Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
AP, MW (Joint) |
2024-09-19 13:35 |
Kagawa |
Takamatsu Chamber of commerce (Kagawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Derivation of Field and Line Equation for Rectangular Waveguide LSM Mode Hsu, Jui-Pang, Takaharu Hiraoka, Chun-Ping Chen (Kanagawa Univ.) MW2024-83 |
[more] |
MW2024-83 pp.1-6 |
AP, MW (Joint) |
2024-09-19 15:00 |
Kagawa |
Takamatsu Chamber of commerce (Kagawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Inductive Window based on Mode Expansion and Point Matching Method Takaharu Hiraoka, Chun-Ping Chen, Hsu, Jui-Pang (Kanagawa Univ.) MW2024-84 |
[more] |
MW2024-84 pp.7-12 |
MW, EMT, OPE, MWPTHz, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] |
2024-07-11 14:55 |
Hokkaido |
otaru-shimin-kaikan (Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Theoretical Design of Quasi-Millimeter-Wave Dual-band Bandpass Filter using MPhC Resonators Xilin Zhang, Chun-Ping Chen, Takaharu Hiraoka, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) EMT2024-29 MW2024-53 OPE2024-32 EST2024-30 MWPTHz2024-36 |
Metallic photonic crystal (M-PhC) structures composed of a periodic array of low-loss printed circuit board (PCB) via ho... [more] |
EMT2024-29 MW2024-53 OPE2024-32 EST2024-30 MWPTHz2024-36 pp.108-113 |
MW, EMCJ, EST, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2023-10-19 09:00 |
Yamagata |
Yamagata University (Yamagata, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Study on Coaxial-Probe-Based Measurement Method for EM-parameters of Absorbers on a Cylinder Surface Sho Kato, Chun-Ping Chen, Takaharu Hiraoka, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) EMCJ2023-35 MW2023-89 EST2023-62 |
With the development of wireless communication technology, a wide range of objects can be connected to the Internet, fac... [more] |
EMCJ2023-35 MW2023-89 EST2023-62 pp.1-6 |
MW, EMCJ, EST, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2023-10-19 09:20 |
Yamagata |
Yamagata University (Yamagata, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Study on Design of BPF Using Metal Photonic Crystal Structure with an Inserted Dielectric Layer Ming Wang, chun-ping Chen, Sho Kato, Takaharu Hiraoka, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) EMCJ2023-36 MW2023-90 EST2023-63 |
A Study on Design of BPF Using Metal Photonic Crystal Structure with an Inserted Dielectric Layer
Ming ... [more] |
EMCJ2023-36 MW2023-90 EST2023-63 pp.7-11 |
MW |
2022-06-09 13:35 |
Nagano |
Naganoken Nokyo Building (Nagano, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Efficient Design of Hexagonal-Lattice Metallic Photonic Crystal Bandpass Filter Liangchao JIang, Chun-Ping Chen, Jiaxing Fan, Ming Wang, Takaharu Hiraoka, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ) MW2022-23 |
[more] |
MW2022-23 pp.1-6 |
MW |
2021-12-16 13:25 |
Kanagawa |
Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Hall (Kanagawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Fast and Wideband Measurement of the Complex EM-Parameters of Absorbers with Open-ended Coaxial Probe Hao Wu, Chun-Ping Chen, Liangchao Jiang, Jiaxing Fan, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) MW2021-88 |
In recent years, to keep up with the rapid increase in base stations and ever-growing bandwidth usage and speed requirem... [more] |
MW2021-88 pp.19-24 |
EST, MW, EMCJ, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2021-10-08 14:55 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
A Study on Fast Nondestructive Measurement of the Complex EM-parameters of Absorbers Hao Wu, Chun-Ping Chen, Liangchao Jiang, Jiaxing Fan, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) EMCJ2021-51 MW2021-63 EST2021-53 |
Due to the intrinsic merits such as wideband and nondestructiveness, open-ended-probes are widely used for the measureme... [more] |
EMCJ2021-51 MW2021-63 EST2021-53 pp.118-122 |
MW |
2020-11-19 15:00 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Theoretical Design of Wideband Bandpass Filter with Transmission Zeroes Hang Sun, Chun-Ping Chen, Erika Katsuno, Hao Wu, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) MW2020-69 |
This paper proposes a quasi-elliptical wideband filter with steep skirt characteristics by combining short-circuited-stu... [more] |
MW2020-69 pp.23-28 |
MW |
2020-03-05 15:45 |
Kochi |
Kochi City Culture-Plaza CUL=PORT (Kochi) (Cancelled but technical report was issued) |
Efficient Design Approach of Metallic Photonic Crystal Bandpass Filter using Off-Centered Post-Wall Irises for 5G Applications Erika Katsuno, Chun-Ping Chen, Tetsuo Anada, Takenobu Tsuchiya, Norimichi Watanabe (Kanagawa Univ.) MW2019-149 |
A metallic photonic crystal (M-PhC) structure, consisting of a periodic array of via holes in a low-loss printed circuit... [more] |
MW2019-149 pp.53-58 |
EMCJ, MW, EST, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2019-10-25 14:25 |
Miyagi |
Tohoku Gakuin University(Conf. Room 2, Eng. Bldg. 1) (Miyagi) |
