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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 29  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ICM, LOIS 2025-01-16
Kumamoto Kumamoto City International Center (Kumamoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Additional Implementation of TMT and Feedback Function to the Drawing Inspection Application EVIDENT
Keisuke Yoshida (Kobe Univ.), Sachio Saiki (Kochi Univ. of Tech), Atsushi Sato (Aichi Shukutoku Univ.), Naoki Kodama (Niigata Univ. of Health and Welfare), Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.) ICM2024-25 LOIS2024-58
Japan’s super-aging society has exacerbated the shortage of healthcare workers. The increasing number of dementia patien... [more] ICM2024-25 LOIS2024-58
SC, KBSE 2024-11-09
Kochi Kochi-City Culture Plaza CUL-PORT (Kochi) Conducting a mass testing experiment using the drawing test app EVIDENT and exploratory data analysis
Keisuke Yoshida, Shun Hirai (Kobe Univ.), Sachio Saiki (Kochi Univ. of Tech), Atsushi Sato (Aichi Shukutoku Univ.), Naoki Kodama (Niigata Univ. of Health and Welfare), Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.) KBSE2024-37 SC2024-40
With Japan's aging population, the shortage of healthcare workers and the rising number of dementia patients have made e... [more] KBSE2024-37 SC2024-40
Hokkaido Hokkaido Citizens Activities Promotion Center (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Lecture] A Study on Time Series Analysis Method and LLM Application in Customer Support
Yoshiki Hayashi, Akihiro Chiba, Atsushi Toyama (NTT DOCOMO), Tetsuya Shioda, Yuuki Taniguchi (NTT), Hiroki Asai (NTT DOCOMO), Rin Kan (NTT), Takuya Kobayashi, Aogu Yamada, Gaku Ishikura, Ayaka Ueda, Satoshi Konishi (NTT DOCOMO), Hisashi Kurasawa, Junji Tomita (NTT), Atsushi Sato (NTT DOCOMO) SeMI2024-29
To provide fine-tuned support tailored to each customer, companies need to understand needs and issues from customer inf... [more] SeMI2024-29
LOIS 2024-03-14
Okinawa Okinawa Pref Danjyo-Kyoudou-Sankaku Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Adaptation for Group Assessment in Drawing Process-Based Cognitive Function Testing Application
Keisuke Yoshida (Kobe Univ.), Sachio Saiki (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Naoki Kodama (Niigata Univ. of Health and Welfare), Atsushi Sato (Aichi Shukutoku Univ.), Chen Sinan, Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.) LOIS2023-60
Japan faces a surge in dementia patients amid its super-aging society, emphasizing the need for regular group cognitive ... [more] LOIS2023-60
SeMI, IPSJ-UBI, IPSJ-MBL 2024-03-01
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) A Study on Time Series Analysis Method and LLM Application in Customer Support
Yoshiki Hayashi, Akihiro Chiba, Atsushi Toyama (NTT DOCOMO,), Tetsuya Shioda, Yuuki Taniguchi (NTT), Hiroki Asai (NTT DOCOMO,), Rin Kan (NTT), Takuya Kobayashi, Aogu Yamada, Gaku Ishikura, Ayaka Ueda, Satoshi Konishi (NTT DOCOMO,), Hisashi Kurasawa, Junji Tomita (NTT), Atsushi Sato (NTT DOCOMO,) SeMI2023-83
To provide fine-tuned support tailored to each customer, companies need to understand needs and issues from customer inf... [more] SeMI2023-83
SS 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) Developing a Platform for the Digitalization of Cognitive Screening Tests Based on Drawing Process
Ryukichi Sekimoto (Kobe Univ.), Sachio Saiki (KUT), Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.), Naoki Kodama (NUHW), Atsushi Sato (GCH) SS2021-67
We propose and implement EVIDENT (Extraction and Visualization Interface of Drawing Execution in Neuropsychological Test... [more] SS2021-67
Online Online (Online) Microwave Blood Pressure Estimation Using Machine Learning
Kota Sasaki, Naoki Honma, Kentaro Murata, Morio Iwai, Koichiro Kobayashi (Iwate Univ.), Atsushi Sato (EQUOS RESEARCH) AP2021-27 SANE2021-17
This report proposes and experimentally assesses a non-contact blood pressure estimation method using a microwave and KN... [more] AP2021-27 SANE2021-17
pp.19-24(AP), pp.12-17(SANE)
SRW 2021-06-21
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Adaptive Array Algorithm for Vital-Sign Detection Suitable for Low Microwave Band
Naoki Honma, Kentaro Murata, Morio Iwai, koichiro Kobayashi (Iwate Univ.), Atsushi Sato (EQUOS RESEARCH) SRW2021-11
 [more] SRW2021-11
KBSE, SC 2020-11-14
Online Online + Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Online, Tokyo)
(Primary: Online, Secondary: On-site)
