function Fields
Sayumi Shibata, Shinya Okumura, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.)
WBS, ISEC, IT, RCC 2025-03-06
Osaka Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University (Osaka) Analysis of the χ^2-Attack on the Module-LWE Problem in the Dual Space and its Comparison with Ring-LWE
Sosuke Funatsu, Atsuko Miyaji, Shinya Okumura (OU)
SITE, LOIS, ISEC 2024-11-14
- 2024-11-15
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) Analysis of Linear Approximations in the Stream Cipher ChaCha
Atsuki Nagai, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.)
ChaCha is the only stream cipher adopted in TLS1.3 and is standardized.
In the differential-linear cryptanalysis of Cha... [more]

SITE, LOIS, ISEC 2024-11-15
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) Proposal for a multiple signature protocol based on Musig2 with addable signers
Katsuhiro Sato, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ) ISEC2024-85 SITE2024-82 LOIS2024-49
 [more] ISEC2024-85 SITE2024-82 LOIS2024-49
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2024-03-21
Okinawa OIST (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Considerations on Differential Privacy Mechanisms in MNIST
Naoki Kawahara, Pengxuan Wei, Ryunosuke Higashi, Kenta Okada, Tatsuhiro Yamatsuki, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.) ICSS2023-79
In recent years, data utilization technologies, including machine learning, have been steadily advancing. One means of p... [more] ICSS2023-79
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2024-03-22
Okinawa OIST (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Improved signature-embedding techniques against backdoor attacks on DNN models
Akira Fujimoto, Yuntao Wang, Atsuko Miyaji (OU) ICSS2023-87
In recent years, machine learning, particularly deep learning, has made remarkable strides, and has great impact on our ... [more] ICSS2023-87
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2024-03-22
Okinawa OIST (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Fast and Secure Scalar Multiplication for the GLS254 Binary Elliptic Curve
Ryosuke Kido, Atsuko Miyaji (OU) ICSS2023-94
Elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECCs) are cryptographic schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem on an elliptic cur... [more] ICSS2023-94
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2024-03-22
Okinawa OIST (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Extension of the linear approximation for stream cipher ChaCha
Yurie Okada, Atsuko Miyaji (OU) ICSS2023-95
(To be available after the conference date) [more] ICSS2023-95
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2024-03-13
- 2024-03-14
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Suita Campus) (Osaka) Study on the computatinal cost of Triple Sieve algorithm by applying in ideal property
Seishiro Terada, Yuntao Wang, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.) IT2023-100 ISEC2023-99 WBS2023-88 RCC2023-82
 [more] IT2023-100 ISEC2023-99 WBS2023-88 RCC2023-82
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2024-03-13
- 2024-03-14
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Suita Campus) (Osaka) Consideration on Definition Field for Efficient Ring-LWE Problem
Rintaro Yamada, Shinya Okumura, Atsuko Miyaji (OU) IT2023-99 ISEC2023-98 WBS2023-87 RCC2023-81
Currently, as one of the candidates for the post-quantum cryptography, there are cryptosystems based on the difficulty o... [more] IT2023-99 ISEC2023-98 WBS2023-87 RCC2023-81
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2024-03-13
- 2024-03-14
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Suita Campus) (Osaka) Proposal of Methods to Detect Backdoor Attacks Using Signature Embedding Techniques
Shintaro Yamashita, Wang Yuntao, Atsuko Miyaji (OU) IT2023-126 ISEC2023-125 WBS2023-114 RCC2023-108
 [more] IT2023-126 ISEC2023-125 WBS2023-114 RCC2023-108
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2024-03-13
- 2024-03-14
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Suita Campus) (Osaka) Data processing methods for high-performance Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
Tatsuhiro Yamatsuki (Osaka Univ.), Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ./JAIST) IT2023-94 ISEC2023-93 WBS2023-82 RCC2023-76
Currently, attempts are being made in various fields to solve problems by utilizing big data. However, privacy protectio... [more] IT2023-94 ISEC2023-93 WBS2023-82 RCC2023-76
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