Design of Band-Pass Filters with Inductive Posts using Metallic Photonic Crystal Waveguide in Quasi-Millimeter-Wave Band Erika Katsuno, Chun-Ping Chen, Tomomasa Sato, Zhejun Zhang, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) EMCJ2019-63 MW2019-92 EST2019-71 |
(To be available after the conference date) [more] |
EMCJ2019-63 MW2019-92 EST2019-71 pp.151-156 |
MW, EST, OPE, MWP, EMT, IEE-EMT, THz [detail] |
2019-07-18 10:50 |
Hokkaido |
Hakodate City Central Library (Hokkaido) |
Design of silicon-based polarization converter using an asymmetric slot-waveguide Zejun Zhang (Kanagawa Univ.), Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. Tech.), Masashi Eguchi (Chitose Inst. Sci. Tech.), Chun-ping Chen (Kanagawa Univ.) EMT2019-22 MW2019-35 OPE2019-26 EST2019-24 MWP2019-22 |
In this study, a compact L-shaped polarization converter (PC) based on asymmetrical slotted silicon waveguides has been ... [more] |
EMT2019-22 MW2019-35 OPE2019-26 EST2019-24 MWP2019-22 pp.97-100 |
MW, EST, OPE, MWP, EMT, IEE-EMT, THz [detail] |
2019-07-19 12:40 |
Hokkaido |
Hakodate City Central Library (Hokkaido) |
Theoretical Design of K-band MPhC Band-Pass Filters based on Coupling Matrix Synthesis Erika Katsuno, Chun-Ping Chen, Tomomasa Sato, Zejun Zhang, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) EMT2019-37 MW2019-50 OPE2019-41 EST2019-39 MWP2019-37 |
The metallic photonic crystal (MPhC) structure has provided a very attractive platform to design of various high-frequen... [more] |
EMT2019-37 MW2019-50 OPE2019-41 EST2019-39 MWP2019-37 pp.177-182 |
PN, EMT, OPE, EST, MWP, LQE, IEE-EMT [detail] |
2019-01-17 14:45 |
Osaka |
Osaka University Nakanoshima Center (Osaka) |
A Study on Theoretical Design of Switchable Filter using Microwave Switching Elements Daisuke Tetsuda, Chun-Ping Chen, Zejun Zhang, Tetsuo Anada (KU) PN2018-50 EMT2018-84 OPE2018-159 LQE2018-169 EST2018-97 MWP2018-68 |
Recently, in order to realize next-generation communication system(5G) and IoT(Internet of things), new RF/microwave dev... [more] |
PN2018-50 EMT2018-84 OPE2018-159 LQE2018-169 EST2018-97 MWP2018-68 pp.113-118 |
MW |
2018-12-13 09:45 |
Kanagawa |
Kanagawa Univ. (Kanagawa) |
Simulation and Measurement of Metallic Photonic Crystal Point-Defect-Cavity with Air-gap Chenglong Xie, Chun-Ping Chen, Zejun Zhang, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) MW2018-114 |
A conventional metallic photonic crystal (M-PhC) structure is constructed by a periodic arrangement of metallic rods in ... [more] |
MW2018-114 pp.1-5 |
MW |
2018-12-13 10:45 |
Kanagawa |
Kanagawa Univ. (Kanagawa) |
A Study on Bandpass to All-Stop Switchable Filter using Microwave Switching Element Daisuke Tetsuda, Chun-Ping Chen, Zejun Zhang, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) MW2018-116 |
A novel bandpass-to-all-stop switchable wideband filter composed of short-ended stubs and modified parallelcoupled-lines... [more] |
MW2018-116 pp.13-18 |
EST, MW, EMCJ, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2018-10-19 10:45 |
Aomori |
Hachinohe Chamber of Commerce and Industry(Hachinohe city, Aomori) (Aomori) |
Theoretical Design of Inline Bandpass Filter Consisting of Metallic PhC Point-Defect Resonators Chenglong Xie, Chun-Ping Chen, Zejun Zhang, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) EMCJ2018-49 MW2018-85 EST2018-71 |
This paper presents a systematic synthesis procedure for M-PhC(Metallic Photonic Crystal) BPFs(bandpass filters) in THz ... [more] |
EMCJ2018-49 MW2018-85 EST2018-71 pp.95-99 |
2018-09-06 13:55 |
Okinawa |
Kumejima-machi, Okinawa (Okinawa) |
Analysis of polarization converter based on square lattice photonic crystal fiber Zejun Zhang (Kanagawa Univ.), Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. Tech.), Masashi Eguchi (Chitose Inst. Sci. Tech.), Chun-ping Chen (Kanagawa Univ.) EST2018-46 |
In this study, a polarization converter (PC) based on square lattice photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with double-hole unit ... [more] |
EST2018-46 pp.23-26 |
EST, MW, OPE, MWP, EMT, IEE-EMT, THz [detail] |
2018-07-19 11:00 |
Hokkaido |
(Hokkaido) |
Study on polarization rotator based on square lattice photonic crystal fiber with double-hole unit Zejun Zhang (Kanagawa Univ.), Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. Tech.), Masashi Eguchi (Chitose Inst. Sci. Tech.), Chun-ping Chen (Kanagawa Univ.) EMT2018-9 MW2018-24 OPE2018-12 EST2018-7 MWP2018-8 |
[more] |
EMT2018-9 MW2018-24 OPE2018-12 EST2018-7 MWP2018-8 pp.19-22 |
EST, MW, OPE, MWP, EMT, IEE-EMT, THz [detail] |
2018-07-19 15:50 |
Hokkaido |
(Hokkaido) |
Design of Narrowband Band-Pass Filters with Inductive Posts using Metallic Photonic Crystal Waveguide in Quasi-Millimeter-Wave Band Totomasa Satou, Chenglong Xie, Chun-Ping Chen, Zhejun Zhang, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.) EMT2018-31 MW2018-46 OPE2018-34 EST2018-29 MWP2018-30 |
The metallic photonic crystal (MPhC) structure has provided a very attractive platform to design of various filters with... [more] |
EMT2018-31 MW2018-46 OPE2018-34 EST2018-29 MWP2018-30 pp.131-136 |