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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
LOIS 2025-03-19
Okinawa Miyakojima-Shi Chuo-Komin-Kan (Okinawa) Verification of the Time-Reduction Effect of Delegating Semi-Emergency Patients to Private Emergency Services
Shota Fukuda, Chen Sinan (Kobe Univ.), Sachio Saiki (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.)
SS 2025-03-12
Kagoshima (Kagoshima) Building and evaluating machine learning-based fine-grained emergency demand forecasting models using large-scale emergency data
Kaneda Masaki, Chen Sinan (Kobe Univ.), Saiki Sachio (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.)
SC, KBSE 2024-11-08
Kochi Kochi-City Culture Plaza CUL-PORT (Kochi) Feasibility Evaluation of Episodic Memory Recall Support Service Using Time-Series Event Logs
Raiki Saito, Chen Sinan, Nakamura Masahide (Kobe Univ.), Sachio Saiki (Kochi Univ. of Tech) KBSE2024-23 SC2024-26
Japan's super-aging society is progressing, and the accompanying increase in the number of dementia patients has become ... [more] KBSE2024-23 SC2024-26
KBSE 2024-03-15
Okinawa Okinawa Prefectual General Welfare Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Long-Term Fine-grained Forecasts of Emergency Demand Using EMS Big Data and Regional Mesh Population Estimates
Kaneda Masaki, Chen Sinan, Nakamura Masahide (Kobe Univ.), SaikiSachio (Kochi Univ. of Tech.) KBSE2023-81
In recent years, Japan has grappled with a rapidly aging population, leading to pressing issues in emergency medical car... [more] KBSE2023-81
KBSE 2024-03-15
Okinawa Okinawa Prefectual General Welfare Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Evaluating Recognition AI and Personal Memories Using Time-Series Images in Daily Activities
Raiki Saito, Chen Sinan, Nakamura Masahide (Kobe Univ.), Saiki Sachio (Kochi Univ. of Tech.) KBSE2023-82
Japan is facing the challenge of an aging society with a significant increase in the number of dementia patients, making... [more] KBSE2023-82
LOIS 2024-03-14
Okinawa Okinawa Pref Danjyo-Kyoudou-Sankaku Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Adaptation for Group Assessment in Drawing Process-Based Cognitive Function Testing Application
Keisuke Yoshida (Kobe Univ.), Sachio Saiki (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Naoki Kodama (Niigata Univ. of Health and Welfare), Atsushi Sato (Aichi Shukutoku Univ.), Chen Sinan, Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.) LOIS2023-60
Japan faces a surge in dementia patients amid its super-aging society, emphasizing the need for regular group cognitive ... [more] LOIS2023-60
SS 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) Experimental Evaluation of Inferring Software Description Using Project Corpus
Kohei Terakawa, Chen Sinan, Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.) SS2021-57
Software developed in the past is gradually discontinued over time.However, the source code of such software contains a ... [more] SS2021-57
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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