Implementing Visualization Interface EVIDENT of Drawing Execution in Neuropsychological Tests
Ryukichi Sekimoto, Sachio Saiki, Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.), Naoki Kodama (NUHW), Atsushi Sato (NUR) KBSE2020-27 SC2020-31
 [more] KBSE2020-27 SC2020-31
SC 2020-03-16
Online Online (Online) EVIDENT: Extraction and Visualization Interface of Drawing Execution in Neuropsychological Tests
Ryukichi Sekimoto, Sachio Saiki, Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.), Naoki Kodama (NUHW), Atsushi Sato (NUR) SC2019-36
In order to support health professionals and clinical psychologists to understand the execution process of
neuropsycho... [more]
Saga Saga Univ. (Saga) [Invited Lecture] Simultaneous Heartbeat Detection of Multiple Targets Using Amplitude Equivalent Component in Pseudo-Arctangent Demodulation
Shun Hasebe, Naoki Honma, Koichiro Kobayashi, Morio Iwai (Iwate Univ.), Atsushi Sato (EQR) AP2019-135 RCS2019-230
In this report, we investigate a simultaneous heartbeat detection method of multiple targets using a MIMO (Multiple-Inpu... [more] AP2019-135 RCS2019-230
pp.157-162(AP), pp.151-156(RCS)
IEE-CMN, EMM, LOIS, IE, ITE-ME [detail] 2018-09-28
Oita Beppu Int'l Convention Ctr. aka B-CON Plaza (Oita) [Invited Talk] Machine Learning for Extracting Value from Limited Data
Atsushi Sato (NEC)
ICM 2013-07-12
Hokkaido Future University Hakodate (Hokkaido) [Encouragement Talk] A Study of the Resource Management Method on an OSGi-based Application Platform
Yukio Koike, Yushi Kuroda, Yukikuni Nishida, Taishi Yahara, Daisuke Minoura, Atsushi Sato (NTT) ICM2013-18
To manage smart home services effectively, we have developed a software management platform based on OSGi technology. Mu... [more] ICM2013-18
ICM 2013-03-15
Kagoshima Yakushima Environmental Culture Village Center (Kagoshima) A Study of the CPU Resource Management Method on an OSGi-based Application Platform
Yukio Koike, Taishi Yahara, Daisuke Minoura, Atsushi Sato (NTT) ICM2012-67
The OSGi/Java application execution environment is executed normally in one process. The environment can’t control CPU r... [more] ICM2012-67
Okinawa Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel (Okinawa) A Study of Controlling Data Usage Level by Adjusting Demands between a Sensor Data Provider and Users
Keisuke Tsunoda, Yukio Koike, Taishi Yahara, Daisuke Minoura, Atsushi Sato (NTT) IN2012-170
In this paper, we developed the method to control the usage level of sensor data by adjusting demands between a sensor d... [more] IN2012-170
ISEC, LOIS 2012-11-21
Shizuoka Shizuoka City Industry-University Exchange Center (Shizuoka) A study of the human resource allocation on the cooperation system of life support services
Mizue Hayashi (NTT), Yoshiyuki Mihara (NTT WEST), Atsushi Nakadaira, Manabu Okamoto, Takefumi Yamazaki, Atsushi Sato (NTT) ISEC2012-62 LOIS2012-37
ICT is being used, but not effectively, in various life support services as health consultation and observation in home-... [more] ISEC2012-62 LOIS2012-37
TL 2012-07-21
Yamagata Yamagata University (Yamagata) [Poster Presentation] When is the object relative clause easier to process than the subject relative clause?
Atsushi Sato (Nanzan Univ.), Baris Kahraman (Canakkale Univ.), Hiromu Sakai (Hiroshima Univ.) TL2012-17
 [more] TL2012-17
ICM 2012-03-16
Okinawa Dan-jo Kyoudou Sankaku Center (Okinawa) A Study of the Device Management Method for the Appliance Cooperation among Multiple Homes
Yukio Koike, Hideaki Takada, Daisuke Minoura, Atsushi Sato (NTT) ICM2011-63
Due to the diversity and rapid change of home network, it is getting difficult to provide ICT services to users amang mu... [more] ICM2011-63
LOIS 2012-03-09
Okinawa Meio Univ. (Okinawa) A Study of the Distributed Resource Management for the Appliance Cooperation among Multiple Homes
Hideaki Takada, Atsushi Nakadaira, Yukio Koike, Takafumi Mukouchi, Manabu Okamoto, Atsushi Sato (NTT) LOIS2011-109
We proposed the method of distributing computing resource flexibly for the appliance cooperation among multiple homes. W... [more] LOIS2011-109
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2011-09-05
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Learning of Kernel Classfier based on General Loss Minimization
Masato Ishii, Atsushi Sato (NEC) PRMU2011-61 IBISML2011-20
This paper presents a new method for learning kernel classifiers. First, we formulate a novel learning scheme called ``G... [more] PRMU2011-61 IBISML2011-20
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